The following section details how to create and verify various id_tokens. These tokens comes in various flavors:
- google service account id_tokens
- OpenIDConnect ID token
The samples here outline how to get an id_token using your existing credentials and ones based off a service_account_json file.
The service_account based id_tokens maybe exchanged with google for an OpenIDConnect token.
To use, download a service_account json certificate file, then edit the sample in question and replace the certificate path within the code (sorry, i didn't make it a arg)
The output of each script displays an id_token for the current user's gcloud login, then an id_token for the service account, and finally the same id_token for a service account exchanged for a google-id-token. In each case, the token is verified against the public certificates:
eg verified against public certs in x509 format:
const service_account_certs = '';
const google_certs = '';
golang: see main.go
go get go run src/main.go
python: see
virtualenv env source env/bin/activate pip install -r requirements.txt python
java: see
mvn clean install exec:java -q
node: see app.js
npm i node user.js (gets a users gcloud id_token and verifies it) node service.js (gets a service accounts id_token and verifies it with the service accounts public key) node google-id-token.js (gets a service accounts id_token and exchanges it for a google-id-token...then verifies it)
dotnet: see Program.cs Unimplimented
Please also see Using Service Account Actor for Account Impersonation
Update 7/1/18: GCP IAM now allows for IAMCredentials.generateAccessToken(). This feature allows you to directly genreate an ID or AccessToken and place conditionals on delegation too. While the samples below will work, I’ll rework the sample in this repo to use that API as shown in this example. In several ways, this article is obsolete given the direct API is now available. I’ll keep it posted as a reference. The full code sample for iamcredentials API is shows at the end of the article
import logging
import os
import sys
import json
import time
import pprint
from apiclient.discovery import build
import httplib2
from oauth2client.service_account import ServiceAccountCredentials
from oauth2client.client import GoogleCredentials
from apiclient import discovery
custom_claim = "some custom_claim"
audience = ''
svc_account_A = ''
svc_account_B = ''
svc_account_C = ''
# initialize root creds for A
os.environ["GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS"] = "/path/to/svc_account.json"
project_id ='-'
cc = GoogleCredentials.get_application_default()
iam_scopes = ''
if cc.create_scoped_required():
cc = cc.create_scoped(iam_scopes)
http = cc.authorize(httplib2.Http())
service = build(serviceName='iam', version= 'v1',http=http)
resource = service.projects()
now = int(time.time())
exptime = now + 3600
claim =('{"iss":"%s",'
'"iat":%s}') %(svc_account_B,audience,svc_account_B,custom_claim,exptime,now)
slist = resource.serviceAccounts().signJwt(name='projects/' + project_id + '/serviceAccounts/' + svc_account_B, body={'payload': claim })
resp = slist.execute()
signed_jwt = resp['signedJwt']
print 'iam.signJwt() for A: --------------------- '
print signed_jwt
iamcredentials = build(serviceName='iamcredentials', version= 'v1',http=http)
print '=========================== no delegation =================================='
"delegates": [],
"scope": [
"lifetime": "300s"
req = iamcredentials.projects().serviceAccounts().generateAccessToken(name='projects/' + project_id + '/serviceAccounts/' + svc_account_B, body=body )
resp = req.execute()
print 'iamcredentials.generateAccessToken(): --------------------- '
print resp
body = {
"delegates": [],
"audience": svc_account_B,
"includeEmail": "true"
req = iamcredentials.projects().serviceAccounts().generateIdToken(name='projects/' + project_id + '/serviceAccounts/' + svc_account_B, body=body )
resp = req.execute()
print 'iamcredentials.generateIdToken(): --------------------- '
print resp
print '=========================== delegation =================================='
"delegates": [
'projects/-/serviceAccounts/' + svc_account_B
"scope": [
"lifetime": "300s"
req = iamcredentials.projects().serviceAccounts().generateAccessToken(name='projects/' + project_id + '/serviceAccounts/' + svc_account_C, body=body )
resp = req.execute()
print 'iamcredentials.generateAccessToken(): --------------------- '
print resp
body = {
"delegates": [
'projects/-/serviceAccounts/' + svc_account_B
"audience": svc_account_B,
"includeEmail": "true"
req = iamcredentials.projects().serviceAccounts().generateIdToken(name='projects/' + project_id + '/serviceAccounts/' + svc_account_C, body=body )
resp = req.execute()
print 'iamcredentials.generateIdToken(): --------------------- '
print resp