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Nathan Broadbent edited this page Mar 1, 2012 · 6 revisions

Available Plugins

The following is the list of Fat Free CRM plugins hosted at Github.
Please contact individual plugin authors for support information.

Plugin Description Depends on
crm_cats Adds categorization support to all major Fat Free CRM models
crm_customfields Add any type of field to any existing model on the fly. (This plugin is ‘under development’, so please consider using crm_super_tags instead)
crm_export Export contacts as csv.
crm_filters_management Adds a section to launch and delete current filters for all models.
crm_google_account_settings Enables configuration of google account in user profile, for use in other plugins.
crm_google_calendar Put/Edit/Delete events for tasks with due date. gcal4ruby gem, crm_google_account_settings plugin, Fat Free Crm >= 0.9.10
crm_highrise_importer Highrise Importer plugin for Fat Free CRM
crm_invoices Basic ability to track and ledger invoices.
crm_issues Work in sync with a regular bug tracking application (such as Lighthouse, trac or Bugzilla)
crm_merge Merge duplicate contacts and accounts.
crm_products Adds an admin panel to create/edit/delete a list of products that will be available to campaigns and opportunities as a multi-select.
crm_salesforce_importer Simple way to import data from mapped sources. (Initially just for SalesForce → Fat Free CRM)
crm_sample_plugin Example plugin: controller and view callback hooks.
crm_sample_tabs Example plugin: demonstrates how to add new custom tabs to Fat Free CRM.
crm_super_tags Adds customizable fields to a tag. These fields are shown on the edit form for the model. crm_tags plugin
crm_supervised_mailings Supervised mass-mailing app for FatFreeCrm.
crm_tags Adds tagging support to all major Fat Free CRM models.
crm_web_to_lead Example callback hook to capture lead data submitted from remote form.