module avail
module add
module list
passwd atcg
Principal component analysis, or PCA, is a statistical procedure that allows you to summarize the information content in large data tables by means of a smaller set of “summary indices” that can be more easily visualized and analyzed.
awk '/^#/||$7=="PASS"||$7=="MQRankSum-12.5;ReadPosRankSum-8"||$7=="MQRankSum-12.5"||$7=="ReadPosRankSum-8"' $.vcf > $.hardfiltered.vcf
awk '$5 !~ /([[:alpha:]]|*)+,([[:alpha:]]|*)/{print}' $hardfiltered.vcf > $
plink --noweb --file $ --make-bed --out $
plink --threads 16 --bfile $ --pca 3 --out $
re1a = fread("")
re1b = fread("")
re1a$por = re1a$V1/sum(re1a$V1)*100
ggplot(re1b,aes(x = V3,y = V4,color=V1)) + geom_point(size=1.5) + xlab(paste0("PC1 (",round(re1a$por[1],2),"%)")) +ylab(paste0
("PC2 (",round(re1a$por[2],2),"%)"))+scale_color_manual(values = c("#953CCC", "#74BBF1", "#FFD500", "#A8F1AD"))+scale_x_contin
uous(limits=c(-0.4, 0.4))+geom_text_repel(aes(label=V2))+labs(color="Country")+theme_bw()
FST is the proportion of the total genetic variance contained in a subpopulation (the S subscript) relative to the total genetic variance (the T subscript). Values can range from 0 to 1. High FST implies a considerable degree of differentiation among populations.
vcftools --vcf --weir-fst-pop de.txt --weir-fst-pop ru.txt --out de-ru --fst-window-size 500000 --fst-window-step 50000
Nucleotide diversity (often referred to using the symbol π) is the average pairwise difference between all possible pairs of individuals in your sample. It is a very intuitive and simple measure of genetic diversity, and is accurately estimated even with very few samples.
vcftools --vcf ../ --keep $i.txt --recode --recode-INFO-all --out pop_${i}
vcftools --vcf pop_${i}.recode.vcf --out ${i}_pi_500kb --window-pi 500000 --window-pi-step 50000
Tajima's D is a population genetic test statistic created by and named after the Japanese researcher Fumio Tajima.[1] Tajima's D is computed as the difference between two measures of genetic diversity: the mean number of pairwise differences and the number of segregating sites, each scaled so that they are expected to be the same in a neutrally evolving population of constant size.
vcftools --vcf ../ --keep $i.txt --recode --recode-INFO-all --out pop_${i}
vcftools --vcf pop_${i}.recode.vcf --out ${i}_TajimaD_500kb --TajimaD 500000