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2284 lines (1649 loc) · 78.1 KB

File metadata and controls

2284 lines (1649 loc) · 78.1 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.



  • Fix LyraPopIn critical error (CLIENT_101)


  • On self-paced courses with single run display a simplified version of the syllabus.


  • Improve lyra error catching management


  • Fix LyraPopIn critical error
  • Fix typo in page-admin autocomplete url path
  • Fix course enrollment count shouldn't include the hidden runs.
  • Fix RDFa errors on Google Search Console
  • fix npm development version generated by setuptools_scm


  • csrftoken in richie context


  • Fix ProductCertificateFooter component to display proper CTA according to Order state


  • Disable button to sign a contract in learner dashboard if the order is not validated


  • useDateFormat did not return undefined with null values
  • PurchaseButton instantiated a hook conditionnaly
  • Make UserHelper manages OpenEdxProfile object to extract name
  • Do not display unpublished children categories in the public category detail page


  • Load React JS bundles from CDN on all pages


  • Add SaleTunnelNotValidated step into SaleTunnel
  • Add WarningIcon component


  • Improve Lyra error management to abort payment properly


  • Use CB logo as fallback if credit card is unknown
  • Put CunninghamProvider at root level
  • Resubmit order on payment failure
  • Render course run resource link with button look'n feel when it does not match a LMS Backend
  • Manage display of CourseRun dates when end date and/or enrollment date are undefined


  • The enrollment's certificate tab in learner dashboard is no longer displayed when the list is empty.
  • User profile in the learner dashboard is now always synchronized with openEdx profile information.
  • Add a tab in learner dashboard certificate page to render both order certificate and enrollment certificate lists.
  • Add Lyra payment interface
  • Add 404 error page on the dashboard router.
  • Teacher dashboard route now redirect to learner dashboard route when the user isn't authorized.
  • Add two new sections in DjangoCMS courses: Accessibility and Required Equipment.
  • Ongoing product displayed on the syllabus without active enrollment now link to the order details page in the learner dashboard.
  • Add new sale tunnel


  • Upgrade to Python 3.11
  • Upgrade to Django version 4.2 (pin version < 5)
  • Migrate to Sentry SDK 2.0


  • Filter out inactive enrollments in the learner dashboard
  • Prevent title to overflow in DashboardItem component
  • Fix an issue on dashboard search when no results were reached
  • Ongoing product displayed on the syllabus with an active enrollment now link to the order details page in the learner dashboard instead of OpenEdx course.
  • Downloaded contract archive on product page was broken, it now works properly by sending the course_product_relation_id in the archive creation request.
  • Fix a bug in the learner dashboard contract page where an alert message was displayed on successful download.


  • Duplicated course_format placeholder in course_detail template


  • Add a form to edit user fullname in the payment step of the sale tunnel.
  • Add ready-only user profile in the learner dashboard preferences page. This profile display data from LMS profile.
  • Management command to migrate course runs course link to joanie
  • Add search bar on learner dashboard courses pages.
  • Add a CertificateHelper implementing a getCourse method
  • Add search bar on teacher dashboard courses pages.
  • Add background colors to default user's avatar when they're used in a list. Theses colors are generated from user's fullname and configurable with cunningham tokens.
  • Add dedicated messages for order's status when they're visualized on the teacher dashbaord.
  • Add Organization block to order details.
  • Add teacher dashboard page to list training's learners. This listing can be accessed under a training or an organization's training.
  • Add a "more" button to DashboardItem and Orders containing a link to go to syllabus
  • related_organizations placeholder on organization detail page


  • Learner list in teacher dashboard are always fitered by organization id.
  • Upgrade docker compose to v2.24.5
  • remove dashboard i18n routing
  • Complete course_detail RDFa markups
  • Require to accept terms when purchasing product of any kind
  • Rename trainings root menu entry label
  • Upgrade to node 20
  • Contract list in the teacher dashbaord are now filtered by courseProductRelationId instead of courseId and productId.
  • Switch from setup.cfg to pyproject.toml


  • No results message is no longer displayed on initial loading in learner and teacher courses list pages.
  • Manage certificate linked to an enrollment
  • Certificate products are not listed anymore in teacher dashboard
  • Fix several SaleTunnel cache issues
  • Fix course access link in learner dashboard. This link must not be display when the course isn't open.
  • Fix CreditCardHelper
  • Remove enrollment start on some course run
  • Fix Organization glimpse card variant logo size
  • Fix joanie's course run link to LMS course in the syllabus page.
  • Fix enrollment cache not invalided after buying certificate product.
  • Fix a typo on ContractStatus component


  • Add bulk signature on teacher dashbaord organization's course list page.
  • Add signature polling description
  • Add Course run link into Order detail view


  • Fix on teacher dashboard courses list. During infinit scroll loading the window scroll was reset at the top of the page.
  • Fix impossible logout issue
  • Add signature polling description
  • Fix malformed CourseProductItem Order dashboard links
  • Await logout authentication request logout trigger
  • Fix search facets count metadata issue (ignore not listed courses)
  • Fix getCourseGlimpseProps method to handle localized course urls


  • Add contracts bulk download button in teacher dashboard contract list page.
  • Change menu link order on the learner dashboard sidebar.
  • Organization bulk contract signature
  • Add a Badge React component
  • Add a footer on enrollment's item in the learner dashboard. It give the possibility to purchase linked product or download linked certificate.
  • Add download contracts pages on the teacher dashboard.
  • Add a contract information and actions in learner dashboard order's listing and details.
  • In the learner dashboard, enroll actions are disabled when an unsigned contract is linked to the order.
  • Add the ability to sign an order's contract.
  • Add terms checkbox and specific "sign" button in the Sale Tunnel.
  • The CourseRunProductItem disables enrollment if there is a needed signature.
  • Handle OrderGroup on product purchase


  • Teacher dashboard access is restricted to user which has access to a course or an organization.
  • Frontend Order type have been split into two: CredentialOrder and CertificateOrder.
  • Update PurchaseButton messages to aid with translation.
  • Update courses and organizations default permissions
  • Update cunningham to 2.0.0
  • Update frontend components OrderStateMessage with new computed state 'waiting signature'
  • Update SaleTunnel to add certificate product course run information.
  • Update SaleTunnel to display product instructions.
  • When a course have multiple seller organizations, CourseGlimpse now display the number of seller organization instead of the title of the first one.
  • Update JOANIE_BACKEND settings, frontend widgets and learner dashboard to match new API endpoint to retrieve course products
  • Use cunningham Button component.
  • Use cunningham form components (input, select, radio, checkbox).
  • Delete richie Button component now that we use cunningham Button component.
  • Delete courseRun.starts_in_message, we compute it on frontend side.


