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Gradle plugin for projects using ev3dev-lang-java


This plugin is intended to provide a simple and unified user interface for various Gradle projects using ev3dev-lang-java.

Deployment concept

This plugin uploads the program JAR to a central directory on the brick. It then creates a shell script as a launcher/wrapper through which it is possible to start the JAR from the brick menu. The wrapper will also display a textual splash - it will be displayed on the brick display when the program is loading.

Using the plugin in a project

  1. Create a Gradle project.

  2. Insert the following snippet at the beginning of settings.gradle:

    pluginManagement {
        resolutionStrategy {
            eachPlugin {
                if ( == "com.github.ev3dev-lang-java") {
        repositories {
            maven { url "" }

    This code is necessary for Gradle to be able to find this plugin.

  3. Add a plugin declaration at the top of your build.gradle file:

    plugins {
        id 'com.github.ev3dev-lang-java.gradle-plugin' version '<plugin version>'

    You can find the latest version of this plugin here:

  4. Create a new file named config.gradle in your project root directory.

    brick.pref {
        // Main class //
        mainClass = "<main class of your program>"
        // Brick connection parameters //
        sshHost = "<ip address of your brick>"
        sshUser = "robot"
        sshPassword = "maker"

    For more configuration options, see the following sections.

  5. Insert the following snippet after the configurtion block in build.gradle:

    apply from: './config.gradle'
    jar {
        manifest {
                       "Implementation-Version": version,
                       "Main-Class": brick.pref.mainClass,
                       "Class-Path": brick.getClassPath(true) )

    This includes the project configuration and it also pushes the information from this plugin to the JAR manifest.

What's next

Now you can write your program. Before you upload/deploy the program, you may need to run the task setupEverything. This will be needed in these circumstances:

  • You are using a non-EV3 platform (BrickPi, PiStorms) without having previously installed Java.
  • You want to use OpenCV or RXTX system libraries.

To upload the program, simly run the task deploy. This task also takes care of uploading dependencies and creating a wrapper shell script for running programs from the brick menu.

Using system OpenCV & RXTX

  1. Make sure you have run the setupEverything task or that you have installed OpenCV/RXTX manually on the brick.
  2. Add a corresponding version of the library to your project's compileOnly dependencies.
  3. Enable libOpenCV or libRXTX flag in the plugin configuration block.

By default, the following OpenCV/RXTX versions are used:

ev3dev version OpenCV Debian package OpenCV Gradle artifact RXTX Debian package RXTX Gradle artifact
Stretch libopencv2.4-java ( org.openpnp:opencv:2.4.9-8 librxtx-java (2.2pre2) see here
Buster libopencv3.2-java (3.2.0) org.openpnp:opencv:3.2.0-1 librxtx-java (2.2pre2) see here

All configuration options

Main configuration

// Main plugin configuration
brick.pref {
    // This lets you specify main class that will be used when running the program from the brick menu.
    mainClass = "please.specify.main.class"

    // Brick connection parameters
    sshHost = ""
    sshUser = "robot"
    sshPassword = "maker"
    sshTimeout = 5000

    // Whether to include system OpenCV in classpath.
    libOpenCV = false

    // Whether to include system RXTX in classpath.
    libRXTX = false

    // Additional runtime classpath entries (paths to JAR libraries)
    libCustom += []

    // If true, the program will be run as root (using sudo with the password provided above)
    useSudo = false

    // If true, the program will be run wrapped in time command, which then prints the total execution time
    useTime = true

    // If true, the program will be run wrapped in brickrun command. Programs launched from Gradle
    // or from commandline will then appear like they have been started from the program menu.
    useBrickrun = false

    // Flags which will be passed to the on-brick JVM.
    jvmFlags = ["-Xms64m", "-Xmx64m", "-XX:+UseSerialGC"]
    // alternatively, just append some flags
    jvmFlags += []
    // some ideas:
    // - `-Xlog:class+load=info,class+unload=info ` - Display the debugging info for class loading.
    // - `-Xshare:on ` - Enable Class Data Sharing (recommended); often enabled automatically.
    // - ` ` - Enable JMX agent.
    // - `-XX:TieredStopAtLevel=1 ` - Do not perform many optimizations. This can be used to speed up startup time.
    // - ` ` - This can be used to speed up random number generation.

    // If true, dependencies will not be put into one giant JAR, rather they will be uploaded to
    // a Java library directory and then linked via manifest/runtime classpath.
    slimJar = true

    // If true, main class from JAR manifest will be used for the "run" Gradle task and the on-brick launcher.
    // If false, the main class will be directly passed to Java. It is then possible to change the main class for "run" without reuploading the program.
    useEmbeddedPaths = true

Build configuration {
    // Lambda returning path to a text-mode "splash" for a program.
    splashPath = { Project proj ->
        return Paths.get(proj.projectDir.toString(), "gradle", "splash.txt")

    // Lambda returning contents of the launcher script
    templateWrapper = { Project proj ->
        return """#!/bin/sh
cat ${proj.brick.brickSplashPath()}
exec ${proj.brick.getJavaCommand(true)}

    // Lambda returning list of upload specifications
    // Upload specification is a three element list consisting of these parts:
    // - source path on the developer's computer
    // - destination path on the brick
    // - Unix permissions for the file
    uploads = { Project proj ->
        return [
            ['/bin/true', '/tmp/true', 0755]

Paths configuration

brick.paths {
    // Configuration of where various things are stored.
    wrapperDir = "/home/robot"
    javaDir = "/home/robot/java"
    libraryDir = "/home/robot/java/libraries"
    programDir = "/home/robot/java/programs"
    splashDir = "/home/robot/java/splashes"
    opencvJar = "/usr/share/java/opencv.jar"
    rxtxJar = "/usr/share/java/RXTXcomm.jar"

All provided Gradle tasks

The project has some tasks developed to interact in 3 areas:

  • Deployment
  • EV3Dev
  • Installer

You can use the Java IDE to launch the tasks or you can execute them from the terminal:

./gradlew deployRun

Setup tasks

These tasks need to be run once only when a fresh system is used.

  • setupEverything - Installs a standard Java runtime (JRI/JRE) and OpenCV & RXTX libraries on the brick.
  • setupEverythingExpert - Install an extended Java runtime (JDK) and OpenCV & RXTX libraries on the brick.

Deployment tasks

  • deploy - Upload the program and its dependencies to the brick.
  • deployLibrary - Upload the program and its dependencies to the brick (into Java library directory).
  • undeploy - Remove previously uploaded program.
  • undeployLibrary - Remove previously uploaded program (from Java library directory).
  • run - Run the program that is currently loaded on the brick.
  • deployRun - Upload the program and its dependencies to the brick and then run it.
  • testConnection - Test connection to the brick.
  • pkillJava - Kill running Java instances.

EV3Dev tasks

  • ev3devInfo - Get system summary from ev3dev-sysinfo -m. Useful when sending bugreports to ev3dev-lang-java or ev3dev.
  • free - Print free memory summary.
  • getDebianDistro - Get Debian version information from /etc/os-release.
  • ps - Print list of running processes.
  • stopBluetooth/restartBluetooth - Stop/restart the Bluetooth service.
  • stopBrickman/restartBrickman - Stop/restart the Brickman service.
  • stopNmbd/restartNmbd - Stop/restart the NMBD service.
  • stopNtp/restartNtp - Stop/restart the NTP service.
  • shutdown - Shut down the brick.


The primary consumer of this plugin is the template project:


If you have any problem or doubt, use the main project.