The "Fourier-based field estimation" code allows one to estimate the magnetic field perturbation that arises when an object is placed within a magnetic field.
When an object is placed within an MRI scanner, it is assumed that the magnetic field experienced by the object is uniform and equal to the applied (
In MRI, the
where the spatial frequency,
The first equation can then be rewritten as:
This equation allows us to simulate the magnetic field perturbation arising from a susceptibility distribution
It should be noted that when
Setting the value of $\tilde B_{dz} (\mathbf{k} = 0)$ when the average magnetic field does not equal zero
In order to determine the appropriate value to assign to
The derivation for the analytical solution of the magnetic field arising from a sphere placed within an infinite medium is given in Brown et al. This solution includes the Lorentz sphere correction. If the background material has a susceptibility of
- Internal field:
$\frac{1}{3} \chi_e B_0$ - External field:
$\frac{1}{3} (\chi_i - \chi_e) \cdot \frac{a^3}{r^3} (3 \cos^2(\theta) - 1) \cdot B_0 + \frac{1}{3} \chi_e B_0$
From this the average field value can be derived. For
The derivation for the analytical solution of the magnetic field arising from an infinite cylinder placed within an infinite medium is given in Brown et al. This solution includes the Lorentz sphere correction. If the background material has a susceptibility of
- Internal field:
$\frac{1}{6} (\chi_i - \chi_e) \cdot (3\cos^2(\theta) - 1) B_0 + \frac{1}{3} \chi_e B_0$ - External field:
$\frac{1}{2} (\chi_i - \chi_e) \cdot \frac{a^2}{r^2} \sin^2(\theta) \cos(2\phi) B_0 + \frac{1}{3} \chi_e B_0$
Setting the value of $\tilde B_{dz} (\mathbf{k} = 0)$ when the average magnetic field is equal to zero (i.e., a "demodulated" field)
Signals arising from an MRI scanner will be "demodulated". A consequence of this is that the average magnetic field within a measured field map is set to zero (here we call this a demodulated field) and any deviation from zero is due to susceptibility differences.
In order to simulate this scenario, we can assume that
These final equations are the ones used in FBFest, which calculates the magnetic field offset produced by a susceptibility distribution subject to a uniform external magnetic field
Run the test script from the main folder (the folder containing FBFest), after adding it to the path.
A test script test_calc_bdz was developed for easy use of the FBFest function when testing with a spherical or cylindrical phantom. This test script allows a comparison to the analytical solutions for the sphere and cylinder, for which the equations are given in the theory. These equations are also adapted to give the solution for the demodulated field in ppm, so they only depend on the susceptibility difference and don't depend on the field strength of
Three flags in the beginning of the test script give the user some choices for the simulation.
- phantom: the choice between "sphere" or "cylinder"
field: the choice between "demodulated" or "offset". The default is demodulated. When only the susceptibility difference is known we are restricted to the default, however when
$\chi_i$ and$\chi_e$ are known separately, the simulation of the field offset (not frequency demodulated) can be done. -
unit: the choice between "ppm" or "Hz". Default is ppm. If ppm is chosen, then the simulation does not depend on the strength of
$B_0$ , if Hz is chosen then it does.
The susceptibility distribution is created using the ChiDist class, which has 4 subclasses (SheppLogan, Spherical, Cylindrical and Zubal). In the test script, the Spherical and Cylindrical subclasses are used to simulate the field offset from a spherical or cylindrical phantom. The subclasses SheppLogan and Zubal can be used to simulate the field offset from the Shepp-Logan phantom or the Zubal phantom. For these phantoms there is no analytical solution.
