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MClark edited this page Feb 10, 2017 · 4 revisions


In [337]: from nephoria.testcontroller import TestController
In [338]: from nephoria.usercontext import  UserContext

A usercontext obj can be created with just Access, Secretkey and region... (if you already have this info)

In [339]: user = UserContext(aws_access_key='AKIAADKUYFA6DADUPO5H', aws_secret_key='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', region='')

The usercontext has the service intefaces we support (ie ec2, iam, s3, etc).

Each of these has a nephoria test interface but also has both boto and boto3 interfaces within them. For example: user.ec2.connection as well as the user.ec2.boto2 interfaces are the boto ec2 boto interface. user.ec2.boto3 is the boto3 ec2 interface.

In [340]: user.ec2.get_volumes()
Out[340]: [EuVolume:vol-9d5aed2b, EuVolume:vol-4c2bf377]

In [341]: user.iam.show_all
user.iam.show_all_accounts           user.iam.show_all_groups             user.iam.show_all_roles              user.iam.show_all_roles_for_account  user.iam.show_all_users

In [341]: user.iam.show_all_accounts()
[2017-02-09 13:33:33,623][INFO][IAMops()]: 
| ACCOUNT_NAME               | ACCOUNT_ID   |
| (eucalyptus)objectstorage  | 000729537082 |
| (eucalyptus)database       | 000098481631 |
| (eucalyptus)blockstorage   | 000548020223 |
| (eucalyptus)cloudformation | 000614083463 |
| (eucalyptus)imaging        | 000611806542 |
| (eucalyptus)loadbalancing  | 000279278370 |
| (eucalyptus)aws-exec-read  | 000975080808 |
| eucalyptus                 | 000445377749 |
| testrunner                 | 000365342570 |

If you dont want to store your users creds in a script, files, etc. 'and' you have root access to your CLC (either locally or via remote ssh) you can

use the testcontroller class to find and populate the creds and region for you. This is also a way to recover lost creds w/o creating new keys...

Example. Create a testcontroller for a remote CLC at

In [342]: tc = TestController('', password='mypassword', log_level='DEBUG')

Fetch an existing user by name....

In [344]: tc.get_user_by_name('testrunner', 'admin')
Out[344]: UserContext:000365342570::testrunner::admin

In [346]: user.iam.show_user_summary()
[2017-02-09 13:34:27,007][INFO][IAMops(admin:testrunner)]: 
| USER SUMMARY: user:admin, account:testrunner                      |
| +------------+-----------+-----------------------+--------------+ |
| | ACCOUNT:   | USERNAME: | USER_ID               | ACCT_ID      | |
| +------------+-----------+-----------------------+--------------+ |
| | testrunner | admin     | AIDAAOC343YGZHW5IHASJ | 000365342570 | |
| +------------+-----------+-----------------------+--------------+ |
|                                                                   |
| +---------------------------------------------------------------+ |
| |                    POLICIES FOR USER: admin                   | |
| +---------------------------------------------------------------+ |
| | -- No Policies --                                             | |
| +---------------------------------------------------------------+ |

In [347]: user.access_key

In [348]: user.secret_key
Out[348]: 'Gh87lIU9iC5rOoYRFWDD4DjHdXBqWfQAndJj3Zuf'

Or quickly create a new user

In [350]: user = tc.create_user_using_cloudadmin('matt', 'admin')

In [351]: user.iam.show_user_summary()
[2017-02-09 13:35:03,797][INFO][IAMops(admin:matt)]: 
| USER SUMMARY: user:admin, account:matt                          |
| +----------+-----------+-----------------------+--------------+ |
| | ACCOUNT: | USERNAME: | USER_ID               | ACCT_ID      | |
| +----------+-----------+-----------------------+--------------+ |
| | matt     | admin     | AIDAATK5QBVTCC7ZWRFZ3 | 000959096634 | |
| +----------+-----------+-----------------------+--------------+ |
|                                                                 |
| +-------------------------------------------------------------+ |
| |                   POLICIES FOR USER: admin                  | |
| +-------------------------------------------------------------+ |
| | -- No Policies --                                           | |
| +-------------------------------------------------------------+ |

