This is a course project that I did at MIS 6373 Social Media in UTDallas. Report "Air France Internet Marketing: Optimizing Google, Yahoo!, MSN, and Kayak Sponsored Search" with the Spreadsheet Supplement is provided to help the analytics.
/-------File List
| |--------Air France Case.pdf
| |--------Air France Internet Marketing.doc
| |--------Air France Internet Marketing.xls
| |--------Answers.xls
- Air France Case.pdf : the provided report
- Air France Internet Marketing.doc : project requirement
- Air France Internet Marketing.xls : Spreadsheet Supplement
- Answers.xls : our solution.
- Objective: Analyze summarized campaign metrics to determine optimal strategy to pursue for each publisher.
- PivotTable is created to show different campaigns by each publisher, keywords included in the respective campaign, Average of Return on Ad Dollar Spent, and Average of Avg. Cost per Click.
- 8 metrics are created as key performance indicators (KPIs) to evaluate the performance of each publisher: Sum of Net Revenue, Average Cost Per Click, Total Volume of Bookings, Average Revenue Per Booking, ROA, Probability of Booking, Sum of Click Charges, Cost/Booking.
- Comments are provided on how different publishers perform on key performance indicators.
- 2 metrics (X=Probability of Booking, Y=Cost Per Click) are extracted to create four quadrants to analyze publisher type and assign a corresponding strategy to each publisher.
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