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Unlocking Real-Time With WebSockets in Laravel with Soketi

This is an implementation of WebSockets in Laravel with Soketi. A blog about this can be found here: Unlocking Real-Time With WebSockets in Laravel with Soketi | Fajarwz.

Simple App Demo

Switch to master Branch

If you are on another branch

git checkout master

Install Soketi Server

First download the required dependencies:

apt install -y git python3 gcc build-essential

After that, you can install Soketi CLI globally

npm install -g @soketi/soketi

You can learn more about the installation here

Start the Soketi Server

soketi start

Install Composer Packages

composer install

Install NPM Packages

npm install

Create .env file from .env.example

cp .env.example .env

Generate Laravel App Key

php artisan key:generate

Run the Vite Dev

npm run dev

Run the App

php artisan serve

Chat App Demo

Switch to chat Branch

git checkout chat

Run the Migration

php artisan migrate

Run the Vite Dev

npm run dev

Run the App

php artisan serve