####fetch creds for an existing user

In [353]: user = tc.get_user_by_name('testrunner', 'admin')
In [354]: user.
user.CLASS_MAP                         user.aws_secret_access_key             user.ec2_access_key                    user.get_eucarc_attrs                  user.secret_key_id
user.access_key                        user.aws_secret_access_key_id          user.ec2_access_key_id                 user.get_existing_keys_from_clc        user.service_port
user.access_key_id                     user.aws_secret_key                    user.ec2_account_id                    user.get_local_eucarc                  user.serviceconnection
user.account_id                        user.aws_secret_key_id                 user.ec2_account_name                  user.get_remote_eucarc                 user.session
user.account_name                      user.aws_simpleworkflow_url            user.ec2_account_number                user.get_urls                
user.assume_role_on_remote_clc         user.aws_user_name                     user.ec2_cert                          user.iam                               user.simpleworkflow_url
user.auto_find_credentials             user.bootstrap_url                     user.ec2_jvm_args                      user.iam_url                           user.sqs
user.auto_scaling_url                  user.boto2_api_version                 user.ec2_private_key                                       user.sqs_url
user.autoscaling                       user.cloudformation                    user.ec2_secret_key                    user.is_https                          user.sts
user.aws_access_key                    user.cloudformation_url                user.ec2_secret_key_id                 user.key_id                            user.sts_url
user.aws_access_key_id                 user.cloudwatch                        user.ec2_url                           user.keys_dir                          user.swf
user.aws_account_id                    user.cloudwatch_url                    user.ec2_user_id                       user.log                               user.swf_url
user.aws_account_name                  user.connect_to_creds_machine          user.elb                               user.properties_url                    user.test_resources
user.aws_auto_scaling_url              user.create_ini_file                   user.elb_url                           user.region                            user.token_url
user.aws_cloudformation_url            user.create_local_creds                user.euare_url                         user.region_domain                     user.update_attrs_from_cloud_services
user.aws_cloudwatch_url                user.creds_machine                     user.euca_bootstrap_url                user.reporting_url                     user.update_region_and_domain
user.aws_credential_file               user.critical                          user.euca_properties_url               user.s3                                user.user_id
user.aws_elb_url                       user.domain                            user.eucalyptus_cert                   user.s3_url                            user.user_info
user.aws_iam_url                       user.ec2                               user.eustore_url                       user.secret_key                        user.user_name

This method can be used to create the old school runtime config files (ie eucarc files) for a usercontext. This can write to a local or remote directly I believe. .

In [354]: user.create_local_creds?
Type:        instancemethod
String form: <bound method UserContext.create_local_creds of UserContext:000365342570::testrunner::admin>
File:        /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/adminapi-
Definition:  user.create_local_creds(self, local_destdir, machine=None, keydir=None, overwrite=False, zipfilename=None, ziponly=False)
Attempts to create a local set of files containing the current credential artifacts
in this AutoCreds obj. The following files will be written to the provided
'local_destdir' directory:
- A eucarc file containing the "export key=value" syntax to resolve service urls
  and the location of any credentials related files.
- Any current attributes with an sftp:// uri will be downloaded to local_destdir. At this
time the AutoCred eucarc attributes will be updated to represent their now local filepath,
an the local eucarc written will also reflect the new location.

:param local_destdir: local directory to write cred files to.
                       Will create if does not exist.
:param machine: The Machine() obj to download any sftp:// files from
:param keydir: optional String representing path to key dir, otherwise auto-populated
:param overwrite: bool, if True will overwrite any existing items at 'local_destdir'
:param zipfilename: string representing the zip archive filename to be creat in the
                    'local_destdir' directory. If "None" a zip archive will not be created.
:param ziponly: boolean, if true only a zip archive will be created
:return: list of filepaths

Or any usercontext can dump it's info to stdout or a logfile (if one was provided to the constructor)

In [355]:
[2017-02-09 13:35:33,252][INFO][UserContext:000365342570::testrunner::admin]: 
| access_key               | AKIAAZQFBCJ22MVVFKX3                                                     |
| access_key_id            | AKIAAZQFBCJ22MVVFKX3                                                     |
| account_id               | 000365342570                                                             |
| account_name             | testrunner                                                               |
| auto_scaling_url         |          |
| aws_access_key           | AKIAAZQFBCJ22MVVFKX3                                                     |
| aws_access_key_id        | AKIAAZQFBCJ22MVVFKX3                                                     |
| aws_account_id           | 000365342570                                                             |
| aws_account_name         | testrunner                                                               |
| aws_auto_scaling_url     |          |
| aws_cloudformation_url   |       |
| aws_cloudwatch_url       |           |
| aws_credential_file      | None                                                                     |
| aws_elb_url              | |
| aws_iam_url              |                 |
| aws_secret_access_key    | Gh87lIU9iC5rOoYRFWDD4DjHdXBqWfQAndJj3Zuf                                 |
| aws_secret_access_key_id | Gh87lIU9iC5rOoYRFWDD4DjHdXBqWfQAndJj3Zuf                                 |
| aws_secret_key           | Gh87lIU9iC5rOoYRFWDD4DjHdXBqWfQAndJj3Zuf                                 |
| aws_secret_key_id        | Gh87lIU9iC5rOoYRFWDD4DjHdXBqWfQAndJj3Zuf                                 |
| aws_simpleworkflow_url   |                  |
| aws_user_name            | admin                                                                    |
| bootstrap_url            |            |
| boto2_api_version        | 2015-10-01                                                               |
| cloudformation_url       |       |
| cloudwatch_url           |           |
| ec2_access_key           | AKIAAZQFBCJ22MVVFKX3                                                     |
| ec2_access_key_id        | AKIAAZQFBCJ22MVVFKX3                                                     |
| ec2_account_id           | 000365342570                                                             |
| ec2_account_name         | testrunner                                                               |
| ec2_account_number       | 000365342570                                                             |
| ec2_cert                 | None                                                                     |
| ec2_jvm_args             | None                                                                     |
| ec2_private_key          | None                                                                     |
| ec2_secret_key           | Gh87lIU9iC5rOoYRFWDD4DjHdXBqWfQAndJj3Zuf                                 |
| ec2_secret_key_id        | Gh87lIU9iC5rOoYRFWDD4DjHdXBqWfQAndJj3Zuf                                 |
| ec2_url                  |                  |
| ec2_user_id              | 000365342570                                                             |
| elb_url                  | |
| euare_url                |                 |
| euca_bootstrap_url       |            |
| euca_properties_url      |           |
| eucalyptus_cert          | None                                                                     |
| eustore_url              |                                              |
| iam_url                  |                 |
| key_id                   | AKIAAZQFBCJ22MVVFKX3                                                     |
| keys_dir                 | None                                                                     |
| properties_url           |           |
| reporting_url            |            |
| s3_url                   |                   |
| secret_key               | Gh87lIU9iC5rOoYRFWDD4DjHdXBqWfQAndJj3Zuf                                 |
| secret_key_id            | Gh87lIU9iC5rOoYRFWDD4DjHdXBqWfQAndJj3Zuf                                 |
| simpleworkflow_url       |                  |
| sqs_url                  |                  |
| sts_url                  |                 |
| swf_url                  |                  |
| token_url                |                 |
| user_id                  | 000365342570                                                             |
| user_name                | admin                                                                    |
| UNPARSED LINES           | None                                                                     |

