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persistence 3.4 setup_db groovy
chris grzegorczyk edited this page Jul 16, 2013
1 revision
import java.sql.ResultSet
import com.eucalyptus.bootstrap.Bootstrapper
import com.eucalyptus.bootstrap.DatabaseBootstrapper
import com.eucalyptus.bootstrap.OrderedShutdown
import com.eucalyptus.bootstrap.SystemIds
import com.eucalyptus.component.Component
import com.eucalyptus.component.Components
import com.eucalyptus.component.ServiceUris
import com.eucalyptus.component.auth.SystemCredentials
import com.eucalyptus.crypto.util.PEMFiles
import com.eucalyptus.entities.PersistenceContexts
import com.eucalyptus.system.BaseDirectory
import com.eucalyptus.system.SubDirectory
import com.eucalyptus.util.Internets
import groovy.sql.Sql
import org.apache.log4j.Logger
import org.logicalcobwebs.proxool.ProxoolFacade
import static
import static
import static java.util.Collections.emptyMap
import static java.util.regex.Matcher.quoteReplacement
import static java.util.regex.Pattern.quote
* REQUIREMENTS : Postgres 9.1 and Postgres jdbc driver
* SUMMARY : The PostgresqlBootstrapper class attempts to control the postgres database. The methods
* that control the database are : init, start, stop, hup, load, isRunning and destroy.
public class PostgresqlBootstrapper extends Bootstrapper.Simple implements DatabaseBootstrapper {
private static Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger( "com.eucalyptus.scripts.setup_db" )
// Static definitions of postgres commands and options
private static int PG_MAX_RETRY = 5
private static String EUCA_DB_DIR = "data"
private String PG_HOME = System.getProperty("euca.db.home","")
private String PG_SUFFIX = ""
private static String PG_BIN = "/bin/pg_ctl"
private static String PG_DUMP = "/bin/pg_dump"
private static String PG_START = "start"
private static String PG_STOP = "stop"
private static String PG_STATUS = "status"
private static String PG_MODE = "-mf"
private static String PG_PORT = 8777
private static String PG_CLI_HOME = "-h${SubDirectory.DB.getChildPath(EUCA_DB_DIR)}"
private static String PG_CLI_PORT = "-p${PG_PORT}"
private static String PG_PORT_OPTS2 = "-o -h0.0.0.0/0 -p${PG_PORT} -i"
private static String PG_DB_OPT = "-D"
private static String PG_INITDB = "/bin/initdb"
private static String PG_X_OPT = "-X"
private static String PG_X_DIR = SubDirectory.DB.getChildFile("tx").getAbsolutePath()
private static String PG_USER_OPT = "-U" + DatabaseBootstrapper.DB_USERNAME
private static String PG_TRUST_OPT = "--auth=password"
private static String PG_PWD_FILE = "--pwfile="
private static String PG_PASSFILE = "pass.txt"
private static String PG_W_OPT ="-w"
private static String PG_S_OPT ="-s"
private static String PG_DEFAULT_DBNAME = "postgres"
private static String PG_ENCODING = "--encoding=UTF8"
private static String PG_LOCALE = "--locale=C"
private static boolean PG_USE_SSL = Boolean.valueOf( System.getProperty("euca.db.ssl", "true") )
private static String COMMAND_GET_CONF = "getconf"
private static String GET_CONF_SYSTEM_PAGE_SIZE = "PAGE_SIZE"
private static String PROC_SEM = "/proc/sys/kernel/sem"
private static String PROC_SHMALL = "/proc/sys/kernel/shmall"
private static String PROC_SHMMAX = "/proc/sys/kernel/shmmax"
private static long MIN_SEMMNI = 1536L
private static long MIN_SEMMNS = 32000L
private static long MIN_SHMMAX = 536870912L //512MB
private int runProcessWithReturn( List<String> args ) {"Postgres command : " + args.collect { "'${it}'" }.join(" ") )
try {
ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(args)
def root = new File("/")
def outlines = []
def errlines = [];
Process p = pb.start()
OutputStream outstream = new ByteArrayOutputStream( 8192 )
OutputStream errstream = new ByteArrayOutputStream( 8192 )
p.consumeProcessOutput(outstream, errstream)
int result = p.waitFor()
outstream.toString().eachLine { line -> outlines.add(line);"stdout: ${line}") }
errstream.toString().eachLine { line -> errlines.add(line);"stderr: ${line}") }
return result
} catch ( Exception ex ) {
