Custom version of NS-3 and specified version of ndnSIM needs to be installed.
The code should also work with the latest version of ndnSIM, but it is not guaranteed.
mkdir ndnSIM
cd ndnSIM
git clone ns-3
git clone pybindgen
git clone -b ndnSIM-2.3 --recursive ns-3/src/ndnSIM
# Build and install NS-3 and ndnSIM
cd ns-3
./waf configure -d optimized
sudo ./waf install
# When using Linux, run
# sudo ldconfig
# When using Freebsd, run
# sudo ldconfig -a
cd ..
git clone my-simulations
cd my-simulations
./waf configure
./waf --run scenario
After which you can proceed to compile and run the code
For more information how to install NS-3 and ndnSIM, please refer to website.
To configure in optimized mode without logging (default):
./waf configure
To configure in optimized mode with scenario logging enabled (logging in NS-3 and ndnSIM modules will still be disabled, but you can see output from NS_LOG* calls from your scenarios and extensions):
./waf configure --logging
To configure in debug mode with all logging enabled
./waf configure --debug
If you have installed NS-3 in a non-standard location, you may need to set up PKG_CONFIG_PATH
Normally, you can run scenarios either directly
or using waf
./waf --run <scenario_name>
If NS-3 is installed in a non-standard location, on some platforms (e.g., Linux) you need to specify LD_LIBRARY_PATH
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib ./build/<scenario_name>
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib ./waf --run <scenario_name>
To run scenario using debugger, use the following command:
gdb --args ./build/<scenario_name>
There are several tricks to run scenarios in visualizer. Before you can do it, you need to set up environment variables for python to find visualizer module. The easiest way to do it using the following commands:
cd ns-dev/ns-3
./waf shell
After these command, you will have complete environment to run the vizualizer.
The following will run scenario with visualizer:
./waf --run <scenario_name> --vis
PKG_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib ./waf --run <scenario_name> --vis
If you want to request automatic node placement, set up additional environment variable:
NS_VIS_ASSIGN=1 ./waf --run <scenario_name> --vis
PKG_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib NS_VIS_ASSIGN=1 ./waf --run <scenario_name> --vis