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BOOSTER - BOOtstrap Support by TransfER - Workflows

This git repository contains the workflows used in the study "Boosting Felsenstein Phylogenetic Bootstrap".

They are implemented in Nextflow.

  • Original data is located in the data folder:

    • mammals: Raw alignment and annotation file
    • ncbitax: Ncbi taxonomy
    • vih: Raw HIV pol alignment
  • Each sub-folder corresponds to one analysis:

    • hiv_pol: analysis of 9147 sequences of hiv pol
    • mammals_COI5P: analysis of 1449 sequences of COI-5P protein in mammals;
    • mammals_simulated: analysis of simulated data;
    • bootstrap_simulated_bootstrap: Comparing bootstrap samples with Simulated samples from true tree
    • transfer_distance: analysis of transfer distance as a function of branch depth and number of taxa.
  • All data described in the paper can be downloaded here.

Each folder contains a script to launch the analyses.

To run all the pipelines, the following dependencies are necessary: