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Enhance an existing module with new components

  1. Fork this repository.
  2. Implement your new plugin in plugin-base OR just use an already existing plugin and add just your new extensions (e.g. a new connector, parser, etc.). In any case, you can use the template classes located in plugin-template module, copy the appropriate ones to your desired location and start customizing them. If you don't want to add a new plugin but use an existing plugin as parent instead, don't forget to change the parent plugin's code to include/reference your new functionality where appropriate.

Customize the template code

  • your Gradle module can contain multiple plugins and each plugin can contain multiple connectors, parsers, or other extensions. Add plugins/extensions as appropriate (see other parts of this document for more details).
  • Rename the template classes and packages as you see appropriate.
  • Choose a unique plugin ID (a good approach is to base the name off of you organization's name)

Adding a new connector

  • Choose a connector ID unique in the scope of your plugin
  • Choose your connector's parameters and create a connector descriptor. This will be transformed into a user-facing form to fill the connector's instance parameters (usually credentials, remote URL, etc.).
  • Implement IConnector and its methods (most importantly the getTransactions method).
  • You can take a look at the plugin-base module for some inspiration. It contains some real plugin implementations.
  • Respect connector limitations:
    • There's a limit on how many transactions can be downloaded during a single download pass (10,000). Don't try to download more than the single-pass limit. If your transaction source has additional data, you will dowload more during the next download pass. Connectors are called periodically (multiple times per hour) to keep the portfolios in sync with the source of data, so this shouldn't be a problem. Eventually, your portfolio will become synchronized.
    • Close all unneeded resources (if present) in the close method which is called when the connector instance goes out of scope. In order to save resources, connector instances are destroyed after each download pass.

Adding a new parser

  • Choose a parser ID unique in the scope of your plugin.
  • Create a parser descriptor. It describes which files the parser is able to parse - using file header templates and supported exchange for each header template. The header template can directly match the header in the file or can be entered like a regular expression.
  • Implement ICsvParser and its methods (most importantly the parse method - which should parse a csv file with some specific header template).
  • You can take a look at the plugin-base module for some inspiration. It contains some real plugin implementations.

Adding a new fiat currency

Edit the Currency enum and add the appropriate currency. Set the enum constructor parameters accordingly. After the code makes it's way into the next Everytrade release, our fiat rates service should recognize your currency and start downloading the rates at startup.

Adding a new crypto currency

Edit Currency enum and add the appropriate currency. Set the enum constructor parameters accordingly. Make sure there is a rate provide (IRateProvider implementation) for the currency (supporting both USD and BTC as quotes). Since you're adding a new currency, you'll probably have to extend an existing crypto

rate provider or write a new one for your currency.

Adding a crypto rate provider

  • Choose a rate provider ID unique in the scope of your plugin.
  • Create a rate provider descriptor. It lists the currencies whose rates can be supplied by this rate provider.
  • Implement IRateProvider and its methods. Make sure your provider supports USD as well as BTC rates for your currency (e.g. when adding LTC rate provider, you should support rates for LTC/USD and LTC/BTC).
  • Again, plugin-base module contains some real implementations you can use as inspiration.

Adding a new exchange

Just add a new entry to the SupportedExchange enum.

Implementing new components as a new module

  1. Fork this repository.
  2. Add new Gradle module:
    1. Duplicate the directory plugin-template which server as a plugin implementation template.
    2. Include the new module in settings.gradle.
    3. Customize your plugin's build.gradle (module's group and jar manifest). Don't touch the rest if you don't know what you're doing. Specifically, the initial set od Gradle dependencies is the recommended minimum. You can add libraries as you progress with the plugin implementation, but you shouldn't remove any of the initial dependencies.
  3. Customize the template code (as described before).

Using libraries

To declare your plugin dependencies via Gradle, use only compileOnly, pluginCompile or pluginRuntime dependency configurations depending on whether you need the library during compilation only, compilation and runtime or only runtime, respectively.

Building custom plugin

  1. Run ./gradlew :<your-plugin>:build (with substituted with the actual Gradle module name you chose) in the repository root dir.

Testing custom plugin

  1. The repository contains the plugin-tester module to help you with testing your plugin. The tester is already set-up to test the plugin-base module's plugins.
  2. Edit the plugin-tester/build.gradle file's task gatherPlugins and add a dependency on your plugin module's JAR. You can also remove the dependency on plugin-base module's JAR if you want to concentrate just on testing your own module.
  3. Prepare connector credentials and/or other parameters.
    • In order to pass parameters to your connector's instances, you have to create a property file.
    • In the plugin-tester directory create a Java property file named <connector-id>.properties, e.g. for the Everytrade Kraken Connector, the file name is bacause the connector's ID is krkApiConnector and the connector parent plugin's ID is everytrade.
    • The file's content will be loaded into a map as key-value pairs and used to initialize the connector's instance. Your code can read the data in the createConnectorInstance method implementation. The template implementation just passes the data into the connector's constructor.
  4. Prepare test CSV files with transactions which you want to parse in the parser-files directory.
  5. Run the Gradle task :plugin-tester:run either via your IDE of choice (recommended, as you can debug your plugin this way) or via the command line (in the repository's root dir, run ./gradlew :plugin-tester:run).
  6. Watch the tester's output to determine whether correct data is downloaded and correct data is parsed.
    • For the tested connector the tester specifically tries two passes of the download procedure in order to check whether your connector can correctly resume download from where it left off after the first download pass. In order to fully test this, you should adjust your connector when testing to limit the amound of data being downloaded in a single pass.
    • The tester tries to parse each file in the parser-files directory with an appropriate parser. A parser is chosen based on a match between the CSV file's header and one of the parser's advertised headers.