throw new RuntimeException("Failed to run '" + args.collect { "'${it}'" }.join(" ") + "' because of: ${ex.getMessage()}", ex );
private List<String> runProcessWithOutput( List<String> args ) {"Postgres command : " + args.collect { "'${it}'" }.join(" ") )
try {
ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(args)
def root = new File("/")
def outlines = []
def errlines = [];
Process p = pb.start()
OutputStream outstream = new ByteArrayOutputStream( 8192 )
OutputStream errstream = new ByteArrayOutputStream( 8192 )
p.consumeProcessOutput(outstream, errstream)
int result = p.waitFor()
outstream.toString().eachLine { line -> outlines.add(line);"stdout: ${line}") }
errstream.toString().eachLine { line -> errlines.add(line);"stderr: ${line}") }
if ( result == 0 ) {
return outlines
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("(see stdout and stderr for details)");
} catch ( Exception ex ) {
throw new RuntimeException("Failed to run '" + args.collect { "'${it}'" }.join(" ") + "' because of: ${ex.getMessage()}", ex );
//Default constructor
public PostgresqlBootstrapper( ) {
try {
Properties props = new Properties() {{
try {
this.load( ClassLoader.getSystemResource( "" ).openStream( ) );
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new FileNotFoundException(" not found in the classpath")
if ("".equals(PG_HOME)) {
PG_HOME = props.getProperty("euca.db.home","")
if ("".equals(PG_HOME)) {
throw new Exception("Postgresql home directory is not set")
PG_SUFFIX = props.getProperty("euca.db.suffix","")
LOG.debug("PG_HOME = " + PG_HOME + " : PG_BIN = " + PG_BIN + " : PG_INITDB = " + PG_INITDB)
} catch ( Exception ex ) {
LOG.error("Required Database variables are not correctly set "
+ "PG_HOME = " + PG_HOME + " : PG_BIN = " + PG_BIN + " : PG_INITDB = " + PG_INITDB)
LOG.debug(ex, ex);
public void init( ) {
try {
kernelParametersCheck( )
if ( !versionCheck( ) ){
throw new RuntimeException("Postgres versions less than 9.1.X are not supported")
if ( !initdbPG( ) ) {
throw new RuntimeException("Unable to initialize the postgres database")
if ( !startResource( ) ) {
throw new RuntimeException("Unable to start the postgres database")
if ( !createDBSql( ) ) {
throw new RuntimeException("Unable to create the eucalyptus database tables")
if ( !createCliUser( ) ) {
throw new RuntimeException("Unable to create the cli user")
Component dbComp = Components.lookup( Database.class )
dbComp.initService( )
prepareService( )
} catch ( Exception ex ) {
throw new RuntimeException( ex );
private void kernelParametersCheck( ) {
try {
LOG.debug "Reading '/proc' kernel parameters"
String[] semStrs = new File( PROC_SEM ).text.split("\\s")
String shmallStr = new File( PROC_SHMALL ).text.trim()
String shmmaxStr = new File( PROC_SHMMAX ).text.trim()
LOG.debug "Getting page size"
String pageSizeStr = [
LOG.debug "Read system values [$semStrs] [$shmallStr] [$shmmaxStr] [$pageSizeStr]"
long pageSize = Long.parseLong( pageSizeStr )
long MIN_SHMALL = MIN_SHMMAX / pageSize
long semmni = Long.parseLong( semStrs[3] )
long semmns = Long.parseLong( semStrs[1] )
long shmall = Long.parseLong( shmallStr )
long shmmax = Long.parseLong( shmmaxStr ) "Found kernel parameters semmni=$semmni, semmns=$semmns, shmall=$shmall, shmmax=$shmmax"
// Parameter descriptions from "man proc"
if ( semmni < MIN_SEMMNI ) {
LOG.error "Insufficient operating system resources! The available number of semaphore identifiers is too low (semmni < $MIN_SEMMNI)"
if ( semmns < MIN_SEMMNS ) {
LOG.error "Insufficient operating system resources! The available number of semaphores in all semaphore sets is too low (semmns < $MIN_SEMMNS)"
if ( shmall < MIN_SHMALL ) {
LOG.error "Insufficient operating system resources! The total number of pages of System V shared memory is too low (shmall < $MIN_SHMALL)"
if ( shmmax < MIN_SHMMAX ) {
LOG.error "Insufficient operating system resources! The run-time limit on the maximum (System V IPC) shared memory segment size that can be created is too low (shmmax < $MIN_SHMMAX)"
} catch ( Exception e ) {
LOG.error("Error checking kernel parameters: " + e.message )
// Version check to ensure only Postgres 9.X creates the db.