  • Fix typo on the DashboardOrderLoader component.
  • Prevent LTIConsumer component to rerender on user session update
  • Fix Order interface against changed field 'target_enrollments' and 'enrollment'
  • Fix dashboard mobile layout.
  • Course details characteristics overflow issue
  • Map all richie course properties into getCourseGlimpseProps util
  • Fix course run computed state. A run without end date must be ONGOING_OPEN
  • Fix cookiecutter circleci gitlint configuration
  • Opened Course Run show empty date as '...'
  • Fix dashboard enrollment listing when they're linked to a product certificate.
  • Fix order cache issues


  • Remove course_enrollment_widget_props extra tags
  • Remove CourseProductItem as a widget

2.24.1 - 2023-08-30


  • Fix django templates using course-glimpse-list block

2.24.0 - 2023-08-29


  • Add tracking events on product interactions
  • Add display_mode choice field to CourseRun model


  • In SaleTunnelStepValidation, allow user to show/hide target course details

2.23.0 - 2023-07-28


  • Retrieve enrollment status for ongoing course runs
  • Add a shortcut route to redirect to the course page through a course code.
  • Add cunningham and design system.
  • Specific sidebar for order related routes
  • List teacher's course's course runs in the teacher course dashboard page.
  • Teacher dashboard course list now includes courses and courses product relations.
  • Add a page for training details (courseProductRelation) in the teacher dashboard.
  • Add a link to the LMS course run session in teacher dashbaord course run lists
  • Finalize the design of teacher dashboard organization sidebar.
  • Use union of organization courses and course product relations on organization course's listing page.
  • The product purchase button is now disabled and display a contextual information message when the product have no remaining order.
  • Add all available languages for the course in the characteristics section on the course details page.
  • Change footer text and remove datime on glimpse course according state.


  • Bind settings.FEATURES into FRONTEND_CONTEXT['context'] through context_processor
  • Show original language name on the menu instead of translating it on the current language.
  • Replace helix factories by homemade engine using typescript.
  • Use css colors from cunningham instead of palette.scss
  • Improve the design of the dashboards layouts.
  • Improve the design of the dashboards sidebars.
  • Move course's syllabus course runs list to React.
  • Migrate wishlist to new API.


  • Remove unused route in teacher dashboard.
  • Fix teacher dashbaord breadcrumb.

2.22.0 - 2023-04-20


  • Add head_js block into base html template
  • List teacher's courses in the teacher courses dashboard page.
  • Added Certificates in the dashboard
  • Dashboard infinite scroll of orders and enrollments
  • list teacher's courses in the teacher courses dashboard page.


  • Fix error MultipleObjectsReturned during synchronization due to missing distinct.
  • Fix images sizes for course detail cover and organization banner

2.21.1 - 2023-04-04


  • Layout issue on enrollable course run of CourseProductItem

2.21.0 - 2023-03-21


  • Add CourseAddToWishlist button to add/remove a course from users wishlist
  • Added Enrollment's pagination in the dashboard
  • Allow multiple web analytics providers at the same time.
  • Display localizedMessage on Course Enrollment when backend has localizedMessage on the 400 error payload
  • Navigation skeleton of the teacher dashboard


  • Fix form styles to suffix input label with "*" when a select, radio or checkbox input is required
  • Button can be use with a className prop


  • Rename web analytics providers, from google_analytics to google_universal_analytics. The google_tag_manager now uses the correct gtm.js and the google_tag uses the gtag.js. Replace the multiple web analytics settings with a single WEB_ANALYTICS dict setting. The location logic of web analytics js code has been moved to be inside the web_analytics.html template.
  • For performance reasons the default location for the web analytics js code have been changed from head to footer.
  • Rename product.certificate to certificate_definition due to Joanie API update.
  • Rework frontend file architecture
  • Hide unenroll button on CourseProductItem widget

2.20.1 - 2023-02-22


  • Fix a style bug on the course glimpse when used in a section with variant overriding svg color

2.20.0 - 2023-02-17


  • Added DashboardItemOrder that allows to select course runs
  • Add make dbshell cmd to access database in cli
  • Added support for courses-run managed by Joanie
  • Display message to user when product course it is enrolled is not yet started
  • Add feature flags system with settings and template tag.


  • Prevent internal server error when course runs sync webhook targets a course page having a snapshot

2.19.0 - 2023-02-03


  • Display 'pending' label on CourseProductItem when user owns pending order


  • Improve accessibility by using darker color for info course detail label
  • Update Joanie connection documentation
  • Display error message when CourseProductItem has error


  • Fix an issue about CourseProductItem when session state is updated
  • Prevent .icon to shrink in flexbox content

2.18.0 - 2023-01-12


  • Allow synchronizing course runs in bulk via the same API hook
  • JoanieBackend to identify course runs managed by Joanie


  • Migrate to useResources hooks
  • Refactor CourseProductItem as Joanie products are Richie course runs
  • Use versionned Joanie api routes
  • Migrate to React 18 and React-Query v4


  • Prevent product course run enrollment when user owns the product through an invalid order
  • Display a message in the sales tunnel when at least one course has no course runs, to say that this product is not currently available for sale.
  • Show error message when user tries to enroll or unroll to a course run and the requests fails
  • Fix courses badges css.
  • Fix style in edit mode on courses with catalog visibility with course_only or course_and_search.


  • Remove CourseProductsList React widget

2.17.0 - 2022-10-28


  • Add Dashboard router
  • Add generic dashboard component
  • Add dashboard components for Order, Enrollment
  • Add dashboard components for Credit Card management
  • Dashboard addresses management components
  • Add dashboard layout


  • Allow editor to enforce inline_ratio and is_automatic_resizing values for a lti consumer plugin based on a lti provider
  • Use new Joanie Enrollment resource type
  • Modal component refactor for homogeneous use
  • New global scroll behavior for Modal
  • Add disabled style for inputs
  • Add a visually hidden title on video player iframes, meant to be announced to screen reader users
  • Improve sale tunnel accessibility, especially when using a keyboard or screen reader


  • Fix course run synchronization when no-update fields are declared (broken since Richie version 2.15.0)
  • Unlocalize aspect ratio floating value rendered in lti_consumer template to always display value with a dot no matter active language
  • Language choices should be ordered alphabetically in course run admin form

2.16.0 - 2022-09-09


  • Add pip requests package for open edx lms backend.
  • Fix several issues about cookiecutter template


  • Display error messages in AddressForm
  • Add dns prefetch and optionally preconnect to media cdn
  • Add StorybookJS to frontend with various existing components.


