apps config
- global
- catppuccin colorscheme
- alacritty (mostly default, fonts and cursor changed)
- conky
stolen- + fortune cookie
- neovim
- mostly default LazyVim
- added the following plugins:
- check /configs/.config/nvim/lua/plugins/user.lua for more plugins
- nwg-launchers
- nwgbar
- used for powermenu
- nwgdmenu
- not used
- nwggrid
- rarely used
- nwgbar
- qtile:
- Apps tied to specific groups
- Mouse bindings for every widget
- Keybindings for every freakin' program
- Layouts that just make sense
- Sensible picom config
- reflector: the best config for my location and capabilities
- rofi:
- run, drun, window list
- zathura:
- clean af UI
- zsh:
stolenfrom Kali Linux and added some stuff over time:- .zshenv:
- env vars for $HOME cleaning
- nvidia env vars (fuck nvidia)
- random env vars
- aliases
- cleanup some systemd mess
- .zshrc:
- setopts that just make sense
- keybindings, completions, prompt
- .zshenv:
- global
57 scripts that each do one thing only (KISS UNIX philosophy): bin