This is a one-off project to spider and find all files hosted on the contentful asset CDN that are in use, to aid in migration.
There are two options for running this programme. They will both output CSV and JSON documents to the output directory.
N.B.: These files are appended to, so if you'd like to re-run the spider then delete these files if present.
There is a Docker environment available. Ensure you have docker installed (note, the Docker Desktop application requires a paid licence in many situations). Then, start the spider using:
docker compose up
This will configure the spider then run it, outputting status to the screen.
N.B.: The docker container will contain the spider code, so this isn't well suited for development of spider changes. You'll need to run docker compose build
to refresh the build each time.
Ensure you have Python 3.9 installed, as well as pipenv. Then run the following:
pipenv install
pipenv run scrapy runspider -o ./output/output.json -o ./output/output.csv
By default, this spider will crawl the homepage only. If you also have extra urls to crawl these can be passed as an argument. For example, to also crawl all news items, even unreachable ones, you can export them from the Contentful API and add these:
contentful space export ...
jq -rc '.entries | [.[] | select( | contains("news")) | ("" + .fields.slug["en-GB"])]' < contentful-export.json > extra_urls.json
pipenv install
pipenv run scrapy runspider -o ./output/output.json -o ./output/output.csv -a extra_urls_file=/Users/mwilkes/play/ecc/extra_urls.json