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euzu edited this page Jul 8, 2024 · 7 revisions


inputs is a list of sources.

Each input has the following attributes:

  • name is optional, if set it must be unique, should be set for the webui
  • type is optional, default is m3u. Valid values are m3u and xtream
  • enabled is optional, default is true, if you disable the processing is skipped. (The '-t' cli-argument overrides this option)
  • persist is optional, you can skip or leave it blank to avoid persisting the input file. The {} in the filename is filled with the current timestamp.
  • url for type m3u is the download url or a local filename of the input-source. For type xtreamit is http://<hostname>:<port>
  • epg_url optional xmltv url
  • headers is optional
  • username only mandatory for type xtream
  • paswordonly mandatory for type xtream
  • prefix is optional, it is applied to the given field with the given value
  • suffix is optional, it is applied to the given field with the given value
  • options optional

persist should be different for m3u and xtream types. For m3u use full filename like ./playlist_{}.m3u. For xtream use a prefix like ./playlist_

prefix and suffix are appended after all processing is done, but before sort. They have 2 fields:

  • field can be name , group, title
  • value a static text

input options for xtream

  • xtream_info_cache caches movie and series info to disk to reduce network traffic to provider.
  • xtream_skip_live true or false, live section can be skipped.
  • xtream_skip_vod true or false, vod section can be skipped.
  • xtream_skip_series true or false, series section can be skipped.

Example input config for m3u

- inputs:
    - url: 'test-input.m3u'
      epg_url: 'test-epg.xml'
      enabled: false
      persist: 'playlist_1_{}.m3u'
    - url: ''
    - url: ''
    - url: ''
   - name: test
       - type: m3u
         filename: test.m3u

Example input config for xtream

    - type: xtream
      persist: 'playlist_1_1{}.m3u'
        User-Agent: "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Tizen 2.3) AppleWebKit/538.1 (KHTML, like Gecko)Version/2.3 TV Safari/538.1"
        Accept: application/json
        Accept-Encoding: gzip
      url: 'http://localhost:8080'
      username: test
      password: test
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