  • Refactor filter definition methods to simplify writing custom filters
  • Improve filters configuration to allow easier customization
  • CKEditor basic configuration should allow to include target on anchors for course fields: assessment, format and prerequisites.
  • Allow form messages to go on multiple lines
  • On the search page, improve accessibility of the filters pane when using a small screen

2.15.1 - 2022-08-10


  • Upgrade to Django CMS 3.11


  • Import the missing stylesheet of AddressesManagement component

2.15.0 - 2022-06-22


  • Get a unique LTI Context per user
  • Add a DashBoard React based view
  • Add API endpoint to search & autocomplete licences
  • Add licences-based filters on course search
  • Add a pace filter on course search


  • Migrate code and type to comply with the new Joanie API
  • On blogpost detail view, move categories list on the right side
  • Fake authentication interface when using the base api interface
  • Avoid lag experienced by user on logout by not waiting for the logout request to succeed
  • Improve Sale Tunnel UX
  • Improve sale tunnel theme overriding
  • Improve html header, menu and footer structure for better keyboard and screen reader UX
  • Improve overall accessibility, especially for screen reader users, on all content pages: category list, category details, blogpost list, blogpost details, program list, program details, organization detail.
  • Use em based media queries instead of px based media queries to fix all UI bugs when using the website with a huge text-only zoom
  • Upgrade documentation to use Docusaurus version 2
  • Refactor frontend scss code. Add _index.scss on each folder so the _main.scss could be more compact. Add !default to homegrown Richie shared scss settings/variables.


  • Fix header layout issue when logo height is big
  • Fix components.SaleTunnelStepPayment.userBillingAddressNoEntry misspell
  • Remove z-index of course glimpse icon to fix an overlay issue
  • Fix erratic frontend test failure
  • Allow to configure multiple elasticsearch hosts


  • PurchasedProductMenu frontend component

2.14.1 - 2022-04-07


  • Preserve query string on language switch
  • Fix search query string formatting
  • Fix a course glimpse title color issue when used within a section with variant

2.14.0 - 2022-04-01


  • Add a CourseProductList Component
  • Add a SaleTunnel component
  • Add an AddressesManagement component
  • Add a PaymentButton component
  • Add a PaymentInterface component to lazy load the right payment component according to the provider used
  • Create a StepBreadcrumb component to display progress within a step process
  • Create a useStepManager hook to manage step process
  • Create a React Icon component that can optionally take alternative text for screen reader users.
  • Add a heading for screen reader users on the search results page to have a more understandable navigation.
  • Add new page templates for various multiple columns and their own CSS to adjust every possible plugins to fit correctly;
  • Add theme variable to change checkmark color.
  • Add new placeholder 'excerpt' to Organization detail template
  • Add the website's name by default in every page title, that can be changed or disabled by overriding the new site_title and site_title_separator blocks
  • Add alternative text on course glimpse icons for screen reader users
  • On search page, warn screen reader users when the search results change
  • On search page, the "clear filters" button now have details on current filters for screen reader users
  • Add a __stretched-link element to the card css block to help make screen reader-friendly card links


  • Remove the use of Google Fonts
  • Improve overall accessibility in Richie templates
  • Move enroll button for the first open course run below the contact block. If there are more than one open run, they're all still shown on course detail aside block.
  • Update frontend overriding system to allow to override any frontend module.
  • Improve React search suggestion field labels for screen readers.
  • Removed usage of deprecated Sass division '/' operator in favor of 'math.div'.
  • Organization plugin variant 'row' now use excerpt if not empty else the description with every markup removed
  • Set font size to 1rem on some detail pages contents: Organization excerpt, Program body and Person main content
  • Use anchors instead of buttons in search pagination to let users open pages in new tabs if they want
  • Improve the offscreen class implementation to prevent potential visual issues for sighted user keyboards
  • Change how course glimpse anchor is structured (allows text selection in the course glimpse + better screen reader user experience)
  • Add context for screen reader users on search filters "more options" buttons
  • On course page, make the organization image link clearer for screen reader users with a better alternative text
  • Change how program glimpses HTML is structured to be clearer when using a screen reader
  • Specify that we are on a course page in the course detail page title
  • Remove contact block on course detail page


  • Clear session cache on login and register
  • Make useCourseSearch hook locale sensitive
  • Stop using {% blockplugin %} template tags in and replace them by simple {% if %} tags that do the same and don't inject frontend editing markup
  • Fix get_placeholder_plugins when placed in by refactoring and introducing new placeholder_as_plugins template tag
  • Prevent context processor error when WEB_ANALYTICS_ID setting is not defined.
  • Fix autocomplete views tests that may failed because of result order.
  • Fix section tile title with richtext and special character escaping.
  • Change blogpost detail template to display author even in published mode except if its placeholder is empty.
  • Fix missing styles for Organization plugin 'row' variant link wrapper
  • Fix course glimpse layout when organization logo is too narrow
  • Fix course run deletion when translation title is empty
  • Reordered course glimpse text order in the DOM for better screen reader support.
  • On course page, make the course title the first thing that is read to screen readers (instead of the badges)
  • Fix program glimpse heading level being too high on course detail page
  • Hide title To be scheduled, Upcoming, Ongoing and Archived when all course runs have catalog visibility hidden.

2.13.0 - 2022-02-18


  • Send web analytics event when a user enrolls to a course using the LMS enrollment api.
  • Wrap React widgets in a ErrorBoundary
  • Add settings to setup Joanie
  • Add course runs to the course search API
  • Add autocomplete feature on Page select in page related plugins


  • Differentiate between Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager js code as different Web Analytics providers.
  • Show organization acronym by using the menu_title field (if set) on the organization page.
  • Improve pagination blocks labels for screen reader users when there are multiple pagination components on one page
  • Use the new createWebStoragePersistor to persist React query state
  • Upgrade mysql to version 8

2.12.0 - 2022-02-04


  • Create a React Banner component
  • Add catalog visibility field to course run so it's possible to hide a course run on the catalog and/or hide it completely. Possible values are course_and_search, course_only and hidden.


