CLI command to compress javascript, css, scss at once. Based on json file to map which files to compress and where to save the result
- install npm (Node Package Manager) = []
- install this package
npm install -g esoftplay-packer
You have to use terminal, see the usage example below:
pack [option] [source] [destination]
pack [option] directory/where/tosave/config.js
pack [option] path/to/file/javascript.js
pack [option] path/to/file/style.css
pack [option] path/to/file/javascript.js path/destination/output.min.js
pack [option] path/to/file/style.css path/destination/output.min.css
this will result jsfilename.min.js :
pack [option] path/to/file/jsfilename.js ./
this will result cssfilename.min.css :
pack [option] path/to/file/cssfilename.css ./
- no-option = You can use this command in any directory with
file inside, so you don't need to use any argument - -c --compress = Deep compression method to optimize the size, make sure the code is clean with no errors
- -u --unpack = Unpack the compress file which is already compressed. only work for single file per command
- -w --watch = Watch for changes on sources, the packer will be executed each time the file is accessed
- -h --help = Display help
module.exports = {
source: "/absolute/path/source/", // determine source path, without this key system will consider in the same directory where this file is placed
dest: {
path: __dirname + "/destination/", // determine the destination path if it's the same as the source then empty it or don't use this key
css: "style.min.css", // specify the compressed filename of all css and scss then save the file in dest.path + "css/", default value is 'style.css'
js: "script.min.js" // specify the compressed filename of js files then save the file in dest.path + "jss/", default value is 'script.js'
jscompress : 2, // 1=uglify, 2=packer (compression method)
jsnocheck : 0, // 1=direct compress, 0=check before compress
watch : 0, // 1=Watch for changes, 0=Exit after compress
script: { // additional code to execute before or after execution
code: "", // what script to execute
file: "" // filename to execute
css: [ // retrieve all css along with scss files to compress into one single file as name which is determine in dest.path+"css/"+dest.css
"./relatif/path/to/style2.css", // you can also use ../../ to point which file you want to process
scss: [ // retrieve all scss along with css files to compress into one single file as name which is determine in dest.path+"css/"+dest.css
font: [ // retrieve all files to copy into dest.path+"fonts/"
"relatif/path/to/fonts/*", // use single star like * to process file only
"/absolute/path/to/fonts/**" // use double star like ** to process recursively
js: [ // retrieve all javascript files to compress into one single file as name which is determine in dest.path+"js/"+dest.js
copy: { // collect all files to copy or compress
"css": [ // these files will be placed in dest.path+"css/"
"relatifORabsolute/path/to/style.css", // copy as the same name
{ // example how to copy and compress the file as different filename $destination_file : $source_file
"style.min.css": "relatifORabsolute/path/to/style.css",
"js": [ // these files will be placed in dest.path+"js/"
"relatifORabsolute/path/to/script.js", // copy as the same name
{ // example how to copy and compress the file as different filename $destination_file : $source_file
"script.min.js": "relatifORabsolute/path/to/script.js"
"img": [ // copy these files without any compression method and place them in dest.path+"img/"
"relatif/path/to/img.jpg",// copy a single file
"./relatif/path/to/*", // use single star like * to process file only
"/absolute/path/to/**", // use double star like ** to process recursively
{ // example how to copy file as different filename $destination_file : $source_file
"othername.jpg": "relatifORabsolute/path/to/anyname.jpg"
// , "anyfoldername":[... same as above ...]