To create the susceptibility distributions, some parameters have to be set:
- radius: radius of the sphere or cylinder [mm]
- theta (only for cylinder): angle of rotation of the cylinder axis around y-axis [rad]
- theta = 0: cylinder axis parallel to z-axis and
$B_0$ - theta =
$\pi/2$ : cylinder axis perpendicular to z-axis and$B_0$
- theta = 0: cylinder axis parallel to z-axis and
phi (only for cylinder): angle between x-axis and the projection of the cylinder axis in the xy plane [rad], default values for phi are set and should not be changed:
- phi_x = 0 (measurement along x-axis)
- phi_y =
$\pi/2$ (measurement along y-axis)
susin: value of
$\chi_i$ [ppm], only use this when you want to calculate the field offset -
susout: value of
$\chi_e$ [ppm], only use this when you want to calculate the field offset -
sus_diff: value of
$\chi_i - \chi_e$ [ppm], this value is used by default for the simulation of the demodulated and field offset. NB: if you have the specific values of$\chi_i$ and$\chi_e$ then you can change this parameter to susin - susout - dim_without_buffer: field of view (FOV) in 3 dimensions (y, x, z)
- dim: FOV with buffer in 3 dimensions (y, x, z). The phantom is padded with zeros to the dimensions of dim, this improves the result from the Fourier Transform in FBFest, and will give a more accurate result of the simulated field.
- res: resolution of the phantom [mm] in 3 dimensions, this refers to the physical size of a voxel in the FOV. Default is 1mm.
- subsample_factor: factor with which the simulated field is subsampled to match the resolution of the scanner. Default is 1 (no subsampling), a factor of 2 will give a resolution of 2mm if res is set to 1mm. The subsampling is done using the function subsample_3D in the utils folder.
The susceptibility distribution is then made using the ChiDist subclasses:
- sphere: sus_dist_volume = Spherical(dim_without_buffer, res, radius, [sus_diff 0]).volume;
- cylinder: sus_dist_volume = Cylindrical(dim_without_buffer, res, radius, theta, [sus_diff 0]).volume;
- Zubal: sus_dist_volume = Zubal('modified_zubal.nii').volume;
Run the following commands from the main folder (the folder containing FBFest), after adding it to your path.
spherical_sus_dist = Spherical(matrix, image_res, radius, [sus_diff 0]);
spherical_dBz = FBFest('spherical', spherical_sus_dist.volume, image_res, matrix);
spherical_sus_dist = Spherical([128 128 128], [1 1 1], 10, [9 0]);
spherical_dBz = FBFest('spherical', spherical_sus_dist.volume, spherical_sus_dist.image_res, spherical_sus_dist.matrix);
plot_along_axes(spherical_dBz.volume, 'ppm')
sliceViewer(spherical_dBz.volume,'Colormap',colormap(parula),'SliceDirection',[1 0 0]); % or direction [0 1 0] or [0 0 1]
slice(spherical_dBz.volume, 64, 64, 64)
cylindrical_sus_dist = Cylindrical(matrix, image_res, radius, theta, [sus_diff 0]);
cylindrical_dBz = FBFest('cylindrical', cylindrical_sus_dist.volume, image_res, matrix);
cylindrical_sus_dist = Cylindrical([128 128 128], [1 1 1], 10, pi/2, [9 0]);
cylindrical_dBz = FBFest('cylindrical', cylindrical_sus_dist.volume, cylindrical_sus_dist.image_res, cylindrical_sus_dist.matrix);
plot_along_axes(cylindrical_dBz.volume, 'ppm')
sliceViewer(cylindrical_dBz.volume,'Colormap',colormap(parula),'SliceDirection',[1 0 0]); % or direction [0 1 0] or [0 0 1]
