- Clone the repository git://github.com/feroda/django-exercises-timetracker.git
- Open your own branch
- Complete the model
- Provide a basic admin interface
- Create groups workers, managers. Managers has permission to add/change CostHolder, workers only to add/change Activity
- Create a bunch of (staff) users of both groups
- Export fixtures
- Add them as fixtures NOT to be loaded at initial syncdb
- Document it in DEMO section of INSTALL.rst
- Custom model: at each time a user MUST have an EMPTY activity for each project he belongs to
- Custom admin interface: make activities editable in changelist
- Custom admin interface: remove start_datetime from changelist and add a button "Start/Stop"
How would be the best way to provide User total delta of all his activities???
- Create a South initial migration
- Update models CostHolder and Activity with a foreseen_datetime field blank
- Update admin interface accordingly