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My NEOVIM Configuration

I switched from VIM to NEOVIM for a reason I already forgot. Anyway, I found this config useful and sufficient for me, so I would like to share this. I have got most of the required files in this repo, but some prerequisites are still necessary.

Getting Started

I am currently using this config in Ubuntu 18.04, so I'm not sure will it work on other OS, but most of the time it should be similar.

2021.07.15 update: set up the same repo on Ubuntu 20.04 as well. It works fine.

Included Plugins

  • nerdtree
  • CurtineIncSw.vim
  • coc.vim
  • tagbar
  • ctrlp.vim
  • vim-airline
  • vim-airline-themes
  • vim-cpp-enhanced-highlight
  • syntastic
  • ack.vim



Here is a tricky part. For Ubuntu18.04, if we directly apt-get neovim, the most recent version is only 0.2, but we need at least 0.3.1 for the coc.vim plugin. Therefore, we need to install via PPA.

sudo apt-get install software-properties-common
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:neovim-ppa/stable
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y neovim


For the purpose of navigating functions with ctags.

sudo apt-get install exuberant-ctags


Dependency of coc.nvim plugin.

curl -sL | sudo bash


Another dependency of coc.nvim plugin. Note that if you sudo apt install yarn, Ubuntu will install cmdtest for you instead, but that is not what we want. If you accidentally ran this command, remove the package by sudo apt remove cmdtest.

sudo apt install yarnpkg
sudo ln -s /usr/bin/yarnpkg /usr/bin/yarn


Dependency of ack.vim plugin.

sudo apt-get install ack-grep


The trick is to recursively clone the submodules in this repo as well. That way we ensure all the files are cloned altogether.

cd ~/.config
git clone --recurse-submodules

NEOVIM requires typing nvim to trigger, but we could do something to make our life easier, so that we could still type either vi or vim to trigger nvim.

# put those lines under ~/.bashrc
alias vi='nvim'
alias vim='nvim'

Or, the one I used:

sudo ln -s /usr/bin/nvim /usr/bin/vi
sudo ln -s /usr/bin/nvim /usr/bin/vim

To install the plugins within the init.vim under this repo (served as the same purpose of .vimrc in traditional VIM), we need to:

vi # enter NEOVIM
:PluginInstall # should appear at the very bottom of NEOVIM

Press ENTER and wait for a while to install every plugin.

To enable c/c++ autocompletion support from coc.vim, do the following commands inside VIM:

:CocInstall coc-json
:CocInstall coc-clangd

If it says you aren't able to install the language server, it's most probably you did not update the coc.vim submodule correctly. If you need other language support, visit coc.vim github page for more info.

How To Use

I'm too lazy to document all this down right now. Stay tuned lol.


My NEOVIM configuration






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