  • Upgrade to Python 3.10,
  • Do not use absolute positioning to place course glimpse metadata
  • Improve semantic of glimpses


  • Hide unpublished objects from list views (category, person and program)
  • Add missing translation within search autocomplete menu
  • Fix a layout issue on autosuggest search menu
  • Fixed a layout issue on course glimpse when organization title and course title are too long
  • Add missing language parameter in LTI requests issued by LTI consumer plugin

2.11.0 - 2022-01-04


  • Rename branding_footer template block to body_footer_brand in richie/base.htmland include link it can be customized.
  • Refactor scss color variables to be more easily customizable.


  • Make LMS authentication optional.

2.10.0 - 2021-12-27


  • Add Russian translations
  • Add infinite scrolling to the facet search modal in course search.
  • Add reusable form components
  • Fix blogpost header image aspect ratio and sizes.
  • Add theme property to Spinner component
  • Add setting to limit the number of archived course runs displayed by default on a course detail page.
  • Add timing function variables
  • Add a outline variant to button
  • Create a shadowed-box mixin
  • Add a meta description default value from course introduction, blog excerpt, category description, person bio, program excerpt and organization description
  • Improve social sharing by specifying og:description meta for blogpost, category, person, program and organization.


  • Include new pages in navigation by default so they have a breadcrumb
  • Create a generic React Modal component
  • Create an context util
  • Add react-query to manage API requests and local data store
  • Move type utils into type directory
  • Make licenses on course page optional


  • Fix negative scores causing a 500 error for courses far in the future.
  • Remove transparency when not necessary so that images are converted to jpg
  • Prevent logout action to be called twice
  • Fix og:image when using S3Boto3Storage
  • Remove error message related with cache when any test fails

2.9.1 - 2021-11-03


  • Improve handling for autocompletion missing query errors
  • Stack organization logo to the right and behind category badget on course glimpse
  • Fix rendering difference between React and Django course glimpses
  • Hide enrollment count by default until an explicit minimum is set
  • Fix an error when a user typed a short search query in the header or home

2.9.0 - 2021-10-27


  • Add enrollment count to course run and to course page
  • Add blocks on header and footer for branding overrides
  • Add organization logo to course glimpse
  • Add a signal to update the ES index when a category page is moved


  • Fix an issue related to css selector priority from r-scheme-colors mixins
  • Fix css classes related with course runs on the course detail page.


  • Update course search API to remove MPTT regexes as query params and replace them with arrays or strings.
  • Use stable IDs for categories and organizations in ES indices and throughout all search-related code.


  • Fix useCache hook when it has to encode UTF-16 characters to base 64.
  • Fix an issue related to css selector priority from r-scheme-colors mixins
  • Fix css classes related with course runs on the course detail page.
  • Fix error on course page when course run doesn't have any title and the setting WEB_ANALYTICS_ID is enabled
  • Fix organization str when organization code is null

2.8.2 - 2021-10-05


  • Fix related "pt_effort" string computation when effort is not set
  • Use $r-course-subheader-aside to define subheader aside column width


  • Add attributes to the Section plugin

2.8.1 - 2021-09-28


  • Set a proper default value to DJANGO_SECRET_KEY in Base configuration
  • Update search filters to stop relying on CMS pages MPTT paths


  • Remove use of f-strings within gettext_lazy
  • Lazily retrieve elasticsearch server version
  • Fix meta header "alternate" href value to avoid duplicates in search engine
  • Fix search template meta block like missing favicon and open graph metas

2.8.0 - 2021-09-17


  • structured data markup for course detail pages
  • Course code information on the course glimpse
  • Course introduction and code to the search index and API
  • Documentation on connecting Richie with OpenEdX
  • Add robots.txt template with a sitemap rule so it is no longer needed to register the sitemap.xml URL from each crawler administration panel
  • Add a new web analytics feature with support for Google Analytics by default
  • Richie is now compatible with both ES6 and ES7


  • Increase blogpost excerpt size limit to 240 characters
  • Change organization icon on course glimpse to a building
  • Boost course title field by a factor of 20 (empirical) for fulltext queries
  • Sort related blogposts by their publication date (latest comes first)
  • Upgrade to DjangoCMS 3.9.0 (and subsequently to Django 3.2.6)


  • Fix course teaser layout issues on Safari
  • Fix html landmarks for screen readers
  • Fix link to homepage should have a default title for context
  • Escape FRONTEND_CONTEXT characters for use in Javascript string
  • Reverse 401 and 403 errors in course run synchronization webhook
  • Fix missing persons search index update on publish/unpublish
  • Delete object from search indices when its page is unpublished
  • Fix section on blogpost detail page which was breaking the flow for children
  • Hide unpublished pages when getting related objects on a public page
  • Fix course and organization code fields normalization and validation
  • Fix search bug due to wrong ordering of char filters
  • Stop indexing unpublished categories
  • Repatriate within our codebase the deprecated bootstrap mixin make-container-max-widths
  • Fix course teaser layout issues on Safari

2.7.1 - 2021-06-08


  • Stop sending username in LTI consumer requests as it breaks the signature

2.7.0 - 2021-06-04


  • Add "hreflang" meta to all pages to avoid duplicates in search engines


  • Send username to LTI Consumer if user is logged in
  • Make related courses optional for program page


  • Fix permissions on the LTI consumer plugin when granting instructor role
  • Allow configuring the inline ratio and auto-resizing for manually-defined LTIConsumerPlugin instances
  • Use a unique name to LTIConsumerPlugin iframes to allow several plugins on the
  • Fix iframeResizer on LTIConsumer component when several plugins are on the same page

2.6.0 - 2021-05-03


  • Add a new authentication backend fonzie


  • Pin bootstrap to version below 5 to keep support of IE11


  • Decrease LTI context API endpoint cache lifetime to 5 minutes

2.5.0 - 2021-04-21


  • Add support for language fallback on "get_related_blogposts"
  • Add portuguese translations


