Data Structures Arrays Focuses on two types of arrays: static and dynamic Linked Lists/Array Lists Linked lists are a very common data structure Stacks and Queues Stacks and queues are a very common data structure Graphs Graphs are a very common data structure. Dijkstra's Algorithm This algorithm is used to find the fastest path to the destination in a graph. Resource: Hash Tables Hash tables are a data structure Hash Map/ Hash Set Trees Tree is another data strucutre. Also a tree is a type of graph. Binary Search Tree Analysis Traversing Through Trees Breadth-first search Breadth-first search is one of the ways to traverse through a tree. Depth-first search Depth-first search is one of the ways to traverse through a tree. Heap Inserting a node in the heap Deleting the root node of the heap Finding the children and parent node of a heap Big O Complexity analysis Complexity analysis is a very important topic as it focuses on memory the algorithm uses during execution. Time complexity Time analysis is a very important topic as it focuses on time the algorithm takes during execution. To learn more about time complexity and big o click here. Analyzing Big O Complexities in Strings Log n runtime Log n is one of the major big O notations.