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ST3 2.3.0

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@facelessuser facelessuser released this 04 Mar 04:08
· 32 commits to master since this release


Some breaking changes! Please read:

  • NEW: pymdownx.superfences no longer sources any settings from markdown.extensions.codehilite and instead uses
    pymdownx.highlight. No need to specify markdown.extensions.codehilite in the default settings.
  • NEW: Default pygments_css class is now set to highlight which is pymdownx.highlight's default. If you are
    using pymdownx.superfences, you use use highlight, if you are using markdown.extensions.codehilite, then you may
    want to change this to codehilite, or change codehilite to use the highlight class as well.
  • FIX: Use markdown.extensions.md_in_html instead of pymdownx.extrarawhtml in the default settings as the latter
    is no longer available in the latest dependency.