  • Avoid KeyError when an object is indexed with no titles
  • Add missing rel noopener noreferer on target blank links
  • Order blogposts by descending publication date within (person|category)_detail template
  • Fix filter pane quality issues on handheld devices
  • Fix small quality issues on the course search filters modal
  • Fix initializeAccordions compatibility issue


  • Clean built frontend files before each build
  • Remove use of regexp group for JS_COURSE_REGEX setting

2.4.0 - 2021-04-07


  • Add support for language fallback on search indexes
  • Add support for language fallback to get page extensions directly and reversely related to a page via a plugin


  • On draft pages, show page extension plugins targeting draft pages
  • Retrieve LTI Consumer plugin context through an API endpoint


  • Pin Django to versions less than 3.2 which is not compatible with DjangoCMS
  • Fix pace computation when it is under an hour


  • Creation date displayed on program glimpses

2.3.3 - 2021-03-25


  • Fix page extension plugins string representation

2.3.2 - 2021-03-25


  • Fix layout issue on LTI consumer resizing


  • Allow fullscreen within LTI consumer iframe

2.3.1 - 2021-03-24


  • Fix course enrollment execution stack timing issue

2.3.0 - 2021-03-23


  • Cache getting the course runs dictionary from the course model
  • Take fallback languages into account in page extension plugins
  • Load components lazily in Root component


  • Fix LTI consumer plugin (edit mode, manual config and update after create)
  • Fix an issue about text selection on search input on Firefox

2.2.0 - 2021-03-05


  • Take into account fulltext search score for sorting
  • Add new state for courses archived yet open for enrollment and position them well in search results
  • Add a banner component to display brief messages to the user
  • Add is_self_paced boolean field to course model
  • Add pace and duration icons.
  • Add get_pace and get_pace_display methods to course model
  • Add new plugin "LTI consumer" to include LTI provided content.


  • Change type of effort course field from EffortField to CompositeDurationField
  • Order blog posts by their publication date on the blog post list view
  • Removed SimplePicturePlugin in course_teaser placeholder
  • In course_teaser placeholder, image from course_cover placeholder is used if no video is present


  • Prevent a 500 error when an editor uses a template for a page that requires to have a model attached as a page extension (course, person, organization and category detail templates)
  • Fix autosuggest to redirect user directly on the course page when a course entry has been selected from the suggestion dropdown
  • Pin django-treebeard to 4.4 as the 4.5 release introduces BC
  • Code update to support arrow 1.0

2.1.0 - 2021-01-22


  • Add a "person" variant to the glimpse plugin for persons without a page
  • Allow person and glimpse plugins on the person detail page
  • Allow overriding a person's bio on the person plugin
  • Add new section on the course detail page to display related programs
  • Display "code" on the course detail page and allow frontend editing
  • Add dashboard link to user menu
  • Use dashboard link if enrolled lms course hasn't started yet


  • Mock error handler on frontend tests
  • Show 403 page instead of course run list when trying to edit a course run with insufficient permissions
  • Improve UX of course search pagination by avoiding truncation of page number when it is not relevant
  • Hide "Go to course" button if lms course hasn't started yet
  • Add Urls key property in profile_url settings


  • Fix course pages subtree following removal of course run pages
  • Fix HTMLSiteMap plugin when placed in a static placeholder
  • Fix HTMLSiteMap plugin when current_page property context is not defined
  • Delete template course_run_detail.html was still referenced in settings
  • Fix unwanted comma when displaying course runs list on course detail page

2.0.1 - 2021-01-11



2.0.0 - 2021-01-11


  • Migrate factories to factory_boy 3.2.0
  • Spread body-content block if document content height is smaller than the window height
  • Remove a xhr request by passing course run information to the CourseRunEnrollment widget via data-props
  • Make the course run "title" field optional
  • Replace deprecated xlink:href svg attribute by href
  • Update and include the latest version of translations
  • Bump docs to version 2.0.0


  • Add an API endpoint to synchronize course runs from e.g. an external LMS
  • Add a "code" field on the course model to allow reference & synchronization
  • Use custom views to handle errors (400, 403, 404, 500)


  • Fix Sentry SDK initialization environment and release parameters
  • intl-relativetimeformat polyfill did not use the right locale filename when locale was composed of a languageCode identical to countryCode
  • Make generate demo site work when the default language is set to "fr"
  • Add permission checks to course run admin based on their related course page
  • Fix image srcset in organization_detail template

2.0.0-beta.22 - 2020-12-04


  • Refactor course runs to not be CMS pages anymore


  • Stop indexing snapshots on signal update
  • Fix object names plurals in admin

2.0.0-beta.21 - 2020-11-27


  • Add a frontend API Implementation for OpenEdX Dogwood/Eucalyptus
  • Add a new variant "Badge" to glimpse plugin


  • Improve the layout of the footer to save space
  • Allow ProgramPlugin in SectionPlugin on Homepage
  • Allow only one CKEditorPlugin to program_body placeholder


  • Fix an issue about PaginateSearchCourse layout
  • Prevent enrollment failure if course run's resource_link does not match the course regexp

2.0.0-beta.20 - 2020-11-10


  • Add a large variant for course glimpses


  • Fix maincontent placeholder on person detail page when empty

2.0.0-beta.19 - 2020-11-09


  • Add a color palette for selector component
  • Add a color palette for spinner component


  • Fix a typo in base template

2.0.0-beta.18 - 2020-11-06


  • Support case when AUTHENTICATION_DELEGATION is not defined
  • Fix a bug on when LMS_BACKENDS is not defined
  • Fix a style issue related to buttons in topbar

2.0.0-beta.17 - 2020-11-03


  • Add a flag allowing to exclude some courses from the search index and page
  • Allow use of columns in footer menu items
  • Use Limited CKEditor to edit section title


  • Upgrade to DjangoCMS 3.8.0 (and subsequently to Django 3.1.2)
  • Remove react-intl-po
  • Rework front i18n workflow


  • Reinitialize JS after saving a modification in edit mode
  • has_connected_lms crashed when course_run is blank
  • Avoid stretching of footer menu items

2.0.0-beta.16 - 2020-10-23


  • Hide unpublished pages from public version of organizations list page
  • Improve sanitizing of input text on CKEditor plugin
  • Replace course-detail__run-cta in fragment_course_run template by course-run-enrollment__cta


  • Refactor the optional LMS connector to focus on OpenEdX and use its session directly through CORS requests from the frontend.
  • Delegate course run enrollment logic to frontend.