Contribute back and make it part of Everytrade cloud instance

How to create a new plugin and make it part of the Base Plugin Pack:

  1. Fork this repository on GitHub.
  2. Implement your plugin inside the plugin-base module.
  3. Test your plugin with the built-in tester.
  4. Create pull request.
  5. Make it through our code review.

Deploying to on-premise instance

  1. Build you plugin module's JAR
  2. Determine you docker volume mountpoint:
     $ docker volume inspect everytrade_webapp-data | grep Mountpoint
    Most probably the output should match the following:
               "Mountpoint": "/var/lib/docker/volumes/everytrade_webapp-data/_data",
  3. Copy the JAR into the plugins subdirectory located underneath the mountpoint (i.e. for the mountpoint /var/lib/docker/volumes/everytrade_webapp-data/_data copy the JAR into /var/lib/docker/volumes/everytrade_webapp-data/_data/plugins directory)
  4. Restart the Everytrade webapp container:
    $ docker container restart everytrade_webapp_1
  5. Check the container logs whether your plugin has been loaded:
    $ docker logs everytrade_webapp_1
    and look for something like the following in the output:
    2020-09-11 14:44:39,660 INFO  [ejb.PluginRegistry] (ServerService Thread Pool -- 88) Reloading plugins...
    2020-09-11 14:44:39,734 INFO  [pf4j.AbstractPluginManager] (ServerService Thread Pool -- 88) Plugin 'everytrade-base@1.0.3' resolved
    2020-09-11 14:44:39,735 INFO  [pf4j.AbstractPluginManager] (ServerService Thread Pool -- 88) Start plugin 'everytrade-base@1.0.3'
    2020-09-11 14:44:39,810 INFO  [ejb.PluginRegistry] (ServerService Thread Pool -- 88) Loading plugin 'generalbytes'...
    2020-09-11 14:44:39,814 INFO  [ejb.PluginRegistry] (ServerService Thread Pool -- 88) Found connector 'generalbytes.GBConnector'.
    2020-09-11 14:44:39,818 INFO  [ejb.PluginRegistry] (ServerService Thread Pool -- 88) Finished loading plugin 'generalbytes'.
    2020-09-11 14:44:39,820 INFO  [ejb.PluginRegistry] (ServerService Thread Pool -- 88) Loading plugin 'everytrade'...
    2020-09-11 14:44:39,820 INFO  [ejb.PluginRegistry] (ServerService Thread Pool -- 88) Found connector 'everytrade.krkApiConnector'.
    2020-09-11 14:44:39,820 INFO  [ejb.PluginRegistry] (ServerService Thread Pool -- 88) Found connector 'everytrade.bitstampApiConnector'.
    2020-09-11 14:44:39,820 INFO  [ejb.PluginRegistry] (ServerService Thread Pool -- 88) Found connector 'everytrade.etApiConnector'.
    2020-09-11 14:44:39,821 INFO  [ejb.PluginRegistry] (ServerService Thread Pool -- 88) Found connector 'everytrade.coinmateApiConnector'.
    2020-09-11 14:44:39,821 INFO  [ejb.PluginRegistry] (ServerService Thread Pool -- 88) Finished loading plugin 'everytrade'.
    You should see your components being loaded.

    Implemented exchange API connectors and parsers

    Plugin ID Connector/parser ID Type Exchange Notes
    generalbytes generalbytes.GBConnector Connector General Bytes
    everytrade everytrade.everytradeParser Parser General Bytes
    everytrade everytrade.etApiConnector Connector EveryTrade
    everytrade everytrade.everytradeParser Parser EveryTrade
    everytrade everytrade.krkApiConnector Connector Kraken
    everytrade everytrade.everytradeParser Parser Kraken
    everytrade everytrade.bitstampApiConnector Connector Bitstamp
    everytrade everytrade.everytradeParser Parser Bitstamp
    everytrade everytrade.coinmateApiConnector Connector CoinMate
    everytrade everytrade.everytradeParser Parser CoinMate
    everytrade everytrade.bitfinexApiConnector Connector Bitfinex
    everytrade everytrade.everytradeParser Parser Bitfinex
    everytrade everytrade.binanceApiConnector Connector Binance
    everytrade everytrade.everytradeParser Parser Binance
    everytrade everytrade.bittrexApiConnector Connector Bittrex
    everytrade everytrade.everytradeParser Parser Bittrex
    everytrade everytrade.coinbaseProApiConnector Connector Coinbase Pro
    everytrade everytrade.everytradeParser Parser Coinbase Pro
    everytrade everytrade.bitmexApiConnector Connector Bitmex
    everytrade everytrade.everytradeParser Parser Bitmex
    everytrade everytrade.huobiApiConnector Connector Huobi
    everytrade everytrade.everytradeParser Parser Huobi
    everytrade everytrade.okxApiConnector Connector OKX
    everytrade everytrade.everytradeParser Parser OKX
    everytrade everytrade.everytradeParser Parser bitFlyer
    everytrade everytrade.everytradeParser Parser Coinsquare
    everytrade everytrade.everytradeParser Parser HitBTC
    everytrade everytrade.everytradeParser Parser LocalBitcoins
    everytrade everytrade.everytradeParser Parser Paxful
    everytrade everytrade.everytradeParser Parser Poloniex
    everytrade everytrade.everytradeParser Parser ShakePay