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Releases: facsimiles/spectrum3d

Release Spectrum3D v2.7.2

11 Sep 21:23
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Release notes for Spectrum3d version 2.7.2:

This new release corrects a bug when diplay was paused on Ubuntu 7.10.

  • display.c : swap buffer has been changed : it is called only when drawing is effective, not during pauses (diplay problem);
filename: 'spectrum3d-2.7.2.tar.gz'
sha256: '274ec3cb16070e2441d3d202fce946c4c4c22c9ac6275d950ad989ed5111e4cb'

Release Spectrum3D v2.7.1

11 Sep 21:23
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Release notes for Spectrum3d version 2.7.1:

In 2.6, a huge bug was corrected.
In 2.7.0 Multitouch is back, thanks to SDL2!
In 2.7.1, some new key/mouse bindings and gestures have been added.

  • events.c : Some new key/mouse bindings and gestures;
  • main.c : "shortcuts", "gestures" and "quick start" have been removed from menu.
filename: 'spectrum3d-2.7.1.tar.gz'
sha256: '3afde76066e61ef1cfc5162af8d48078bc28e011f08310995dadab5d28002c0d'

Release Spectrum3D v2.7.0

11 Sep 21:22
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Release notes for Spectrum3d version 2.7.0:

Multitouch is back! Thanks to SDL2

  • general changes : Thanks to SDL2, multitouch is back!
  • general changes : some code cleaning;
filename: 'spectrum3d-2.7.0.tar.gz'
sha256: 'cd2b8a6def26b67127dfe8c42f4f950cfe26466307900771108efda5b0aec3f4'

Release Spectrum3D v2.6.0

11 Sep 21:22
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Release notes for Spectrum3d version 2.6.0:

This new release corrects several bugs :

  • important impairement of the display probably due to the embedded of the SDL window in the GTK window;
  • so Spectrum3d uses now only SDL in a separate window, like it used to be until version 2.1. Migration to SDL2 has been made, but it can still be compiled against SDL1
  • general changes : Display was distorted due to the inclusion of the SDL window in the GTK window; so Spectrum3d uses now only SDL in a separate window, like it used to be until version 2.1. Migration to SDL2 has been made, but it can still be compiled against SDL1.
filename: 'spectrum3d-2.6.0.tar.gz'
sha256: '06120c3b4aefae74d4d2fa1895823931fd1a5d456445d306991cf5df79725704'

Release Spectrum3D v2.5.0

11 Sep 21:16
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Release notes for Spectrum3d version 2.5.0:

This new release corrects several bugs :

  • important impairement of the display of the harmonics due to a wrong place in the code of the audiochebband (band-pass/band-reject filter;
  • audio files such as .flac or . mp3 could not be read
    Those 2 bugs were seen only with Gstreamer-1.0. It can still be compiled against Gstreamer-1.0 or Gstreamer-0.10.
  • crash when changing the perspective (3D or 2D);
  • band-pass/band-reject filter has been added options (poles and ripple);
  • a recorded file can now be handled like another audio file (reading, length of the file);
  • general changes : replacement of deprecated functions in GTK3; since "gtk_image_new_from_stock" is deprecated, new icons (from Gtk) has been added to the "data" directory and will be installed when installing Spectrum3d;
  • general changes : functions allowing to enable realtime without Jack (including files tespool.c and testpool.h) have been removed since it was of no use and was the source of crash;
  • main : "stop" button has been removed; "Microphone" is now the default audio source;
  • onclick.c : bug that made crash Spectrumd3d when changing the perspective has been solved (in function "change_perspective");
  • gstreamer.c : bug that made encoded files (such as .mp3 or .flac files) not readable after porting from Gstreamer-0.10 to Gstreamer-1.0 has been solved;
  • gstreamer.c : bug that made audiochebband increasing backgrounf noise after porting from Gstreamer-0.10 to Gstreamer-1.0 has been solved;
  • equalizer.c : audiochebband has been added a controle for poles and ripple;
  • gstreamer.c and typesource.c : flacenc is replaced by wavenc, that allows to retrieved easily the lenght of the recorded file;
filename: 'spectrum3d-2.5.0.tar.gz'
sha256: '6e1993a5630b1a33529464bcd4c549dda87217dc8d80c10d73c3522eef867a88'

Release Spectrum3D v2.4.0

11 Sep 21:15
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Release notes for Spectrum3d version 2.4.0:

This new release is valid for Ubuntu 12.10 and should replace version 2.3.0. (bug in recorded file length).
It can be compiled against Gstreamer-1.0 or Gstreamer-0.10.

Touchscreen manipulations of the diplay seems not to work anymore due to a bug in libgeis in gesture type identification.

  • gstreamer.c : spectrum3d can now be compiled against gstreamer-1.0 or gstreamer-0.10;
  • record.c and typesource.c : length of a audio file depending on its recorded (a timer is run when recording) or preexisting origin (a pipeline is created and its length is measured); there was a bug with this in Spectrum3d-2.4.0;
filename: 'spectrum3d-2.4.0.tar.gz'
sha256: '383151b4b4b15f95a2358f3c9f1a5f22b36f510df82db53ba75a48e373350c67'

Release Spectrum3D v2.3.0

11 Sep 21:15
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Release notes for Spectrum3d version 2.3.0:

This new release is valid for Ubuntu 12.10.

Touchscreen manipulations of the diplay seems not to work anymore due to a bug in libgeis in gesture type identification.