The empyrean service interface....

The testcontroller.sysadmin interface is a combination host/linux and empyrean service interfaces. All of these are defined in the AdminApi project as they are not relevant to AWS, only Euca, Linux, system adminstration, etc..

In [33] from import ServiceConnection

Example of creating the sysadmin interface outside of nephoria...

In [34]: from cloud_admin.systemconnection import SystemConnection
In [35]: sysadmin = SystemConnection?
Type:            type
String form:     <class 'cloud_admin.systemconnection.SystemConnection'>
File:            /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/adminapi-
Init definition: SystemConnection(self, hostname, username='root', password=None, keypath=None, domain=None, proxy_hostname=None, proxy_username=None, proxy_password=None, proxy_keypath=None, config_yml=None, config_qa=None, credpath=None, aws_access_key=None, aws_secret_key=None, log_level='INFO', boto_debug_level=0, euca_user='admin', euca_account='eucalyptus', https=True)
Docstring:       <no docstring>

In [37]: sysadmin = SystemConnection('', password='mypassword')

The sys admin interface can show the status of backend from a services and linux host perspective....

Some examples...

In [40]: tc.sysadmin

### show general info about a cloud's backend
In [41]:
tc.sysadmin.show_cloud_controllers       tc.sysadmin.show_components_summary      tc.sysadmin.show_objectstorage_gateways  tc.sysadmin.show_service_types_verbose
tc.sysadmin.show_cloud_legacy_summary    tc.sysadmin.show_hosts                   tc.sysadmin.show_properties              tc.sysadmin.show_services
tc.sysadmin.show_cluster_controllers     tc.sysadmin.show_machine_mappings        tc.sysadmin.show_properties_narrow       tc.sysadmin.show_storage_controllers
tc.sysadmin.show_cluster_mappings        tc.sysadmin.show_nodes                   tc.sysadmin.show_service_types           tc.sysadmin.show_walrus_backends


Show service states and info

In [41]: tc.sysadmin.show_services()
[2017-02-09 13:55:59,583][INFO][UserContext::eucalyptus:admin]: 
|TYPE               |NAME                           |STATE  |CLUSTER|URI                                                             |
|arbitrator         |NOT REGISTERED?                |MISSING|   --  |SERVICE NOT REGISTERED                                          |
|walrusbackend      |walrus-0                       |ENABLED|       |                 |
|storage            |one-sc-0                       |ENABLED|  one  |                       |
|cluster            |one-cc-0                       |ENABLED|  one  |            |
|tokens             |API_10.10.5.138.tokens        |ENABLED|       |                        |
|simpleworkflow     |API_10.10.5.138.simpleworkflow|ENABLED|       |                |
|objectstorage      |API_10.10.5.138.objectstorage |ENABLED|       |                 |
|loadbalancing      |API_10.10.5.138.loadbalancing |ENABLED|       |                 |
|imaging            |API_10.10.5.138.imaging       |ENABLED|       |                       |
|identity           |API_10.10.5.138.identity      |ENABLED|       |                      |
|euare              |API_10.10.5.138.euare         |ENABLED|       |                         |
|dns                |API_10.10.5.138.dns           |ENABLED|       |                           |
|compute            |API_10.10.5.138.compute       |ENABLED|       |                       |
|cloudwatch         |API_10.10.5.138.cloudwatch    |ENABLED|       |                    |
|cloudformation     |API_10.10.5.138.cloudformation|ENABLED|       |                |
|autoscaling        |API_10.10.5.138.autoscaling   |ENABLED|       |                   |
|user-api           |API_10.10.5.138               |ENABLED|       |                      |
|node               |                    |ENABLED|  one  |             |
|eucalyptus         |                    |ENABLED|       |                     |
|node               |                   |ENABLED|  one  |            |
|component          |                    |ENABLED|       |                      |
|reporting          |                    |ENABLED|       |                      |
|bootstrap          |                    |ENABLED|       |                       |
|properties         |                    |ENABLED|       |                     |
|imagingbackend     |                    |ENABLED|       |                 |
|configuration      |                    |ENABLED|       |                  |
|ldap               |                    |ENABLED|       |                           |
|cloudwatchbackend  |                    |ENABLED|       |              |
|notifications      |                    |ENABLED|       |                  |
|autoscalingbackend |                    |ENABLED|       |             |
|db                 |                    |ENABLED|       |postgresql://      |
|                   |                               |       |       |ry=com.eucalyptus.postgresql.PostgreSQLSSLSocketFactory         |
|pollednotifications|                    |ENABLED|       |            |

