This is a library for creating discord music bots. It can be used to bootstrap a new bot or added to an existing golang discord project. discordgo is used to interface with discord. There are built in features for most use-cases such as playing from youtube (using ytdlp), support for livestreams & playlists, extensive API for various commands like skip/replay/pause/jump/leave, etc. Goal of this project is to provide most common music bot functionality with a simple API that can be dropped into any discordgo project in a plug-and-play fashion.
mockgen -source=discordplayer/interfaces/dcainterface.go -destination discordplayer/mocks/dcainterface_mock.go \
mockgen -source=discordplayer/interfaces/discordvoiceinterface.go -destination discordplayer/mocks/discordvoiceinterface_mock.go \
mockgen -source=discordplayer/interfaces/discordsessioninterface.go -destination discordplayer/mocks/discordsessioninterface_mock.go \
mockgen -source=discordplayer/interfaces/dcastreamingsessioninterface.go -destination discordplayer/mocks/dcastreamingsessioninterface_mock.go \
mockgen -source=discordplayer/interfaces/discordguildinterface.go -destination discordplayer/mocks/discordguildinterface_mock.go \
mockgen -source=discordplayer/interfaces/discordvoicestateinterface.go -destination discordplayer/mocks/discordvoicestateinterface_mock.go \
mockgen -source=discordplayer/interfaces/discorduserinterface.go -destination discordplayer/mocks/discorduserinterface_mock.go
Test suite can be run with ginkgo
ginkgo -r -p
package main
import (
const GuildID = "YOUR_GUILD_ID"
const VoiceChannelID = "YOUR_VOICE_CHANNEL_ID"
const TextChannelID = "YOUR_TEXT_CHANNEL_ID"
const SearchTerm = "YOUR_YT_SEARCH_TERM"
const DiscordToken = "YOUR_DISCORD_TOKEN"
func main() {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
defer cancel()
discord, err := discordgo.New("Bot " + DiscordToken)
if err != nil {
discord.Identify.Intents = discordgo.MakeIntent(discordgo.IntentsAllWithoutPrivileged | discordgo.IntentMessageContent)
err = discord.Open()
if err != nil {
defer discord.Close()
session, err := discordplayer.NewDiscordMusicSession(ctx, discord, &discordplayer.DiscordMusicSessionOptions{
GuildID: GuildID,
VoiceChannelID: VoiceChannelID,
MediaQueueMaxSize: MaxQueueSize,
if err != nil {
youtubeApi = youtubeapi.NewYoutubeAPI()
media, err := youtubeApi.GetYoutubeMedia(SearchTerm)
if err != nil {
err = session.EnqueueMedia(media)
if err != nil {
if errors.Is(err, discordplayer.ErrorMediaQueueFull) {
discord.ChannelMessageSend(TextChannelID, "Queue is full")
} else {
discord.ChannelMessageSend(TextChannelID, fmt.Sprintf("Failed to enqueue media: %s", err.Error()))
} else {
discord.ChannelMessageSend(TextChannelID, fmt.Sprintf("Added %s to the queue", media.Title()))
c := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
signal.Notify(c, os.Interrupt)
// test
- Media change callbacks
- Context based timeout
- Reload on FileURL expiration
- Playlists
- Jump command
- Pause/Resume command
- Repeat command
- Skip command
- Current playback duration API
- Reload on discord voice error
- Reconnects to voice on error
- Media queue with maximum size
- Queue API to get current media in queue & size
- Currently playing media API
- Clear queue API