Stroll is an app to track your dog walks and store notes for every walk.
Stroll lets you track all the things you want to remember about your dog's walk.
Track your walks over time
- Visualize your dog's favorite spots to go!
- Mark dog-friendly establishments you find.
- Drop a reminder of public places with free bags.
- Monitor your dog's health stats.
New users can create an account utilizing passport.js.
Each user is able to create a list of multiple dogs including a profile picture.
During the walk the user can track locations of dog on dog interactions, dog friendly businesses or locations of free dog poop bags. There is also a stop watch function to track the duration of every walk.
The user has the ability to revisit notes from past walks and compare them on a separate page.
A four-person team project. Beginning with a collaboration effort using Agile MVP (Minimum Viable Product) to create user stories, discuss functionality, and break-down tasks. Kanban was utilized to assign responsibility and measure work progress.
Node.js - for developing the server-side of the application
Express - for building the web application and handle HTTP requests
Passport.js - user signup/login authentication middleware for Node.js
Google Maps API - interactive map for displaying points-of-interest during dog walk
MySQL - database management system
Sequelize - ORM to synchronization, association and validation the application's MySQL database
JavaScript - for application logic
- Setup the application's back-end, configure Passport.js for user authentication and Express.js for HTTP requests.
- Built interactive map for displaying points-of-interest and dog walk activities.
- The Dog Walking Page - the Walking Timer and Activity Map.
- The Dog Stats Page - dog walk history chart (using CanvasJS) and points-of-interest map.
- Dog Owner Sign-up form.