Show properties, filter by properties containing a given string. ie 'network'....

In [42]: tc.sysadmin.show_prop
tc.sysadmin.show_properties         tc.sysadmin.show_properties_narrow  

In [42]: tc.sysadmin.show_properties('network')
[2017-02-09 13:56:13,012][INFO][UserContext::eucalyptus:admin]: 
|PROPERTY NAME                                         |PROPERTY VALUE                 |DEFAULT|RO|DESCRIPTION                             |
|                 |35                             |35     |F |Minutes before a pending system public  |
|                                                      |                               |       |  |address allocation timesout and is      |
|                                                      |                               |       |  |released.                               |
||                               |       |F |Comma delimited list of protocol numbers|
|                                                      |                               |       |  |to support in EDGE mode for security    |
|                                                      |                               |       |  |group rules beyond the EC2-classic      |
|                                                      |                               |       |  |defaults (tcp,udp,icmp)                 |
|                     |120                            |120    |F |Maximum time to apply network           |
|                                                      |                               |       |  |information (seconds).                  |
|                  |5                              |5      |F |Minimum interval between broadcasts of  |
|                                                      |                               |       |  |network information (seconds).          |
|                   |{                              |       |F |Network configuration document.         |
|                                                      |  "Clusters": [                |       |  |                                        |
|                                                      |  {                            |       |  |                                        |
|                                                      |    "Name": "one",             |       |  |                                        |
|                                                      |    "PrivateIps": [            |       |  |                                        |
|                                                      |      "",          |       |  |                                        |
|                                                      |      "",          |       |  |                                        |
|                                                      |      "",          |       |  |                                        |
|                                                      |      "",          |       |  |                                        |
|                                                      |      "",          |       |  |                                        |
|                                                      |      "",          |       |  |                                        |
|                                                      |      "",          |       |  |                                        |
|                                                      |      ""           |       |  |                                        |
|                                                      |    ],                         |       |  |                                        |
|                                                      |    "Subnet": {                |       |  |                                        |
|                                                      |      "Gateway": "", |       |  |                                        |
|                                                      |      "Name": "",    |       |  |                                        |
|                                                      |      "Netmask": "",|       |  |                                        |
|                                                      |      "Subnet": ""   |       |  |                                        |
|                                                      |    }                          |       |  |                                        |
|                                                      |  }                            |       |  |                                        |
|                                                      |],                             |       |  |                                        |
|                                                      |  "InstanceDnsServers": [      |       |  |                                        |
|                                                      |    ""             |       |  |                                        |
|                                                      |  ],                           |       |  |                                        |
|                                                      |  "Mode": "EDGE",              |       |  |                                        |
|                                                      |  "PublicIps": [               |       |  |                                        |
|                                                      |    "",            |       |  |                                        |
|                                                      |    "",            |       |  |                                        |
|                                                      |    "",            |       |  |                                        |
|                                                      |    "",            |       |  |                                        |
|                                                      |    "",            |       |  |                                        |
|                                                      |    "",            |       |  |                                        |
|                                                      |    "",            |       |  |                                        |
|                                                      |    ""             |       |  |                                        |
|                                                      |  ]                            |       |  |                                        |
|                                                      |}                              |       |  |                                        |
|           |35                             |35     |F |Minutes before a pending index          |
|                                                      |                               |       |  |allocation timesout and is released.    |
|cloud.vmstate.network_metadata_refresh_time           |15                             |3600000|F |Maximum amount of time (in seconds) that|
|                                                      |                               |       |  |the network topology service takes to   |
|                                                      |                               |       |  |propagate state changes.                |
|cloud.vpc.networkaclspervpc                           |200                            |200    |F |Maximum number of network ACLs for each |
|                                                      |                               |       |  |VPC.                                    |
|cloud.vpc.rulespernetworkacl                          |20                             |20     |F |Maximum number of rules per direction   |
|                                                      |                               |       |  |for each network ACL.                   |
|cloud.vpc.securitygroupspernetworkinterface           |5                              |5      |F |Maximum number of associated security   |
|                                                      |                               |       |  |groups for each network interface .     |
|one.cluster.networkmode                               |EDGE                           |       |T |Currently configured network mode       |

Fetch a given property, show, modify and update the property obj...

