- Flutter app with Firebase Genkit AI for PodcastIndex.org
- This app is designed to provide a way to cooperate with PodcastIndex.org. You can listen to podcasts, get text version, short summary, audio file based on summary, and AI chat on the subject of podcast
- Flutter podcast_search package
- Elevenlabs text to speech
- Firebase Genkit Ai summarize with gemini15Flash model
- PodcastIndex with podcastdx-client npm package
- Firebase Genkit Ai text-to-image with imagen2 model
- Huggingface speech-to-text with openai/whisper-large-v3-turbo model
- Firebase Genkit Ai chat completion with gemini15Flash
- Podcast Index Search demo
- Speech to text and image generation with imagen2 and gemini15Flash models
- Text to speech and image generation with elevenlabs model
- Chat with gemini15Flash model
1. Clone this repo to your folder:
git clone https://gitlab.extrawest.com/i-training/flutter/podcast-to-blog-firebase-genkit-app
2. Change current directory to the cloned folder:
cd podcast-to-blog-firebase-genkit-app/mobile
3. Get packages
flutter pub get
2. Go to genkit/functions folder: 1. Login to firebase and connect to your project 2. Deploy functions
firebase deploy --only functions
Once the deployment is done, you can run local server
1. Open server folder:
cd podcast-to-blog-firebase-genkit-app/server
2. In the root of server file create .env file and add the following variables:
2. Change server path in flutter project: Go to app/lib/services/api_service.dart and change the baseUrl to your server path
Now you can use the app
Created by Oleksandr Samoilenko
Extrawest.com, 2024