private boolean versionCheck( ) {
try {
String cmd = PG_INITDB + " --version"
def pattern = ~/.*\s+9\.[1-9]\d*(\.\d+)*$/
return pattern.matcher( cmd.execute( ).text.trim( ) ).matches( )
} catch ( Exception e ) {
LOG.fatal("Unable to find the initdb command")
return false
private boolean initdbPG( ) throws Exception {
final File passFile = SubDirectory.DB.getChildFile( PG_PASSFILE )
try {
passFile.write( getPassword() )
def output = runProcessWithOutput([
PG_PWD_FILE + passFile ,
PG_DB_OPT + SubDirectory.DB.getChildPath(EUCA_DB_DIR),
LOG.debug( "Database init complete." )
return true
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage(), e)
} finally {
private void initDBFile() throws Exception {
File ibdata1 = null
try {
ibdata1 = SubDirectory.DB.getChildFile( EUCA_DB_DIR, "ibdata1" )
initPGHBA( )
initPGCONF( )
if (PG_USE_SSL) initSSL()
} catch ( Exception e ) {
LOG.debug("Unable to create the configuration files")
ibdata1?.delete( )
throw e
private void initPGHBA( ) throws Exception {
try {
File orgPGHBA = SubDirectory.DB.getChildFile( EUCA_DB_DIR, "pg_hba.conf")
File tmpPGHBA = SubDirectory.DB.getChildFile( EUCA_DB_DIR, "")
String hostOrHostSSL = PG_USE_SSL ? "hostssl" : "host"
SubDirectory.DB.getChildFile( EUCA_DB_DIR, "pg_hba.conf").write("""\
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.debug("Unable to create the pg_hba.conf file", e)
throw e
private void initPGCONF() throws Exception {
try {
final Map<String,String> requiredProperties = [
max_connections: '8192',
unix_socket_directory: "'" + SubDirectory.DB.getChildPath( EUCA_DB_DIR ) + "'",
unix_socket_directories: "'" + SubDirectory.DB.getChildPath( EUCA_DB_DIR ) + "'",
ssl: PG_USE_SSL ? 'on' : 'off',
ssl_ciphers: '\'AES128-SHA:AES256-SHA\'',
log_directory: "'${System.getProperty('euca.log.dir')}'"
final File orgPGCONF = SubDirectory.DB.getChildFile( EUCA_DB_DIR, "postgresql.conf")
String pgconfText = orgPGCONF.getText()
final File bakPGCONF = SubDirectory.DB.getChildFile( EUCA_DB_DIR, "")
for ( final Map.Entry<String,String> property : requiredProperties ) {
pgconfText = pgconfText.replaceAll( "#(?=\\s{0,128}"+quote(property.key)+"\\s{0,128}=)", "" ) // ensure enabled
pgconfText = pgconfText.replaceAll(
"(?<=\\s{0,128}"+ quote(property.key) +"\\s{0,128}=\\s{0,128})\\S.*",
quoteReplacement(property.value) + " # Updated by setup_db.groovy (${new Date().format( 'yyyy-MM-dd' )})")
orgPGCONF.write( pgconfText )
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.debug("Unable to modify the postgresql.conf file", e)
throw e
private boolean createCliUser() throws Exception {
if ( !isRunning( ) ) {
throw new Exception("The database must be running to create the cli user")
try {
LOG.debug("executed successfully = CREATE USER root")
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.error("Unable to create cli user", e)
return false
return true
private void initSSL() throws Exception {
LOG.debug("Writing SSL certificate and key files")
final SystemCredentials.Credentials dbCredentials = SystemCredentials.lookup(Database.class)
dbCredentials.with {
if ( certificate != null && keyPair != null ) {
SubDirectory.DB.getChildFile( EUCA_DB_DIR, "server.crt").with {
PEMFiles.write( getAbsolutePath(), certificate )
setOwnerReadonly getAbsoluteFile()
SubDirectory.DB.getChildFile( EUCA_DB_DIR, "server.key").with {
PEMFiles.write( getAbsolutePath(), keyPair )
setOwnerReadonly getAbsoluteFile()
} else {
LOG.warn("Credentials not found for database, not creating SSL certificate/key files")
private void setOwnerReadonly( final File file ) {
file.setReadable false, false
file.setReadable true
file.setWritable false, false
file.setWritable false
file.setExecutable false, false
file.setExecutable false
