The multiple relationships field type allows you to relate multiple entries to a single entry.
This field type is compatible with PyroCMS 2.2 versions.
- New syntax that takes advantage of the 2.2 plugin override function.
- Adds support for multi-select as well as the regular drag and drog.
- UI Enhancements for PyroCMS 2.2.
To install, download from GitHub and rename the folder to "multiple". Put this in your addons/<site_ref>/field_types/ or addons/shared_addons/field_types folder. Once you've placed it into one of these folders, it'll be ready to use with PyroStreams.
To display the related entries, loop throught your multiple relationship ouput as a tag pair. You can use all of the parameters available to you on the main streams cycle.
{{ streams:cycle stream="owners" }}
<h2>{{ name }}</h2>
{{ dogs order_by="name" limit="5" }}
<li>{{ name }}</li>
{{ dogs }}
{{ /streams:cycle }}