In [43]: prop = tc.sysadmin.get_property('objectstorage.max_metadata_request_size')

In [44]:
[2017-02-09 13:56:40,446][INFO][UserContext::eucalyptus:admin]: 
|PROPERTY NAME                          |PROPERTY VALUE|DEFAULT|RO|DESCRIPTION                             |
|objectstorage.max_metadata_request_size|307200        |       |F |Maximum allowed size of metadata request|
|                                       |              |       |  |bodies                                  |

In [45]: prop.modify_value('311111')
[2017-02-09 13:56:57,992][INFO][UserContext::eucalyptus:admin]: 
|objectstorage.max_metadata_request_size|311111        |None   |? |

Out[45]: EucaProperty:objectstorage.max_metadata_request_size

Show or fetch host object for backend

A eucahost combines the Adminapi machine class with eucalyptus service utilities specific to the host's role or services it's serving. An ssh connection is setup automatically along with relevant AWS service connections to represent the 'eucahost' obj..

from cloud_admin.hosts.eucahost import EucaHost
from cloud_utils.system_utils.machine import Machine

Show all hosts, the host info (cpu, mem, disk) as well as the service states, VMs on that machine, relevant processes.

In [46]: tc.sysadmin.show_hosts()
[2017-02-09 13:57:14,924][INFO][UserContext::eucalyptus:admin]: 
| HOST:               | EUCALYPTUS SERVICES:[ CLC ]                                                 |
| Euca Versions:                 |   TYPE              NAME                               STATE      CLUSTER   |
| Cloud: 4.4.0                   |   eucalyptus                        ENABLED              |
| 2ools: 3.4.1-1-gf960997        |                                                                             |
| Hostname:                      | -------------------------------------------------------------               |
|                    |   HOST SERVICE   COMMAND           %CPU   %MEM   PS_UPTIME                  |
| Mem:                           | -------------------------------------------------------------               |
|  Used:       4416  56.5%       |    eucalyptus:                                                              |
|  Free:       202   2.6%        |           --->   eucalyptus-clou   5.2    50.1   6-17:49:19                 |
|  Swap:       206   2.6%        | -------------------------------------------------------------               |
| CPU:                           |                                                                             |
|  #0:         1.94%             |                                                                             |
|  #1:         2.55%             |                                                                             |
|  #2:         2.57%             |                                                                             |
|  #3:         2.9%              |                                                                             |
| DISK:                          |                                                                             |
| md0          509m 27%          |                                                                             |
| vg01-lv_root 200g 4%           |                                                                             |
| tmpfs        782m 0%           |                                                                             |
| devtmpfs     3.9g 0%           |                                                                             |
| HOST:              | EUCALYPTUS SERVICES:[ NC ]                                                  |
| Euca Versions:                 |   TYPE              NAME                               STATE      CLUSTER   |
| Cloud: 4.4.0                   |   node                           ENABLED      one     |
| 2ools: 3.4.1-1-gf960997        | -----------------------------------------------------                       |
| Hostname:                      |   INSTANCES    STATE:    VMTYPE:     ROOT_DEV:                              |
|                   | -----------------------------------------------------                       |
| Mem:                           |   i-6a8d83ae   running   m1.small    instance-store                         |
|  Used:       1045  13.4%       |   i-c2c06544   running   c1.medium   ebs                                    |
|  Free:       2544  32.6%       |   i-ec465278   running   c1.medium   ebs                                    |
|  Swap:       0     0.0%        |   i-90335731   running   c1.medium   ebs                                    |
| CPU:                           | -----------------------------------------------------                       |
|  #0:         0.38%             |  (""'s VM AVAILABILITY @ None)                                  |
|  #1:         0.4%              |  ------------------------------------------------------------               |
|  #2:         0.4%              |   VMTYPE AVAIL CPU(None/None) MEM(None/None) DISK(None/None)                |
|  #3:         0.54%             |  ------------------------------------------------------------               |
| DISK:                          |  ------------------------------------------------------------               |
| md0          509m 27%          | --------------------------------------------------------                    |
| vg01-lv_root 200g 3%           |     HOST SERVICE   COMMAND    %CPU   %MEM   PS_UPTIME                       |
| tmpfs        782m 0%           | --------------------------------------------------------                    |
| devtmpfs     3.9g 0%           |   eucalyptus-nc:                                                            |
|                                |             --->   httpd      0.3    0.6    6-17:40:33                      |
|                                |        eucanetd:                                                            |
|                                |             --->   eucanetd   0.0    0.0    6-17:40:34                      |