  • general changes : some deprecated functions have been replaced in Gtk3;
  • general changes : new main icon;
  • main.c and events.c : events are managed by Gtk only (not by SDL anymore);
  • gstreamer.c : when source is microphone, 'autoaudiosrc' has been changed for 'alsasrc' since the first didn't work anymore on Ubuntu 12.10;
  • record.c and typesource.c : length of a audio file (either recorded or preexisting) is measured more simply; there was a bug with this on Ubuntu 12.10;
  • main.c : main window icon has been created;
  • geis.c : libutouch-geis has been renamed as libgeis; only the version 2 can be used, but it seems broken due to a bug in libgeis regarding gesture recognition;
filename: 'spectrum3d-2.3.0.tar.gz'
sha256: 'f6bd801e37660b9eea1e1d41c134d3b126ec7b2a23873d53dc04bc21bb441086'

Release Spectrum3D v2.2.0

11 Sep 21:07
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Release notes for Spectrum3d version 2.2.0:

SDL library is used by default as OpenGL extension; now display can be done either in the same window or in another window than the graphical user interface (GUI). Use of GTKGLEXT library is probably more consistent since the GUI is already in GTK but it will be used by default when a stable version of GTKGLEXT for GTK3 will be released; however, GTKGLEXT is already completely supported in Spectrum3d, including the development version; see doc->txt->gtkglext.txt or . Final display is exactly the same when both SDL or GTKGLEXT are used.

IMPORTANT NOTE REGARDING SPECTRAL ANALYSIS IN GSTREAMER : in Ubuntu 11.10,the gstreamer-plugins-good package version 0.10.30 containing the 'spectrum' element (that allows the spectral analysis) has a bug leading to a segmentation fault; a previous or later version should be used instead; see FAQ in doc directory or .

Note : a new release of version 2.2.0 on 2012-02-20 has fixed an equalizer bug (equalizer not working)

Version : Spectrum3d-2.1.2 :

  • main.c and display.c : SDL is used by defaut and hack a gtk window : either a window in the same window as the GUI, or a separate window; GtlGlExt can be used instead with the same result;
  • main.c and equalizer.c : equalizer window is constructed at the time of constructing the main window and not showed; pressing the 'equalizer' button will just show/hide it;
  • menu.c : test sound window cannot be duplicated anymore;
filename: 'spectrum3d-2.2.0.tar.gz'
sha256: 'eb60076de183135d9b09162c03a95039219ccd3711a0e784594a1254fa667eb6'

Release Spectrum3D v2.1.0

11 Sep 21:05
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Spectrum3d-2.1.0 provides new features :

  • it can be compiled against GTK2 or GTK3; if both GTK2 and GTK3 are installed, GTK3 is default but you can override this (see README in sources for details);
  • it uses either SDL or GTKGLEXT libraries for OpenGL support; SDL will provide display in a separate window than the user interface; GTKGLEXT will provide display in the same window, less dependencies to install and probably better integration (everything is GTK). However, the display itself is exactly the same for both libraries. GTKGLEXT for GTK3 is still in development but works already in Spectrum3d. (see README in sources for details.)

Those features has to be decided at the './configure' step; README documents this.

  • spectrum3d display has been made a bit more efficient by doing less unnecessary calculations; this will probably make Spectrum3d use a bit less CPU.
  • general changes : Spectrum3d can now be compiled against gtk2 or gtk3;
  • general changes : Spectrum3d can now use GtkGlExt instead of Sdl for OpenGL support (Sdl is still available since GtkGlExt for Gtk3 is not yet released at the time of release of this version of Spectrum3d);
  • display.c : display loop will now pass 1000 times instead of much more as it was the case;
  • main.c and typesource.c : the relief of the source buttons have been changed since the background color conaot always be changed in Gtk3 by default on my system;
filename: 'spectrum3d-2.1.0.tar.gz'
sha256: '6f8146f96c6bf37c7f0cfaa94dfae6d2f1b6f2b112380205e209a9e5c99c8d26'

Release Spectrum3D v2.0.1

11 Sep 20:35
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  • general changes : sound file can now be preloaded (ie analysed and displayed) before beeing played, or can still be analysed and displayed while playing (as it was already before); also sound can be recorded and loaded as an audio_file; the sdl-gl window can now be resized at any size on the fly;
  • main.c : SDL window is now built at the start of Spectrum3d and destroyed when Spectrum3d quits, as well as callback for managing events in sdl window and callback to display harmonics; SDL window can now be resized on the fly at any size;
  • main.c : many changes regarding the Gtk user interface : some buttons have been added, some were changed, some were removed and several have been moved to menu;
  • display : display_spectro() and display_paused_spectro() have been merged in one function;
  • gstreamer.c : in playFromSource(), the different parts have been merged in one part;
  • typesource.c : created to manage the type of audio source, including the selection of an audio file and its preloading;
  • events.c : events are managed with SDL_PollEvent only; resize and scroll events have been added; key events have been changed somehow;
  • menu.c : many things from the GUI were moved here including perspective (i.e. 2D or 3D), scale commands (text, lines, pointer), and other;
  • preferences.c : many unnecessary item have been removed;
  • spectrum3d.h : created to host Spectrum3d-specific structures;
filename: 'spectrum3d-2.0.1.tar.gz'
sha256: '63d3951af387d6e1e9f5d500fa680cca8e55c344a1f587899eda48ea893f68ff'