General-purpose multi-party computation from RISC-V assembly.
This is an academic proof-of-concept prototype, and in particular has not received careful code review. This implementation is NOT ready for production use.
This examples shows how to compute the mean salary without revealing salaries to the other party. The code for both parties can be found in the examples directory.
use risc_mpc::{Id, Integer, PartyBuilder, Result, Share, TcpChannel, XRegister, U64_BYTES};
fn main() -> Result<()> {
let program = "
addi sp, sp, -16
sd ra, 8(sp)
li a6, 0
slli a5, a1, 3
beqz a5, .LBB0_2
ld a4, 0(a0)
addi a0, a0, 8
add a6, a6, a4
addi a5, a5, -8
bnez a5, .LBB0_1
slli a0, a3, 3
beqz a0, .LBB0_4
ld a4, 0(a2)
addi a2, a2, 8
add a6, a6, a4
addi a0, a0, -8
bnez a0, .LBB0_3
add a1, a1, a3
beqz a1, .LBB0_6
divu a0, a6, a1
ld ra, 8(sp)
addi sp, sp, 16
let salaries = [1000, 2500, 1900, 3000, 2750, 5000];
let n = salaries.len() as u64;
let k = n;
let ch = TcpChannel::bind("")?;
let mut party = PartyBuilder::new(Id::Party0, ch)
.register_u64(XRegister::x10, Integer::Public(0x0)) // salaries0 address
.register_u64(XRegister::x11, Integer::Public(n)) // salaries0 length
.register_u64(XRegister::x12, Integer::Public(U64_BYTES * n)) // salaries1 address
.register_u64(XRegister::x13, Integer::Public(k)) // salaries1 length
.map(|x| Integer::Secret(Share::Arithmetic(*x)))
let mean = party.register_u64(XRegister::x10)?;
println!("mean = {mean}");
To run the exmaple, start both parties with the following commands:
RUST_LOG=info cargo run --release --example mean_salary_party0
RUST_LOG=info cargo run --release --example mean_salary_party1
To compile and run riscMPC, you need to install the Rust toolchain using rustup(recommended).
You should now have access to cargo
and can build riscMPC using the following command:
cargo build --release
Now you can add it as a local dependcy to a new Rust application and start using riscMPC.
To generate and view docs run the following command:
cargo doc --no-deps --open
cargo doc --no-deps --document-private-items --open
to also generate docs for private modules