|                                | --------------------------------------------------------                    |
| HOST:               | EUCALYPTUS SERVICES:[ NC ]                                                  |
| Euca Versions:                 |   TYPE              NAME                               STATE      CLUSTER   |
| Cloud: 4.4.0                   |   node                            ENABLED      one     |
| 2ools: 3.4.1-1-gf960997        | -----------------------------------------------------                       |
| Hostname:                      |   INSTANCES    STATE:    VMTYPE:     ROOT_DEV:                              |
|                    | -----------------------------------------------------                       |
| Mem:                           |   i-d161ea01   running   c1.medium   ebs                                    |
|  Used:       1024  13.1%       |   i-33398373   running   m1.small    instance-store                         |
|  Free:       852   10.9%       |   i-d94fda93   running   c1.medium   ebs                                    |
|  Swap:       0     0.0%        |   i-9c050fa2   running   c1.medium   ebs                                    |
| CPU:                           | -----------------------------------------------------                       |
|  #0:         0.71%             |  (""'s VM AVAILABILITY @ None)                                   |
|  #1:         0.49%             |  ------------------------------------------------------------               |
|  #2:         0.46%             |   VMTYPE AVAIL CPU(None/None) MEM(None/None) DISK(None/None)                |
|  #3:         0.39%             |  ------------------------------------------------------------               |
| DISK:                          |  ------------------------------------------------------------               |
| md0          509m 27%          | --------------------------------------------------------                    |
| vg01-lv_root 200g 4%           |     HOST SERVICE   COMMAND    %CPU   %MEM   PS_UPTIME                       |
| tmpfs        782m 0%           | --------------------------------------------------------                    |
| devtmpfs     3.9g 0%           |   eucalyptus-nc:                                                            |
|                                |             --->   httpd      0.4    0.6    6-17:40:58                      |
|                                |        eucanetd:                                                            |
|                                |             --->   eucanetd   0.0    0.0    6-17:41:00                      |
|                                | --------------------------------------------------------                    |
| HOST:              | EUCALYPTUS SERVICES:[ UFS SC CC WS ]                                        |
| Euca Versions:                 |   TYPE              NAME                               STATE      CLUSTER   |
| Cloud: 4.4.0                   |   user-api          API_10.10.5.138                   ENABLED              |
| 2ools: 3.4.1-1-gf960997        |   autoscaling       API_10.10.5.138.autoscaling       ENABLED              |
| Hostname:                      |   cloudformation    API_10.10.5.138.cloudformation    ENABLED              |
|                   |   cloudwatch        API_10.10.5.138.cloudwatch        ENABLED              |
| Mem:                           |   compute           API_10.10.5.138.compute           ENABLED              |
|  Used:       5478  70.1%       |   dns               API_10.10.5.138.dns               ENABLED              |
|  Free:       183   2.3%        |   euare             API_10.10.5.138.euare             ENABLED              |
|  Swap:       476   6.1%        |   identity          API_10.10.5.138.identity          ENABLED              |
| CPU:                           |   imaging           API_10.10.5.138.imaging           ENABLED              |
|  #0:         2.51%             |   loadbalancing     API_10.10.5.138.loadbalancing     ENABLED              |
|  #1:         3.07%             |   objectstorage     API_10.10.5.138.objectstorage     ENABLED              |
|  #2:         3.28%             |   simpleworkflow    API_10.10.5.138.simpleworkflow    ENABLED              |
|  #3:         3.71%             |   tokens            API_10.10.5.138.tokens            ENABLED              |
| DISK:                          |   storage           one-sc-0                           ENABLED      one     |
| md0          509m 27%          |   cluster           one-cc-0                           ENABLED      one     |
| vg01-lv_root 200g 10%          |   walrusbackend     walrus-0                           ENABLED              |
| tmpfs        782m 0%           |                                                                             |
| devtmpfs     3.9g 0%           | --------------------------------------------------------------              |
|                                |    HOST SERVICE   COMMAND           %CPU   %MEM   PS_UPTIME                 |
|                                | --------------------------------------------------------------              |
|                                |   eucalytus-cc:                                                             |
|                                |            --->   httpd             0.0    0.5    6-16:51:32                |
|                                |     eucalyptus:                                                             |
|                                |            --->   eucalyptus-clou   11.0   63.0   6-17:43:44                |
|                                | --------------------------------------------------------------              |

Fetch hosts based on their specific Eucalyptus service.

This can be done by 'tc.sysadmin.get_hosts_by_service_type(servicetype) or by a few canned service methods. Example below is a canned method for fetching all the node controller host objs..

Find a node which is hosting a given instance, and grab the instance's xml from the node...