2.0.0-beta.15 - 2020-10-06


  • Add main content placeholder to programs list view
  • Create a function checking username in social auth pipeline
  • Extend social-auth middleware to use a page to display error
  • Add urls property to UserSerializer. The urls are built with a new setting MAIN_LMS_USER_URLS which contains custom links to access to LMS profile views from richie.
  • Add a useMatchMedia hook to easily show/hide react component through media query
  • Add LimitBrowserCacheTTLHeaders middleware to limit the browser cache TTL


  • Allow default CKEditor settings on "maincontent" placeholders
  • Remove copyright notice from footer in base template and allow customizing it
  • Allow customizing the side pages created by the demo site
  • Make demo site work without licences placeholder
  • Allow empty content on glimpse plugins
  • Switch from deprecated tslint to eslint js linter and update codebase accordingly.
  • Improve Course Search UX by triggering scroll up after courses are retrieved


  • Frontend did not report error to Sentry
  • Fix how EDX_USER_PROFILE_TO_DJANGO default value is set
  • Use variables for button colors in language selector so it fits in with themes.

2.0.0-beta.14 - 2020-09-03


  • Change CTA enrollment button for anonymous users
  • Allow to configure EDX_USER_PROFILE_TO_DJANGO setting


  • Limit number of text plugins to 1 in the course description placeholder

2.0.0-beta.13 - 2020-08-27


  • Add a language picker menu to Richie's header & footer, powered by a new React component.

2.0.0-beta.12 - 2020-08-27


  • Add LMS connection (back and front) to handle enrollment on course runs
  • Add LMS backend with enrollment methods for Open edX


  • Allow any format for course run urls
  • Stop synchronizing user permission fields on oauth: is_staff and is_superuser
  • Add default image for empty person portrait
  • Add default images for empty organization logo and banner
  • Add translation context to course and course run detail page section titles


  • Authentication urls should not be i18n
  • Reorder sections on the course run detail page to mirror course detail page

2.0.0-beta.11 - 2020-08-17


  • Fix typo in python dev dependencies

2.0.0-beta.10 - 2020-08-17


  • Add Linkedin badge in social networks templates.
  • Add new section "septenary" with a new wave decoration.
  • Add redis sentinel cache backend
  • Allow to configure cache and session settings with environment variables


  • Allow one simple text plugin as person page main content
  • Allow glimpse plugins in course page information placeholder
  • Revert to long plugin names in side toolbar placeholder plugin list


  • Spinner component was broken due to missing styles.

2.0.0-beta.9 - 2020-07-01


  • Add oauth2 and OIDC authentication backends for SSO with Open edX
  • Add an icon to the 'login' button.
  • Add icons in course glimpse footer & next to organization name.
  • Add new variant "quote" to glimpse plugin.


  • Improve search error message layout
  • Make larger thumbnail for course and blogpost glimpses.


  • Lowered down global 'h1' and 'h2' font size and added new 'extra-font-size' variable with previous h1 value.
  • Adjust title size 'large_banner' variants.
  • Fix accordion button 'nested-item__title' alignment to the left.
  • Another attempt to definitively fix the glitch with wave decoration and Chrome zoom/unzoom.
  • Add a little bit of space between banner and title on organization and category detail.
  • Fix header menus align/position between breakpoint 'md' end and 'lg' start.
  • Fix breadcrumb item on small breakpoints when text is too long.
  • Fix nesteditem list variant to act like a basic list.
  • Fix an issue that broke the course search field after the user clicked the "reset filters" helper.

2.0.0-beta.8 - 2020-06-17


  • Bind terms and conditions url into frontend context and use it in sale tunnel
  • Add checkmark icon to course skills bullet lists.


  • Change course detail content titles to neutral dark color.
  • Customize CMS placeholder menu for more readability.
  • Make login/logout CTA more visible.
  • Add template block around footer slogan.


  • Fix course detail vertical rhythm and font size.
  • Fix accordion border line.
  • Fix basic block element alignment in section.
  • Include the SVG icons sprite in base.html instead of loading it as external content so it can support usage with CDNs.
  • Add grid constraint on person 'main_content' placeholder content.
  • Make course glimpse category cartouche less "aggressive".
  • Improve accessibility on 'body-mentions'

2.0.0-beta.7 - 2020-06-08


  • Allow glimpse plugin in course information placeholder
  • Allow overriding the contact us button in the topbar
  • Improve performance of Search frontend.
  • Refine Large banner plugin layout for hero variant.
  • First course glimpses on three columns on homepage.
  • Fix glitch with "scaleX" usage on wave decoration on category and organization detail banner.
  • Fix content vertical alignment for category glimpses in section tiles.

2.0.0-beta.6 - 2020-05-19


  • New integration for nested items and glimpse plugins
  • Add glimpse plugins to the course information placeholder on demo site


  • Refactor nested items to simplify them
  • Remove the "suggested by" sentence from course detail view
  • Allow overriding the contact us button in a theme
  • Center organizations on course detail view
  • Scroll course search to top when the user interacts with the filters pane.
  • Increase default course search results number from 20 to 21.


  • Invert course description and introduction blocks

2.0.0-beta.5 - 2020-05-04


  • Fix an issue where analyzing course search queries with irrelevant analyzers caused very low relevance results in course search.


  • New Program glimpse layout.
  • A lot of minor fixes and changes in Sass sources.

2.0.0-beta.4 - 2020-04-20


  • Custom fixtures directory setting should point to the "fixtures" directory

2.0.0-beta.3 - 2020-04-19


  • Allow defining custom image fixtures on demo site,
  • Allow configuring a custom domain on demo site.

2.0.0-beta.2 - 2020-04-17


  • Add blocks to each part of the blogpost detail template.


  • Enforce course glimpse footer to be on a single line.


  • Liquidate pending migrations in view of the v2.0.0 release
  • Fix section migration 0005 that was depending on NestedItem initial migration.
  • Limit the number of related objects appearing on all types of detail pages.

2.0.0-beta.1 - 2020-04-16


  • Add missing favicon static files to

2.0.0-beta.0 - 2020-04-15


  • Add new plugin "Glimpse" to include some basic content with some variant form factor available.
  • Add new plugin "NestedItem" to implement structured nestable and foldable content items.
  • Add Styleguide view only available on /styleguide/ in debug mode.
  • Add full favicon set to cover every usages (browser, mobile app, etc..).


