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Clover is a tool for testing infrastructure code on isolated platform.

It was heavily inspired by test-kitchen, just better :) - no ruby gems, allows multiple config files in the same directory, file sharing, custom shell provisioners.. Currently it supports ansible as provisioner and goss as verifier.


  • vagrant

Quick start

  1. Run git clone <clover repo>, cd into clover
  2. Install dependencies with pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. cd example
  4. Converge with ../clover converge
  5. Run tests with ../clover verify
  • converge: bootstraps virtual machine(s) and applies playbook
  • destroy: destroys virtual machine(s)
  • status: checks status of virtual machine(s)
  • verify: runs one of the verifiers against the virtual machine(s)
  • ssh: ssh into virtual machine
  • config: by default, it looks for .clover.yml in current directory but you can specify custom configuration file (with yml extentions or without)
  • vm_name: by default, it converges, verifies, destroys all virtual machines specified in configuration file, this option allows to limit it to single virtual machine.

clover converge: converge all virtual machines defined in .clover.yml
clover converge openvpn.yml: converge all virtual machines defined in openvpn.yml clover verify openvpn.yml openvpnserver: verify virtual machine openvpnserver defined in openvpn.yml

Configuration file

nodes - may contain multiple virtual machines definitions;
nodes[].name - required, virtual machine name, required
node[].provider - required, provider section, applied during converge phase
node[] - required, provider name, currently vagrant only
node[] - required, vagrant box name, look here for more
node[].provider.synced_folders - optional, list of local directories that are mounted into virtual machine, host path is separated with : from vm path. VM path must be absolute.
node[] - optional, network settings go here
node[] - optional, list of host ports forwarded to vm ports, host port, vm port and protocol are separated by :
node[].provisioner[] - required, provisioner section, applied during converge phase, list node[].provisioner[].name - required, provisioner name, currently ansible-local only is supported
node[].provisioner[].playbook - required, provisioner name, ansible playbook path, absolute inside th the virtual machine
node[].provisioner[].content - optional, shell commands to be run during converge phase
node[].verifier - optional, applied during verifier phase
node[] - optional, verifier's name, currently goss only node[].verifier.goss_file - optional, absolute path to the goss file inside vm


  - name: web
      name: vagrant
      box: hashicorp-vagrant/ubuntu-16.04
        - ansible:/ansible
       - name: ansible
         playbook: ../web.yaml
           - webservers
           - '@../envs/prod/group_vars/webservers/environment'
      - name: shell
        content: |
          test -f /usr/bin/goss || curl -L -o /usr/bin/goss
          chmod +x /usr/bin/goss
      name: goss
      goss_file: /mnt/goss.yml