Little Python script to read DBUS services paths and their values - regularly updated. Tested and used in Victron Venus OS environment
I used this script in my latest Python projects related to DBus and Victron Venus OS.
e.g. Shelly 3EM as grid meter for Venus OS / GX device
With regular automated refresh of data. Should work univeral, but GetValue()
function is required on path to work....
Later I realized that Victron made a cool tool which is included into Venus OS - dbus-spy
Get more details here
- Victron Energy Cerbo GX with Venus OS - Firmware v2.84
- Connected to Multiplus2
- Connected to Wifi netowrk "A"
- IP
- Custom scripts to feed data into DBus
Just get the latest script-file from this repository. Configuration is done within the script - see inline comments