  • Major templates/css refactor to bring a complete new design for the demo.


  • The section_cadenced and section_list templates from the section plugin.

1.17.0 - 2020-04-15


  • Add a variant option for blogpost glimpses,
  • Add a method to retrieve the list of blogposts related to (ie that share at least one category with) another blogpost.
  • Licences (through their "name" and "content" fields) are now translatable.
  • Report frontend errors through Sentry when a sentry DSN is available in Django settings.
  • ElasticSearch index name prefix (currently richie_) is now customizable through the settings.


  • Refactor our template tags related to placeholders to fix ghost placeholders
  • Prevent unintentionally creating duplicate permissions programmatically
  • Fix an issue that crashed regenerate_indexes (and therefore bootstrap_elasticsearch) from a broken state in ES.
  • <Search /> component handles errors in course search requests, displaying an error message to end users.
  • Make sure the course search API shows the 1st related organization by placeholder position as highlighted organization for a course instead of the first organization by node path.
  • Fix an issue in Course Search that removed existing filters in some cases when using full text search.
  • Properly clear the search input when using the "clear fields" button on the course search view.
  • Prevent search view errors when the search query is 3 or more characters long, but 2 or less when whitespace is trimmed from both ends.


  • Improve plugin description displayed in side toolbar.
  • Improve ElasticSearch regenerate_indexes tests.
  • Improve breadcrumb on course run page by creating a specific version.

1.16.2 - 2019-12-18


  • Fixed an issue with Picture instances that did not contain an image.

1.16.1 - 2019-12-13


  • Allow CKEditor with minimal options on course format, prerequisites and assessment sections.

1.16.0 - 2019-12-10


  • Display all categories related to blogposts on the News page,
  • Add Cypress-based end-to-end tests that check accessibility with axe.


  • Rename all occurences of the "form_factor" variable to "variant",
  • Restructure categories glimpse/plugin for modularity and harmonization,
  • Update the frontend build to supported outdated browsers such as IE11.
  • Segment course runs according to status on course detail page,
  • Our course search fields now have a "Search" button with a magnifying glass icon.


  • Make placeholders work on a page created with PageFactory by rescanning placeholders,
  • Improve responsiveness of footer logos and person categories that were not folding properly,
  • Pin Django to version less than 3.0.

1.15.0 - 2019-12-02


  • Hide unpublished blog posts from the news page,
  • Display publication date instead of creation date on blog posts,
  • <Search /> no longer includes the search bar and page title. Those are expected to be included in the Django template. The rationale for this change is to give users more freedom with their DOM & page structure.

1.14.1 - 2019-11-23


  • Add missing migration dependency to avoid IntegrityError on live databases.

1.14.0 - 2019-11-23


  • Add a template to the section plugin to allow rendering unordered list,
  • Add an API endpoint to get static versions of the filter definitions.


  • Frontend components now use <html lang> to pick up the locale instead of expecting a data-locale attribute.
  • Refactor the footer to use a static placeholder instead of the page tree:
    • allow organizing footer links in columns or as flat links,
    • allow customizing footer links (e.g. by setting the link target)
    • allow adding any internal or external link to the footer,
    • decorrelate the structure of footer links from the page tree.
  • Make the section plugin title optional,
  • Change the way frontend search field components are configured.


  • Main organization after an ordering clause was inadvertently commented,
  • The language chooser should only show public languages,
  • The language chooser shouldn't render an empty
      on sites with 1 language.

    1.13.0 - 2019-11-15


    • Add an Ajax toolbar menu item to regenerate the search index,
    • Add a React-powered component to handle login/signup and user status in the base template.


    • Remove the "Exo 2" font from Richie. Use system sans-serif instead.
    • Rename the fun-react class used to Django-React interop to richie-react.
    • Improve documentation on Django-React interop.


    • Fix undefined behavior on hits on the categories API from unrelated requests, return 404 errors instead.
    • Improve React spinner component accessibility.
    • Repair broken link titles for the language picker menu.

    1.12.1 - 2019-10-29


    • Create a documentation & marketing website for the project. It lives under the docs folder and is deployed to Github Pages.


    • Fix an API request issue that was breaking the <RootSearchSuggestField /> component.

    1.12.0 - 2019-10-23


    • Add a variant option for course glimpses.
    • Richie dependents can now run their own frontend build and override components through command line arguments and a dedicated settings file.


    • Rename {% block title %} to {% block head_title %} to avoid collision with H1 title,
    • Wrap each section of the course detail template in a block to allow partial overrides,
    • Rename course-detail__aside__run selector to course-detail__aside__runs in course_detail.html template to better reflect its content.


    • HTML validation warnings and errors,
    • In the sandbox, make API calls work behind an htaccess by removing Basic Auth fallback,
    • Adding person/organization plugins to a new blank course,
    • Remove multiple "h1" tags on homepage, section template will always have a default level title of 2.

    1.11.0 - 2019-10-11


    • Make stylesheet links overridable in the base template

    1.10.0 - 2019-10-08


    • Add plugin to embed organizations by their category on any page,
    • Display related organizations on category detail page,
    • Add a variant option for organization glimpse,
    • Allow tagging organizations with categories,
    • Allow second level children in footer menu.


    • When displaying objects related to a category, include objects related to the categories' descendants,
    • When displaying related objects on a category, respect page tree ordering,
    • The filters pane in course search is now a sliding drawer on mobile,
    • Use SVG icons instead of an icon font.


    • Fix add plugin to team and organization on fragment_course_content template when they are empty.


    • Anti-pattern in factories to create related objects from the targeted page.

    1.9.2 - 2019-09-20


    • Logo image location wrongly targetted in base.html new SEO tags.

    1.9.1 - 2019-09-20


    • Add an file to document upgrade instructions.


    • Update and include the latest version of translations.

    1.9.0 - 2019-09-18


    • Add a React-powered course search field that can live anywhere in Richie.
    • Add breadcrumbs element on all pages but the listing ones.
    • Add a new page type for programs as a collection of courses.
    • New dependency "dj-pagination" to enable pagination on blogpost list and person list.
    • Add basic SEO tags with some more relevant ones in page details.


    • Refactor course search field to make it reusable.
    • Upgrade crowdin image used in circle-ci to version 2.0.31 including tar command.


    • Translate login/signup on header.

