A customisable, fully responsive grid system with multiple breakpoints that we use for multiple Erskine projects.
For implementing this module into a project take a look at the docs.
- Fluid grid with fixed gutters.
- Multiple breakpoints for fine control over responsive components.
- Breakpoint specific grid columns.
- Push grid columns left or right and center smaller columns.
- No .clear, .start, .end or .last classes.
- Sass
- Compass
- Breakpoint
- [] Add support for older browsers that don’t parse REM units with Compass.
- Use the latest release of Breakpoint.
- Set breakpoints with Sass maps. This way we won’t need to loop over the respond-to mixin over and over again.
- Set colors to specific breakpoints (ie. medium == red, large == blue, etc.)
- Shorten the length of grid column class names to g--12--medium.
- Place underscores in front of variables / mixins that are not global.
- Need to turn off certain parts of the grid system by default. We need some kind of directory structure for a module’s settings, config and imports.
- Griddle by Nicholas Gallagher
- csswizardry-grid by Harry Roberts
- Better, simpler grid systems by Phil Walton