In [48]: node = tc.sysadmin.get_hosts_for_node_controllers(instanceid='i-33398373')[0]

In [50]: instance_xml = node.helpers.node_controller.get_instance_xml_text('i-33398373')

In [51]: print instance_xml
<domain type='kvm' id='4'>
  <description>Eucalyptus instance i-33398373</description>
  <memory unit='KiB'>262144</memory>
  <currentMemory unit='KiB'>262144</currentMemory>
  <vcpu placement='static'>1</vcpu>
    <type arch='x86_64' machine='pc-i440fx-rhel7.3.0'>hvm</type>
    <boot dev='hd'/>
    <topology sockets='1' cores='1' threads='1'/>
  <clock offset='localtime'/>
    <disk type='block' device='disk'>
      <driver name='qemu' type='raw' cache='none'/>
      <source dev='/var/lib/eucalyptus/instances/work/AIDAATPHVGYOL5PQUR5IL/i-33398373/link-to-vda'/>
      <target dev='vda' bus='virtio'/>
      <alias name='virtio-disk0'/>
      <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x03' function='0x0'/>
    <disk type='block' device='disk'>
      <driver name='qemu' type='raw' cache='none'/>
      <source dev='/var/lib/eucalyptus/instances/work/AIDAATPHVGYOL5PQUR5IL/i-33398373/link-to-vdb'/>
      <target dev='vdb' bus='virtio'/>
      <alias name='virtio-disk1'/>
      <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x04' function='0x0'/>
    <disk type='file' device='floppy'>
      <driver name='qemu' type='raw' cache='none'/>
      <source file='/var/lib/eucalyptus/instances/work/AIDAATPHVGYOL5PQUR5IL/i-33398373/floppy'/>
      <target dev='fda' bus='fdc'/>
      <alias name='fdc0-0-0'/>
      <address type='drive' controller='0' bus='0' target='0' unit='0'/>
    <controller type='usb' index='0'>
      <alias name='usb'/>
      <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x01' function='0x2'/>
    <controller type='pci' index='0' model='pci-root'>
      <alias name='pci.0'/>
    <controller type='fdc' index='0'>
      <alias name='fdc0'/>
    <interface type='bridge'>
      <mac address='d0:0d:33:39:83:73'/>
      <source bridge='br0'/>
      <target dev='vn_i-33398373'/>
      <model type='virtio'/>
      <alias name='net0'/>
      <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x02' function='0x0'/>
    <serial type='file'>
      <source path='/var/lib/eucalyptus/instances/work/AIDAATPHVGYOL5PQUR5IL/i-33398373/console.log'/>
      <target port='1'/>
      <alias name='serial0'/>
    <console type='file'>
      <source path='/var/lib/eucalyptus/instances/work/AIDAATPHVGYOL5PQUR5IL/i-33398373/console.log'/>
      <target type='serial' port='1'/>
      <alias name='serial0'/>
    <input type='mouse' bus='ps2'>
      <alias name='input0'/>
    <input type='keyboard' bus='ps2'>
      <alias name='input1'/>
    <memballoon model='virtio'>
      <alias name='balloon0'/>
      <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x05' function='0x0'/>
  <seclabel type='dynamic' model='selinux' relabel='yes'>
  <seclabel type='dynamic' model='dac' relabel='yes'>

Execute a command on all hosts or subset of hosts...

In [54]: for host in tc.sysadmin.get_hosts_for_storage_controllers():
    print host.sys('echo "My hostname is $(hostname)"', code=0)
['My hostname is']

In [59]: for host in tc.sysadmin.get_hosts_for_node_controllers():
    print host.sys('echo "My hostname is $(hostname)"', code=0)
['My hostname is']
['My hostname is']

Use code/exit code values to raise errors upon command failures ...or not...

In [60]: host.sys('ls filedoesnotexist')
Out[60]: ['ls: cannot access filedoesnotexist: No such file or directory']

In [61]: host.sys('ls filedoesnotexist', code=0)
CommandExitCodeException: "Cmd:ls filedoesnotexist failed with status code:2, output:['ls: cannot access filedoesnotexist: No such file or directory']"

copy files to/from a given host...

fetch all hosts, print version info from that host's logger...

tc.sysadmin._eucahosts is a dict of hosts with the {ip: hostobj}. Example:

In [78]: for ip, host in tc.sysadmin._eucahosts.iteritems():
    print "ip:{0} ---> {1}".format(ip, host.get_eucalyptus_version())
In [79]: for ip, host in tc.sysadmin._eucahosts.iteritems():"ip:{0} ---> {1}".format(ip, host.get_eucalyptus_version()))

[2017-02-09 17:48:59,460][INFO][['CLC'])]: 
ip: ---> 4.4.0
[2017-02-09 17:48:59,596][INFO][['UFS', 'SC', 'CC', 'WS'])]: 
ip: ---> 4.4.0
[2017-02-09 17:48:59,761][INFO][['SC', 'CC'])]: 
ip: ---> 4.4.0
[2017-02-09 17:48:59,928][INFO][['NC'])]: 
ip: ---> 4.4.0
[2017-02-09 17:49:00,096][INFO][['NC'])]: 
ip: ---> 4.4.0

Fetch an image, show image, filter by the name or location string of the image and root_device_type...

