[Attention!] MSA moved to a new repo - https://github.com/extremeprog-com/just
A convenient tool for fast prototyping of web and mobile applications.
Intall a Docker container on your server.
$ docker run -d -it --restart=always --name=msa \
-v /var/lib/mongo-sites-api/mongodb:/var/lib/mongodb \
-p 8080:80 extremeprog/mongo-sites-api:latest
Add msa js interface to your project page.
<script src='http://domain.site.com/mongoSitesApi.js?site=msa'></script>
We provide you with the most convenient and handy mongo admin panel where you can view and manage your data. The interface is available on the port and domain name of you server.
Use admin@msa.com/admin credentials to login and view data as an admin user.
For an advanced configuration proceed with this wiki ... .
mongoSitesApi.mgoInterface.find({_type: 'Fruit'})
mongoSitesApi.mgoInterface.save({_type: 'Fruit', name: 'Banana'})
Read our API documentation.