private Function<String, String> contextToDatabaseNameMapper() {
return new Function<String,String>() {
String apply( String contextName ) {
if ( !contextName.startsWith("eucalyptus_") ) {
contextName = "eucalyptus_" + contextName
return contextName
private Iterable<String> databases() {
return Iterables.transform( PersistenceContexts.list( ), contextToDatabaseNameMapper() )
private boolean createDBSql( ) throws Exception {
if ( !isRunning( ) ) {
throw new Exception("The database must be running to create the tables")
for ( String databaseName : databases() ) {
try {
String dbName = "CREATE DATABASE " + databaseName + " OWNER " + getUserName( )
dbExecute( PG_DEFAULT_DBNAME, dbName )
String alterUser = "ALTER ROLE " + getUserName( ) + " WITH LOGIN PASSWORD \'" + getPassword( ) + "\'"
dbExecute( databaseName, alterUser )
} catch (Exception e) {
if (!e.getMessage().contains("already exists")) {
LOG.error("Unable to create the database.", e)
return false
return true
private boolean startResource() throws Exception {
OrderedShutdown.registerPostShutdownHook( new Runnable( ) {
public void run( ) {
File pidfile = SubDirectory.DB.getChildFile( EUCA_DB_DIR, "" )
if (!pidfile.exists()) {
try {
int value = runProcessWithReturn([
PG_DB_OPT + SubDirectory.DB.getChildPath(EUCA_DB_DIR)
if (value != 0) {
LOG.fatal("Postgresql shutdown failed with exit code " + value)
} catch ( Exception e ) {
LOG.error("Postgresql shutdown failed with error", e)
} finally {
} )
if ( isRunning( ) ) {
LOG.debug("Postgresql is already started, no action taken")
return true
try {
def output = runProcessWithOutput([
PG_DB_OPT + SubDirectory.DB.getChildPath(EUCA_DB_DIR),
} catch ( Exception ex ) {
LOG.fatal("Postgresql startup failed: " + ex.getMessage())
return false
return true
public boolean load( ) throws Exception {
if ( isRunning( ) ) {
return true
if (!startResource( ) ) {
throw new Exception("Unable to start postgresql")
if ( !createDBSql( ) ) {
throw new Exception("Unable to create the eucalyptus database tables")
Component dbComp = Components.lookup( Database.class )
dbComp.initService( )
prepareService( )
return true
private void prepareService( ) throws Exception {
for ( String databaseName : databases() ) {
testContext( databaseName )
public Sql getConnection( String databaseName ) throws Exception {
String url = String.format( "jdbc:%s", ServiceUris.remote( Database.class, Internets.localHostInetAddress( ), databaseName ) )
return Sql.newInstance( url, getUserName(), getPassword(), getDriverName() )
private boolean dbExecute( String databaseName, String statement ) throws Exception {
Sql sql = null
try {
sql = getConnection(databaseName);
return sql.execute( statement )
} finally {
private void testContext( String databaseName ) throws Exception {
try {
String pgPing = "SELECT USER"
if( !dbExecute( databaseName, pgPing ) ) {
LOG.debug("Unable to ping the database : " + url)
} catch (Exception exception) {
LOG.debug("Failed to test the context : ", exception)
public List<String> listDatabases() {
List<String> lines = [];
Sql sql = null
try {
sql = getConnection("postgres");
sql.query("select datname from pg_database") { ResultSet rs ->
while ( lines.add(rs.toRowResult().datname)
} finally {
return lines;
public List<String> listTables(String database) {
List<String> lines = [];
Sql sql = null
try {
sql = getConnection(database);
sql.query("SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema='public'") { ResultSet rs ->
while ( lines.add(rs.toRowResult().table_name)
} finally {
return lines;
public File backupDatabase( String name, String backupIdentifier ) {
File dbBackupDir = new File( "${SubDirectory.BACKUPS.getChildPath(EUCA_DB_DIR,backupIdentifier,name)}" );
