I deployed this web service in Vercel, and it seems to conflict with SwaggerUI. To access the doc, run the project locally in your machine.
- Clone this repository
- Install all essentials
yarn install
- Run on development server
yarn start
- Typescript
- ExpressJS
- MongoDB
- Mongoose
- Zod
- Prettier
- Eslint
- Winston
- Husky
- Lint staged
- Swagger
- Modular Architecture
- Authentication using JSON WEB TOKENS
- Info and Error Logging
- Well defined date-time based terminal
- Pre-commit setup with Husky and lint-staged
- Efficient use of EsLint to get rid of unused imports, variables, etc.
- Swagger documentation
- Postman file with all API endpoints
- User Creation (POST)
- User Login (POST)
- Add New Electric Gadget (POST)
- Delete Electric Gadget (DELETE)
- Edit Electric Gadget (PATCH)
- View Electric Gadgets List (GET)
- View Electric Gadgets Details (GET)
- Search, Sort and Filter Gadgets (GET)
- BULK Delete Selected Electric Gadgets (DELETE)
- List of products to sell (GET)
- Sell Product (POST)
- Sales History (GET)
- Search Sale Information (GET)
- Edit Sale Information (PATCH)
- Delete Sale Information (DELETE)
Sales is connected to Gadget. Gadget - Sales -> One to many
Samsung Galaxy Sale 1 Sale 2 Sale 3
Gadget Sale
- title
- quantity
- Sale (reference)
After populating
- title
- quantity
- Sale
- id
- title
- quantity
- buyer