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Customer Meeting, Wednesday, 03.10.2012

meilae edited this page Oct 14, 2012 · 7 revisions

Requirements for next week:

  • As an authenticated user, I can change my password. (1/2 Point)

  • As a seller, I can enter (1/2 Point) and edit (1/2 Point) items that are "inactive". Acceptance criteria: items can have a title, a price, and a description (1/2 Point)

  • User and item can have a photo. (1 Point)

  • As a seller, I can turn "inactive" items into "active" items to sell. As a seller, I can turn "active" items into "inactive" items to edit them. (1/2 Point)

  • As a seller, I can delete my own item. (1/2 Point)

  • As a user, my password is enscrypted. (1/2 Point)

In Total: 4 Point

Deadline: Wednesday, 10.10.2012

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