A computer-generated world of a pool table with 5 billiard balls, and a light bulb, an application of lighting model and fake shadows.
The file lighting.c contains main() function along with other functions that make
the world.
matrix.h contains all the matrix function signatures.
Download and open the executable folder. Double click the lighting.exe file to run the project.
Follow the intructions given in the SETUP.md file to make the necessary installations and setup.
Create a new project (in Visual Studio) with all these files and run.
Use keys 7 and 8 to scale zoom in and out respectively.
Use left key to move light source left.
Use right key to move light source right.
Use up key ro move light source up.
USe down key to move light source down.
Use n and u to move viewer down and up respectively.
Use h and k to move viewer left and right respectively.