Allows users to ignore other users and hide their posts.
Download or clone the Ignore plugin repo into your esoTalk plugin directory:
cd ESOTALK_DIR/addons/plugins/
git clone Ignore
Navigate to the the admin/plugins page and activate the Ignore plugin.
Create definitions.Ignore.php
in your language pack with the following definitions:
$definitions["Unignore"] = "Unignore";
$definitions["Unignore member"] = "Unignore member";
$definitions["Ignore member"] = "Ignore member";
$definitions["Ignored"] = "Ignored";
$definitions["Ignored"] = "Ignored";
$definitions["message.noIgnoredMembers"] = "You haven't ignored any members. To ignore a member, go to their profile and choose <strong>Controls → Ignore member</strong>.";