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Maria Eugenia Costa edited this page Jul 2, 2024 · 9 revisions

Full Stack Airbnb clone!

This is a project in Next.js with create-next-app, creating an Airbnb clone.

Demo 📦

📌 (bulding...)

Features 📢

✔️ TailwindCSS and shadcnUI design. Tailwind animations and effects.

✔️ Full responsiveness

✔️ "Sign in page" with Kindle

✔️ "Landing page" with the list of the houses for rent

✔️ "Favorite page" where you can see your favorites Homes.

✔️ "Listing page" with all the Home you had added.

✔️ "Reservation page" with all the Home you had reserved.

✔️ "Detail page", a detail of the Home by the id with a calendar to make a reservation (with the date already reserved disabled).

✔️ Functionality:

-Add your Home for rent

-Add / Delete favorite Home for rent

-Make a reservation

Technologies 🛠️

  • react React, React-DOM and React icons

  • nextjs Next.js 14

  • tailwindcss Tailwindcss, shadcn UI -for UI components- and Lucide -for icons-.

  • React Date Range for the calendars to make a reservation.

  • eslint ESLint

  • Kinde - auth for modern applications

  • Supabase: is an open source Firebase alternative. Start your project with a Postgres database, Authentication, instant APIs, Edge Functions, Realtime subscriptions, Storage, and Vector embeddings.

  • prisma orm Prisma, Next-generation Node.js and TypeScript ORM. Prisma unlocks a new level of developer experience when working with databases thanks to its intuitive data model, automated migrations, type-safety & auto-completion.

  • world-countries, to have a list of countries

  • React leaflet & Leaflet, React components for Leaflet maps

  • VSC extension recommended to use: Tailwind CSS IntelliSense

todo-list Prerequisites

  • Node version 18.x. I used 20.4.1

workstation Getting Started

  1. Cloning the repository:
git clone

And put inside the root folder

  1. After cloning the GitHub repository and install all the dependencies with:
npm install
npm i
  1. Setup .env file:



  1. Setup Prisma. Add MySQL Database :
  • To generate the Prisma client, always after npx prisma db pushcommand:
npx prisma generate
  • To start Prisma and create an schema:
npx prisma init
  • To update the database schema (when we make an update in the schema.prisma file):
npx prisma db push
  1. Start the app, running developer server:
npm run dev
  • command-line Available commands: Running commands with: npm run [command]
command description
dev starts a development instance of the app
  • command-line Available commands: Running commands with: npx prisma [command]
command description
init initialize prisma
studio to see the data base
db push to update the schemas in the data base
  1. Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.

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