🚧 🚧 WARNING 🚧 🚧
I'm currently transitioning the server from Express/Rest -> AolloGraphql... this will be a tad messy until I'm finished 😬
The following may or may not be accurate at the time of you reading this.
🚧 🚧 WARNING 🚧 🚧
- This repo will eventually hold a scavenger hunt app that will utilize the Twilio texting service.
npm start
Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser. The page will reload with edits. You will also see any lint errors in the console. -
npm run serve
Launches the server file. -
npm test
starts the test suit; runs all test in the__tests__
- Ngrok is a tool used to expose your local node server to the outside world, namely for Twilio webhooks and Postman testing.
- install ngrok from their website (free version works fine)
- open a terminal, in the root dir run the below command.
./ngrok http 22306
- copy the provided url
- paste that into 2 places:
- the webhook field on the Twilio dashboard for your selected phone number
- saved to a variable in your PostMan environment
ACCT_SID=< provided by Twilio >
AUTH_TOKEN=< provided by Twilio >
TWILIO_NUMBER=< provided by Twilio >
MONGO_URI=< provided by MongoDB >
SESSION_SECRET=< randomly button smash a long value >
PORT=< 5 digit number >
JWT_SECRET=< randomly button smash a long value >
ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET=< randomly button smash a long value >
REFRESH_TOKEN_SECRET=< randomly button smash a long value >