Provides a library of classes and types to represent Graph Theory graphs as list and/or matrix. Wiki
Name | Description |
GraphRepresentationBase | The base class of graph representation. |
IGraphList | Defines a graph represented as a list. |
GraphListBase | The base class of a graph represented as a list. |
AdjacencyList | Represents an adjacency list. |
IGraphMatrix | Defines a graph represented as a matrix. |
GraphMatrixBase | The base class of a graph represented as a matrix. |
DenseGraphMatrixBase | The base class of a graph represented as a dense matrix. |
SparseGraphMatrixBase | The base class of a graph represented as a sparse matrix. |
ConnectionMatrix | Represents a connection matrix. |
The main problem that the adjacency list solves is how to find all the vertices adjacent to a vertex v -- by "adjacent" it means that the vertex v is one of the endpoints in an edge. The vertex v and its adjacent vertices are collectively called the neighborhood. Thus, an adjacent vertex is a neighbor of a vertex v.
To use:
using Mendz.Graph;
using Mendz.Graph.Representation;
Graph graph = new Graph();
// ToDo: initialize the graph...
AdjacencyList adjacencyList = new AdjacencyList(graph);
To find vertices with neighbors:
foreach (var id in adjacencyList.List.Keys
.Where((key) => adjacencyList.List[key].Count > 0))
To find vertices with no neighbor:
foreach (var id in adjacencyList.List.Keys
.Where((key) => adjacencyList.List[key].Count == 0))
To get an "incidence list", which lists the edges incident to the vertex v -- by "incident" it means that the edge has the vertex v as one of the endpoints:
foreach (var edge in adjacencyList.List[vertexID].Values)
DFS (depth-first search) with an adjacency list can look like the following:
HashSet<Edge> subgraph = new HashSet<Edge>();
traversed = new HashSet<int>();
Action<int> traverse = (id) =>
if (!traversed.Contains(id))
foreach (var item in adjacencyList.List[id])
int vertexID = 1; // assign a vertex ID that exists in the graph
Console.WriteLine("digraph G" + vertexID.ToString() + " {");
foreach (var edge in subgraph)
Console.WriteLine(" " + edge.Name + ";");
Name | Description |
AdjacencyMatrixBase | The base class of a graph represented as an adjacency matrix. |
AdjacencyMatrix | Represents an adjacency matrix. |
WeightedAdjacencyMatrix | Represents a weighted adjacency matrix. |
SeidelAdjacencyMatrix | Represents a Seidel adjacency matrix. |
GenericAdjacencyMatrix | Represents a generic adjacency matrix. |
LaplacianMatrix | Represents a Laplacian matrix. |
DegreeMatrix | Represents a degree matrix. |
InDegreeMatrix | Represents an indegree matrix. |
OutDegreeMatrix | Represents an outdegree matrix. |
IncidenceMatrix | Represents an incidence matrix. |
Name | Description |
AdjacencyMatrixBase | The base class of a graph represented as an adjacency matrix. |
AdjacencyMatrix | Represents an adjacency matrix. |
WeightedAdjacencyMatrix | Represents a weighted adjacency matrix. |
SeidelAdjacencyMatrix | Represents a Seidel adjacency matrix. |
GenericAdjacencyMatrix | Represents a generic adjacency matrix. |
LaplacianMatrix | Represents a Laplacian matrix. |
DegreeMatrix | Represents a degree matrix. |
InDegreeMatrix | Represents an indegree matrix. |
OutDegreeMatrix | Represents an outdegree matrix. |
IncidenceMatrix | Represents an incidence matrix. |
The adjacency matrix pattern can be summed up as (a, b, c)-adjacency matrix such that Ai,j = a if i and j are adjacent, b if not, and c on the diagonal. The (a, b, c)-adjacency matrix pattern inspired the creation of the AdjacencyMatrixBase, from which the adjacency matrices are derived.
The main problem that the adjacency matrix solves is to show if a vertex u is adjacent to another vertex v, or not -- by "adjacent" it means that vertex u and vertex v are the endpoints in an edge. To check if two vertices are adjacent or not:
using Mendz.Graph;
using Mendz.Graph.Representation;
Graph graph = new Graph();
// ToDo: initialize the graph...
AdjacencyMatrix adjacencyMatrix = new AdjacencyMatrix(graph);
Vertex[] indexedVertices = graph.IndexVertices();
Vertex vertex1 = graph.Vertices[250]; // pick any vertex ID that exists in the graph
Vertex vertex2 = graph.Vertices[230]; // pick any vertex ID that exists in the graph
int i = Array.BinarySearch(indexedVertices, vertex1);
int j = Array.BinarySearch(indexedVertices, vertex2);
bool adjacent = (adjacencyMatrix.Matrix[i, j] == 1); // 1 if adjacent, 0 if not adjacent
Console.WriteLine(indexedVertices[i].Value.ToString() +
" is " +
(adjacent ? "" : "not") +
" adjacent to " +