slice(cylindrical_dBz.volume, 64, 64, 64)
Important: first add the nifti file containing the modified Zubal phantom to the main folder
zubal_sus_dist = Zubal('zubal_modified.nii');
zubal_dBz = FBFest('Zubal', zubal_sus_dist.volume, zubal_sus_dist.image_res, zubal_sus_dist.matrix);
plot_along_axes(zubal_dBz.volume, 'ppm')
sliceViewer(zubal_dBz.volume,'Colormap',colormap(parula),'SliceDirection',[1 0 0]); % or direction [0 1 0] or [0 0 1]
slice(zubal_dBz.volume, 64, 64, 64)
spherical_sus_dist = Spherical(matrix, image_res, radius, [sus_diff 0]);
spherical_buffer_dBz = FBFest('spherical', spherical_sus_dist.volume, image_res, matrix, **buffer_dim**);
spherical_sus_dist = Spherical([128 128 128], [1 1 1], 10, [9 0]);
spherical_buffer_dBz = FBFest('spherical', spherical_sus_dist.volume, spherical_sus_dist.image_res, spherical_sus_dist.matrix, [256 256 256]);
plot_along_axes(spherical_buffer_dBz.volume, 'ppm')
spherical_sus_dist = Spherical(matrix, image_res, radius, [sus_diff 0]);
spherical_dBz = FBFest('spherical', spherical_sus_dist.volume, image_res, matrix);
spherical_dBz_subsampled = sub_sample_3D(spherical_dBz.volume, factor);
spherical_sus_dist = Spherical([128 128 128], [1 1 1], 10, [9 0]);
spherical_dBz = FBFest('spherical', spherical_sus_dist.volume, spherical_sus_dist.image_res, spherical_sus_dist.matrix);
spherical_dBz_subsampled = sub_sample_3D(spherical_dBz.volume, [2 2 2]);
plot_along_axes(spherical_dBz_subsampled, 'ppm')
spherical_sus_dist = Spherical(matrix, image_res, radius, [sus_diff 0]);
spherical_dBz_ppm = FBFest('spherical', spherical_sus_dist.volume, image_res, matrix);
spherical_dBz_Hz = spherical_dBz_ppm.volume * B0[T] * Larmor_frequency[MHz/T];
spherical_sus_dist = Spherical([128 128 128], [1 1 1], 10, [9 0]);
spherical_dBz_ppm = FBFest('spherical', spherical_sus_dist.volume, spherical_sus_dist.image_res, spherical_sus_dist.matrix);
spherical_dBz_ppm_vol = spherical_dBz_ppm.volume;
spherical_dBz_Hz_vol = spherical_dBz_ppm_vol* 3 * 42.5775;
plot_along_axes(spherical_dBz_ppm_vol, 'ppm')
plot_along_axes(spherical_dBz_Hz_vol, 'Hz')
spherical_sus_dist = Spherical(matrix, image_res, radius, [sus_diff 0]);
spherical_dBz_demod = FBFest('spherical', spherical_sus_dist.volume, image_res, matrix);
spherical_dBz_offset = spherical_dBz_demod.volume + susout / 3;
spherical_sus_dist = Spherical([128 128 128], [1 1 1], 10, [9 0]);
spherical_dBz_demod = FBFest('spherical', spherical_sus_dist.volume, spherical_sus_dist.image_res, spherical_sus_dist.matrix);
spherical_dBz_demod_vol = spherical_dBz_demod.volume;
spherical_dBz_offset_vol = spherical_dBz_demod_vol + 1/3;
plot_along_axes(spherical_dBz_demod_vol, 'ppm')
plot_along_axes(spherical_dBz_offset_vol, 'ppm')
J.P. MARQUES, R. BOWTELL Concepts in Magnetic Resonance Part B (Magnetic Resonance Engineering), Vol. 25B(1) 65-78 (2005)
BROWN, W.B., CHENG, Y-C.N., HAACKE, E.M., THOMPSON, M.R. and VENKATESAN, R., Magnetic resonance imaging : physical principles and sequence design, chapter 25 Magnetic Properties of Tissues : Theory and Measurement. John Wiley & Sons, 2014.
ZUBAL, I.G., HARRELL, C.R, SMITH, E.O, RATTNER, Z., GINDI, G. and HOFFER, P.B., Computerized three-dimensional segmented human anatomy, Medical Physics, 21(2):299-302 (1994)