How a car travels back and forth between two locations.
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using Plots
# set a flag to do plotting. This is set to false during testing.
if !@isdefined plotyes
plotyes = true
update_position(X, V, dir, dt, L)
Return updated position of car and new travel direction;
given, old postion `X`, speed `V`, direction `dir`, time step `dt`
and domain size `L`.
# Example
julia> update_position(0.0, 10, 1, 1, 200)
(10.0, 1)
function update_position(X, V, dir, dt, L)
X = X + dir*V*dt
if X > L
dir = -1 # if beyond L, go back (left)
elseif X < 0
dir = 1 # if beyond 0, go back (right)
return X, dir
Run the model.
function car_travel_1D()
# Physical parameters
V = 113.0 # speed, km/h
L = 200.0 # length of segment, km
dir = 1 # switch 1 = go right, -1 = go left
ttot = 16.0 # total time, h
# Numerical parameters
dt = 0.1 # time step, h
nt = Int(cld(ttot, dt)) # number of time steps
# Array initialisation
T = zeros(nt)
X = zeros(nt)
# Time loop
for it = 2:nt
T[it] = T[it-1] + dt
X[it], dir = update_position(X[it - 1], V, dir, dt, L)
return T, X
T, X = car_travel_1D();
if plotyes # do not run this when including this script from other scripts
plot(T, X, markersize=5, xlabel="time, hrs", ylabel="distance, km", framestyle=:box, legend=:none)
Figure showing how the car bounces back and forth, nice!