LOG.debug("Starting backup of database ${name} using identifier ${backupIdentifier} into ${dbBackupDir.getAbsolutePath()}");
try {
// if ( !dbBackupDir.getParentFile( ).exists( ) ) {
// dbBackupDir.getParentFile( ).mkdirs( );
// }
// List<String> lines = runProcessWithOutput([
// "--superuser=eucalyptus",
// "--format=d",
// "--blobs",
// "--file=${dbBackupDirs.getAbsolutePath( )}",
// "-v",
// "-w",
// "${name}"
// ])
} catch( RuntimeException ex ) {
LOG.debug( "Backing up database ${name} failed because of: ${ex.getMessage()}" );
throw ex;
LOG.debug("Completed backup of database ${name} using identifier ${backupIdentifier} into ${dbBackupDir.getAbsolutePath()}");
return dbBackupDir;
public void createDatabase( String name ) {
LOG.debug("Creating database ${name}");
try {
dbExecute("postgres", "CREATE DATABASE \"${name}\" OWNER \"${getUserName()}\"" )
} catch( Exception ex ) {
LOG.debug( "Creating database ${name} failed because of: ${ex.getMessage()}" );
throw ex;
public void deleteDatabase( String name ) {
LOG.debug("Deleting database ${name}");
try {
dbExecute("postgres", "DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS \"${name}\"" )
} catch( Exception ex ) {
LOG.debug( "Deleting database ${name} failed because of: ${ex.getMessage()}" );
throw ex;
public void copyDatabase( String from, String to ) {
LOG.debug("Copying database ${from} to ${to}");
try {
dbExecute("postgres", "CREATE DATABASE \"${to}\" TEMPLATE \"${from}\" OWNER \"${getUserName()}\"" )
} catch( Exception ex ) {
LOG.debug( "Copying database ${from} to ${to} failed because of: ${ex.getMessage()}" );
throw ex;
public void renameDatabase( String from, String to ) {
LOG.debug("Renaming database ${from} to ${to}");
try {
dbExecute("postgres", "ALTER DATABASE \"${from}\" RENAME TO \"${to}\"" )
} catch( RuntimeException ex ) {
LOG.debug( "Renaming database ${from} to ${to} failed because of: ${ex.getMessage()}" );
throw ex;
public boolean isRunning() {
try {
int value = runProcessWithReturn ([
PG_DB_OPT + SubDirectory.DB.getChildPath(EUCA_DB_DIR)
if (value != 0) {
return false
} catch ( Exception ex ) {
LOG.warn("Postgresql status check failed: " + ex.getMessage())
return false
return true
public void hup( ) {
if( !stop() ) {
LOG.fatal("Unable to stop the postgresql server")
throw new Exception("Unable to stop the postgres server")
if ( !startResource() ) {
LOG.fatal("Unable to start the postgresql server")
throw new Exception("Unable to start the postgres server")
public boolean stop( ) throws Exception {
int value = runProcessWithReturn([
PG_DB_OPT + SubDirectory.DB.getChildPath(EUCA_DB_DIR)
if ( value != 0 ) {
LOG.error("Unable to stop the postgresql server.", e)
return false
} else {
LOG.debug("Database server stopped.")
return true
public void destroy( ) throws IOException {
boolean status = false
if ( isRunning( ) ) {
status = stop( )
} else {
LOG.debug("Database is not running")
LOG.debug("Final status after destroy : " + status )
public String getPassword() {
return SystemIds.databasePassword()
public String getUserName() {
return DatabaseBootstrapper.DB_USERNAME
public String getDriverName( ) {
return "org.postgresql.Driver"
public String getHibernateDialect( ) {
return "org.hibernate.dialect.PostgreSQLDialect"
public String getJdbcDialect( ) {
return "com.eucalyptus.postgresql.PostgreSQLDialect"
public String getServicePath( String... pathParts ) {
return pathParts != null && pathParts.length > 0 ? Joiner.on("/"). join((List) pathParts) : "eucalyptus"
public Map<String, String> getJdbcUrlQueryParameters() {
return PG_USE_SSL ? [
sslfactory: 'com.eucalyptus.postgresql.PostgreSQLSSLSocketFactory'
] : emptyMap()
public String getJdbcScheme( ) {
return "postgresql"
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