These are my dotfiles but feel free to study, reuse or grab anything that works for you.
I keep my configuration in this repo and symlink my Dotfiles with stow for reference. It allows me to keep a versioned directory of all my config files.
Stow can be installed with this commands :
- `sudo pacman -S stow`
Stow create symlinks for files in the parent directory of where you execute the command. My dotfiles are all stored in my home directory ~/.dotfiles
. and all stow commands should be executed in that directory. otherwise -d
flag with location is needed.
note: stow can only create a symlink if a config file does not already exist.
=> if a default file was created upon program installation delete it first before installind a new one with stow. this does not apply to directories, only files.
Navigate to your home directory
cd ~
clone the repo:
git clone
enter the dotfiles directory
cd dotfiles
install the fish settings
stow fish
install fish settings for the root user
sudo stow fish -t /root
Dotfiles for fish 🐟
Change the shell with this command:
chsh -s /usr/local/bin/fish
To switch to default shell back, just run chsh -s /bin/bash
Fish comes with autocompletion from my shell history, contextual autocompletion a great syntax highlighting and nice funtions.
Functions can easyly be created like this :
function mkdirp
mkdir -p $argv
✏️ Mines are :
- bak => Add a ".bak" to a file
- downloads => Go to my downloads folder
- sites => Go to my sites folder
- gc => Git clone
- ip => run myip
- ll => ls -la
- miaj => sudo pacman -Syu
- mkc => mkdir & cd
- rmv => sudo pacman -R $argv
- speedip => speed-test; myip public
Script for remapping Anne Pro 2 keyboardkeys to french layout
echo "Changing keys..."
xmodmap -e 'keycode 51 = less greater bar brokenbar bar brokenbar'
xmodmap -e 'keycode 35 = dollar sterling bracketright braceright asterisk'
echo "The keys have been changed !"
Script for mounting Pcloucc drive
pcloudcc -u -p -s -n -d
Script for Qutebrowser prevent drawing attention
sleep 10
exec wmctrl -r "qutebrowser" -b remove,demands_attention
You have to create a new rule "51-blueman.rules" in /etc/polkit-1/rules.d/
/* Allow users in wheel group to use blueman feature requiring root without authentication */
polkit.addRule(function(action, subject) {
if (( == "" || == "org.blueman.dhcp.client" || == "org.blueman.rfkill.setstate" || == "org.blueman.pppd.pppconnect") &&
subject.isInGroup("wheel")) {
return polkit.Result.YES;
The happy few
archur -o Arch4k.jpg -t 'solarized' -r 3840x2160 --text 'fabcode'
- blueman : Bluetooth Manager
- bluez : Libraries and tools for the Bluetooth protocol stack.
- bluez-utils : Development and debugging utilities for the bluetooth protocol stac
- bitwarden-bin : Password manager
- caprine : Facebook Messenger app
- conky : Light-weight system monitor for X
- feh : Image viewer
feh --bg-scale ~/Pictures/Arch4k.jpg
- fish : User-friendly command line shell
- gdmap : Visualize disk space
- gtk3-mushrooms : Fix Systray icons
- i3-gaps : Fork of i3wm, a tiling window manager for Linux
- kalu : "Keeping Arch Linux Up-to-date" app checking for updates
- mousepad : Simple text editor
- Konsole : Terminal emulator
- lightdm-settings : Configuration tool for the LightDM display manager
- lightdm-slick-greeter : Slick-looking LightDM greeter
- lxappearance : lxappearance-gtk3 is GTK+ theme switcher of the LXDE Desktop (GTK+ 3 version)
- mellowplayer : Runs web-based music streaming services in its own window
- neofetch : Command-line system information tool
- openpyn-nordvpn : Easily connect to OpenVPN servers hosted by NordVPN on Linux
- pcloudcc : Console client for pCloud
- polybar : Fast and easy-to-use status bar
- protonmail-desktop : Unofficial Electron wrapper for ProtonMail
- pulseaudio-bluetooth : Bluetooth support for PulseAudio
- qutebrowser : Browser
- ripgrep : Recursively searches directories for a regex pattern
- rofi : Application launcher and dmenu replacement
- speed-test : Test internet connection speed and ping using from the CLI
- stow : Managing the installation of multiple software packages in the same run-time directory treeon to come
- nemo : File manager
- ttf-font-awesome : Icon toolkit
- twmn : Notification system for tiling window managers
- ulauncher : Application Launcher
- unrarall-git : Bash script to unrar everything and cleanup in a given directory
- vlc : Media player
- variety : Changes the wallpaper on a regular interval
- volnoti-brightness-git : Lightweight brightness notification
- volumeicon : Volume control in systray
- wmctrl : Control your EWMH compliant window manager cli
- yacreader : Comics reader
- visual-studio-code-bin : Code editor
- mariadb : Open source replacement for MySQL
- php : Scripting language for web development
- phpmyadmin : MySQL management tool
- composer : Dependency Manager for PHP
Install the theme in either /usr/share/themes, or in your home directory, in ~/.local/share/themes and ~/.themes
go to the desired theme folder: $ cd /usr/share/themes
clone theme's repo: $ git clone <URI> ****theme_name****
sudo tar -zcvf Macos-sierra-CT..tar.gz Macos-sierra-CT for icons
Adwaita-dark-gtk2 : Dark Theme
Macos-sierra-CT : Macos-sierra icons
- Webcatalog : Description to come