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Localization Guidelines

Nathan Broadbent edited this page Feb 29, 2012 · 8 revisions

Localization Guidelines


  • Start by copying US/English locale file, for example:

    $ cp config/locale/en-US_fat_free_crm.yml config/locale/fi_fat_free_crm.yml

  • Change first two lines in your new {locale}_fat_free_crm.yml file to specify your locale and language names, then proceed with translating individual messages.

  • To test your translation change Language option on User's Profile page. Fat Free CRM should reload the page with currently selected language. To change default language setting, add or edit the @:locale@ key in config/config.yml, then restart your server.

  • To commit your changes and push them to Github do the following:

$ git status $ git diff $ git add . $ git commit -a -m "Translated to {language}" $ git push

  • Send a pull request to merge your translation into the master branch.