In [87]: emi = user.ec2.get_emi(root_device_type='instance-store', location='precise')
In [88]: emi
Out[88]: Image:emi-2a68fc7f

In [89]: user.ec2.show_image(emi)
[2017-02-09 17:53:40,620][INFO][EC2ops(admin:testrunner)]: 
|IMAGE ID: emi-2a68fc7f,    IMAGE NAME:preciseservercloudimgamd64disk1img-1486095746X                      |
|IMAGE SUMMARY:                                                                                            |
|+---------+------+------------+---------+----------+--------+--------------+---------+                    |
|+---------+------+------------+---------+----------+--------+--------------+---------+                    |
||   hvm   | True |000772500664|   None  |   None   | LINUX  |instance-store|available|                    |
|+---------+------+------------+---------+----------+--------+--------------+---------+                    |
|                                                                                                          |
|IMAGE MANIFEST PATH:                                                                                      |
||                                            IMAGE LOCATION:                                             ||
|| testrunner-precise-server-cloudimg-amd64-disk1img/precise-server-cloudimg-amd64-disk1.img.manifest.xml ||
|                                                                                                          |
|IMAGE BLOCK DEVICE MAPPING: N/A                                                                           |
|                                                                                                          |
|IMAGE TAGS:                                                                                               |
|+-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------+   |
||TAG NAME                           |TAG VALUE                                                        |   |
|+-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------+   |
||URL                                |       |   |
||                                   |/precise-server-cloudimg-amd64-disk1.img                         |   |
|+-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------+   |
||source                             |       |   |
||                                   |/precise-server-cloudimg-amd64-disk1.img                         |   |
|+-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------+   |
||eutester-created                   |                                                                 |   |
|+-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------+   |
||Nephoria Test Image: Fri Feb  3    |                                                                 |   |
||04:22:27 2017                      |                                                                 |   |
|+-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------+   |
||size                               |(3, '/disk1/storage/precise-server-cloudimg-amd64-disk1_img      |   |
||                                   |/precise-server-cloudimg-amd64-disk1.img')                       |   |
|+-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------+   |
|                                                                                                          |

Create a user, key, and security group. Run an instance with that user, connect and run commands on that instance.

# Create the testcontroller obj...
In [81]: from nephoria.testcontroller import TestController
In [82]: tc = TestController('', password='foobar', log_level='DEBUG')

# Create a user (if this user already exists it will just fetch and return that user, else create a new euca account/user)
In [83]: user = tc.create_user_using_cloudadmin('testrunner', 'admin')

# Fetch an image to run...
In [84]: emi = user.ec2.get_emi(root_device_type='instance-store', not_platform='windows')

# Create a key. This creates the keypair artifact in the cloud as well as saves the localcert locally with a .pem extension.
In [90]: key = user.ec2.create_keypair_and_localcert('mytestkey')
In [92]: ll | grep mytestkey
-rw-------+ 1 joeuser  staff      1757 Feb  9 17:55 mytestkey.pem

# Create a security group and authorize the group for ssh and icmp...
In [93]: securitygroup = user.ec2.add_group('newgroup')

In [95]: user.ec2.authorize_group(securitygroup, protocol='tcp', port=22)
Out[95]: True

In [96]: user.ec2.authorize_group(securitygroup, protocol='icmp', port=-1)
Out[96]: True

Now run an instance. The run_image method verifies certain cloud artifacts are in place, show information about the state of the ec2 service, existing VMs, etc. The method will also attempt to provide a root connection to the VM when it is available if the 'autoconnect' flag is provided. By default this is set to 'True'.

ins = user.ec2.run_image(image=emi, keypair=key, zone='one', group=securitygroup, vmtype='m1.small', min=1)[0]

# The instance obj is an extension of the Adminapi Machine class plus an ec2 interface and utils. 
# Some example utilities...

# Run a command over ssh
In [100]: ins.sys('free')
[2017-02-09 18:03:49,926][DEBUG][i-6a8d83ae]: [root@]# free
[2017-02-09 18:03:50,101][DEBUG][i-6a8d83ae]: 
             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:        245316     184800      60516          0      20140     123972
-/+ buffers/cache:      40688     204628
Swap:            0          0          0

#Transfer a file to/from...

#work with a remote file obj on the instance as a local file obj
In [102]: rem_file ='newfile', 'w')

In [103]: rem_file.write('woot')

In [104]: rem_file.close()

In [105]: ins.sys('ls; cat newfile')
[2017-02-09 18:06:01,658][DEBUG][i-6a8d83ae]: [root@]# ls; cat newfile
[2017-02-09 18:06:01,861][DEBUG][i-6a8d83ae]: 
[2017-02-09 18:06:01,861][DEBUG][i-6a8d83ae]: done with exec
Out[105]: ['newfile', 'woot']

# fetch and/or show network stats, interface info...
In [106]: ins.show_network_interfaces_delta()
[2017-02-09 18:06:19,582][INFO][i-6a8d83ae]: Time Elapsed Since Last Update: None
|lo   |0   |0   |0          |0   |0   |0   |0      |0   |0       |0   |0   |0   |0   |0   |0     |0   |
|eth0 |0   |0   |14531306169|0   |0   |0   |1186810|0   |14745371|0   |0   |0   |0   |0   |15980 |0   |

#Work with block devices..
In [107]: ins.show_block_device_mapping()
[2017-02-09 18:06:51,119][INFO][i-6a8d83ae]: 
|BLOCK DEVICE MAP                                                        |

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