Minesweeper game Android
Milestones: Please make sure that you complete milestones properly before moving onto the next one. The percentage in brackets indicates the maximum score you can achieve if you pass that milestone.
- Define the shell of a custom view class and generate a layout for the main activity consisting of the custom view, two buttons, and two textviews. (10%)
- Draw the initial state of the game board with all cells covered. Black should be used as the fill colour and white lines should separate the cells (20%)
- Implement the basic touch behaviour that will uncover a cell. When a cell is uncovered it should change from a black colour to a grey colour. (30%)
- Implement methods to place 20 mines randomly in the minefield and render the mines when a cell is uncovered. A cell containing a mine should have a red background with a black M in the foreground. (50%)
- Modify the touch behaviour to stop accepting input when a mine is uncovered. It should only reenable input when the user has clicked the reset button. (70%)
- The other button should switch between displaying “uncover mode” or “marking mode” each time it is clicked. In uncover mode each touch should result in a cell being uncovered. In marking mode each time a covered cell is touched, it should change to yellow to denote it is marked or back to black, to denote it is unmarked. Use the two text fields to denote the total number of mines and the number of mines marked. In uncover mode, touching a marked cell should do nothing. (85%)
- Additional functionalities and features to the game. (100%)