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Helm chart for DIM Middle Layer

This helm chart installs the DIM Middle Layer.

For further information please refer to Technical Documentation.

The referenced container images are for demonstration purposes only.


To install the chart with the release name dim:

$ helm repo add dim-repo
$ helm install dim dim-repo/dim

To install the helm chart into your cluster with your values:

$ helm install -f your-values.yaml dim dim-repo/dim

To use the helm chart as a dependency:

  - name: dim
    version: 0.0.1


Repository Name Version postgresql 12.12.x


Key Type Default Description string ""
dim.image.tag string ""
dim.imagePullPolicy string "IfNotPresent"
dim.resources object {"limits":{"cpu":"45m","memory":"200M"},"requests":{"cpu":"15m","memory":"200M"}} We recommend to review the default resource limits as this should a conscious choice.
dim.healthChecks.startup.path string "/health/startup"
dim.healthChecks.startup.tags[0].name string "HEALTHCHECKS__0__TAGS__1"
dim.healthChecks.startup.tags[0].value string "dimdb"
dim.healthChecks.liveness.path string "/healthz"
dim.healthChecks.readyness.path string "/ready"
dim.swaggerEnabled bool false
dim.rootDirectoryId string "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" string "migrations" string ""
migrations.image.tag string ""
migrations.imagePullPolicy string "IfNotPresent"
migrations.resources object {"limits":{"cpu":"45m","memory":"105M"},"requests":{"cpu":"15m","memory":"105M"}} We recommend to review the default resource limits as this should a conscious choice.
migrations.seeding.testDataEnvironments string ""
migrations.seeding.testDataPaths string "Seeder/Data"
migrations.logging.default string "Information" string "processesworker" string ""
processesworker.image.tag string ""
processesworker.imagePullPolicy string "IfNotPresent"
processesworker.resources object {"limits":{"cpu":"45m","memory":"105M"},"requests":{"cpu":"15m","memory":"105M"}} We recommend to review the default resource limits as this should a conscious choice.
processesworker.dim.adminMail string ""
processesworker.dim.clientIdCisCentral string ""
processesworker.dim.clientSecretCisCentral string ""
processesworker.dim.authUrl string ""
processesworker.subaccount.baseUrl string "" Url to the subaccount service api
processesworker.entitlement.baseUrl string "" Url to the entitlement service api string "" string "" string "" string "" Url to the cf service api string "client_credentials"
processesworker.callback.scope string "openid"
processesworker.callback.grantType string "client_credentials"
processesworker.callback.clientId string "" Provide client-id for callback.
processesworker.callback.clientSecret string "" Client-secret for callback client-id. Secret-key 'callback-client-secret'.
processesworker.callback.tokenAddress string ""
processesworker.callback.baseAddress string "" Url to the cf service api
existingSecret string "" Secret containing "client-secret-cis-central", "client-secret-cf" and "client-secret-callback"
dotnetEnvironment string "Production"
dbConnection.schema string "dim"
dbConnection.sslMode string "Disable"
postgresql.enabled bool true PostgreSQL chart configuration; default configurations: host: "dim-postgresql-primary", port: 5432; Switch to enable or disable the PostgreSQL helm chart.
postgresql.image object {"tag":"15-debian-12"} Setting image tag to major to get latest minor updates
postgresql.commonLabels."" string "15"
postgresql.auth.username string "dim" Non-root username.
postgresql.auth.database string "dim" Database name.
postgresql.auth.existingSecret string "{{ .Release.Name }}-dim-postgres" Secret containing the passwords for root usernames postgres and non-root username dim. Should not be changed without changing the "dim-postgresSecretName" template as well.
postgresql.auth.postgrespassword string "" Password for the root username 'postgres'. Secret-key 'postgres-password'.
postgresql.auth.password string "" Password for the non-root username 'dim'. Secret-key 'password'.
postgresql.auth.replicationPassword string "" Password for the non-root username 'repl_user'. Secret-key 'replication-password'.
postgresql.architecture string "replication"
postgresql.audit.pgAuditLog string "write, ddl"
postgresql.audit.logLinePrefix string "%m %u %d "
postgresql.primary.extendedConfiguration string "" Extended PostgreSQL Primary configuration (increase of max_connections recommended - default is 100)
postgresql.primary.initdb.scriptsConfigMap string "{{ .Release.Name }}-dim-cm-postgres"
postgresql.readReplicas.extendedConfiguration string "" Extended PostgreSQL read only replicas configuration (increase of max_connections recommended - default is 100) string "dim-postgres-ext" External PostgreSQL configuration IMPORTANT: non-root db user needs to be created beforehand on external database. And the init script (02-init-db.sql) available in templates/configmap-postgres-init.yaml needs to be executed beforehand. Database host ('-primary' is added as postfix).
externalDatabase.port int 5432 Database port number.
externalDatabase.username string "dim" Non-root username for dim.
externalDatabase.database string "dim" Database name.
externalDatabase.password string "" Password for the non-root username (default 'dim'). Secret-key 'password'.
externalDatabase.existingSecret string "dim-external-db" Secret containing the password non-root username, (default 'dim').
ingress.enabled bool false DIM ingress parameters, enable ingress record generation for dim.
ingress.tls[0] object {"hosts":[""],"secretName":""} Provide tls secret.
ingress.tls[0].hosts list [""] Provide host for tls secret.
ingress.hosts[0] object {"host":"","paths":[{"backend":{"port":8080},"path":"/api/dim","pathType":"Prefix"}]} Provide default path for the ingress record.
portContainer int 8080
portService int 8080
replicaCount int 3
nodeSelector object {} Node labels for pod assignment
tolerations list [] Tolerations for pod assignment
affinity.podAntiAffinity object {"preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution":[{"podAffinityTerm":{"labelSelector":{"matchExpressions":[{"key":"","operator":"DoesNotExist"}]},"topologyKey":""},"weight":100}]} Following Catena-X Helm Best Practices, reference.
updateStrategy.type string "RollingUpdate" Update strategy type, rolling update configuration parameters, reference.
updateStrategy.rollingUpdate.maxSurge int 1
updateStrategy.rollingUpdate.maxUnavailable int 0
startupProbe object {"failureThreshold":30,"initialDelaySeconds":10,"periodSeconds":10,"successThreshold":1,"timeoutSeconds":1} Following Catena-X Helm Best Practices, reference.
livenessProbe.failureThreshold int 3
livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds int 10
livenessProbe.periodSeconds int 10
livenessProbe.successThreshold int 1
livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds int 10
readinessProbe.failureThreshold int 3
readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds int 10
readinessProbe.periodSeconds int 10
readinessProbe.successThreshold int 1
readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds int 1

Autogenerated with helm docs