This repository contains a testbed to perform and detect Person in The Middle (PiTM) attack on a Distributed Energy Resources (DER) system that uses SunSpec Modbus specification.
The testbed is composed of 4 virtual nodes:
- sunspec-battery: Lithium-ion Battery Bank SunSpec model number 803
- sunspec-hmi: Human Machine Interface (HMI)
- sunspec-kali: kali linux image to perform de attack
- sunspec-snort: kali linux image to performa de detection
In this attack, the communication between the HMI (sunspec-HMI) and the Battery (sunspec-battery) is intercepted by the attacker (sunspec-kali). Messages sent from the battery to the HMI are modified by replacing the original temperature values with fake values created by the attacker. Then, the Intrusion Detection System (sunspec-snort) detects the attack raising an alarm.
The SunSpec client/server code is a derivative work of the code from TRICERA-enery, which is licensed Apache-2.0.
- Start the containers
docker-compose build
docker-compose up
- Open the hmi browser page
firefox http://localhost:8080/
- Connect to sunspec-snort and start the detection
docker exec -ti sunspec-snort bash
snort -i br-07f3d23ed18d -c /etc/snort/snort.conf -A console
NOTE: br-07f3d23ed18d is the network interface
- Connect to sunspec-kali container and execute the attack
docker exec -ti sunspec-kali bash
Now, you will display the new temperature value (-10) in the browser page.
It will be also displayed alerts in the IDS console
- Connect to sunspec-kali container and stop the attack
docker exec -ti sunspec-kali bash
The real temperature value transmitted (30) will be again displayed in the browser page