    1.8.3 - 2019-09-03


    • Allow overriding Richie's default settings in inheriting configurations

    1.8.2 - 2019-08-29


    • Include up-to-date translation files including binaries (.mo).

    1.8.1 - 2019-08-29


    • Fix "More options" modal for searchable filter values not based on MPTT paths (eg. "Person" in the sandbox environment).
    • Improve pagination UX by increasing contrast between the active page number and others, and making button clickable areas larger.
    • Stop making failed API requests and instead show a helpful error message in the "More options" modal for filter values when the user inputs their first 1 or 2 characters.
    • Improve pagination strings for localization.


    • Update the mixin-deep and set-value packages to safe versions.

    1.8.0 - 2019-08-28


    • Show a "More options" button along with a modal to find more filter values for each filter in the search filters pane in course search, only when there are more values to be found.


    • Fix missing author name on blogpost detail pages because of an error in the person plugin template.
    • Fix search API endpoints for categories, organizations & persons.

    1.7.3 - 2019-08-27


    • Fix logo url in footer.

    1.7.2 - 2019-08-26


    • Change location of core static files so fonts can be found.

    1.7.1 - 2019-08-23


    • Add woff2 in so new font is included in Python package.

    1.7.0 - 2019-08-21


    • Paginate the course search results view.
    • Add a CSS helper class make content available only for users of assistive technologies.


    • Display category icons on the course detail view but not on the glimpse.
    • Autosuggestion endpoints are diacritics insensitive.

    1.6.1 - 2019-08-03


    • Move the page title in Search so it can be placed correctly in the page structure.


    • Use the "Exo 2" font throughout Richie.

    1.6.0 - 2019-07-25


    • Configure roles and permissions in the demo site.


    • Factorize the code creating roles & permissions for organizations & courses,
    • Display an icon on the course glimpse (the first among the course's icons),
    • Add icons to the course detail page via a constrained placeholder,
    • Add an icon to the category detail page via a constrained placeholder,
    • Add icon image to the category search index,
    • Add icon image to the course search index.


    • Fix get_placeholder_plugins template tag when the placeholder is missing,
    • Stop limiting course getters to specific placeholder names on all objects.

    1.5.2 - 2019-07-15


    • Improve english date on course page,
    • Improve course glimpse text formatting.


    • Remove asserts and prepare codebase for activation of bandit linter.

    1.5.1 - 2019-07-11


    • Fixed typos in header-related SCSS variable names,
    • Fix non-conformities in blogpost, category, organization & person glimpses,
    • Fix lodash, lodash-es, handlebars vulnerabilities by upgrading versions.

    1.5.0 - 2019-07-03


    • Add a section "What you will learn" to the course page.


    • Fix language confusion when getting objects that are related to a course via a plugin (organizations, categories and persons),
    • Use empty image alt text & no link title text for course glimpses to comply with accessibility standards (existing alts & titles were redundant).
    • Fix an issue that caused inconsistent UI and broken search results when selecting a suggestion in course search.

    1.4.1 - 2019-06-26


    • Improve the layout for the person details page.


    • Improve label text for the child filter toggle in Search.

    1.4.0 - 2019-06-26


    • Add a catchphrase on top of the course detail view.
    • Allow configuring max length and CKeditor on specific placeholders for text plugins, and propose default configurations using this new feature.


    • Improve handling of organization-related images to prevent unwanted cropping of organization logos.
    • Change the person bio to a plain text plugin.

    1.3.0 - 2019-06-20


    • Add course effort and duration values to demo site.


    • Replace first name, last name and person title by page title.


    • Add missing translation when displaying effort and duration on the course.

    1.2.0 - 2019-06-19


    • Add field on course to record effort (e.g 5 hours/day) and duration (e.g 4 weeks),
    • Add a new plugin to easily create HTML sitemaps.


    • Fix thumbnail definition for the image glimpse used on the search page.

    1.1.0 - 2019-06-05


    • Allow only formatted texts or images in course complementary information,
    • Simplify why permissions are required to create Richie extension pages,
    • Show course creation wizard only on organization pages.


    • Fix giving permissions on a course filer folder to its organization admins.

    1.0.1 - 2019-06-05


    • Fix page permissions that ended-up being considered as view restrictions making all organization and course pages private,

    1.0.0 - 2019-05-29 🎉


    • Add sensible defaults for third party settings that Richie requires,
    • Add a home page to the site structure to avoid a 404 error on startup.


    • Make sure the recursive_page_creation helper respects an existing home page and plays well with multiple sites,
    • Configure Django settings to pass all heartbeat checks,
    • Make filter autosuggestions dynamic based on backend settings. Also runs separate autocompletion requests for each meta category and shows them under their separate titles.


    • Fix blockplugin templatetag breaking all pages using it when in edit mode,
    • Fix error when one of the site's languages was not found in ALL_LANGUAGES.
    • The richie_init job is now idempotent and can thus be run multiple times.

    1.0.0-beta.9 - 2019-05-22


    • Replace DjangoCMS picture plugin by our simple picture plugin: only one field to upload the image, all attributes that control how the image is resized, cropped and displayed are now in the code,
    • In the sandbox project, configure Django Filer to serve private files,
    • Create a user group for each course and give it the permission to manage pages below the course (snapshots and course runs),
    • Create a folder in Django Filer for each organization and for each course,
    • When a new course is created for an organization, automatically associate permissions to organization admins (as defined in settings or with sensible defaults),
    • Configure permission checks on page creations via the CMS wizard,
    • Automatically create a page role and associate admin permissions when a new organization page is created (as defined in settings or with sensible defaults),
    • Add page roles to link a user group to a CMS page, searchable via the admin,
    • Add page roles to link a user group to a CMS page,
    • Add a persons index and viewset to enable text queries and autocomplete requests on person names from the API.
    • Index person names on courses to allow users to find courses when they type a related person's name in full text search.
    • Add a persons filter to the course Search view and suggest persons in autocomplete search field.
    • Add a management command to create the required site structure,
    • Allow to dynamically set webpack publicPath. This is useful if a CDN is used to load statics. Define the settings CDN_DOMAIN and it will be used as base domain to fetch js chunks.


    • Restrict course content to plain text in standard sections,
    • Change the order of placeholders on the course page following feedback from our support team,
    • Simplify the Docker development stack to have a single Dockerfile and docker compose configuration for testing either with MySQL or PostgreSQL database backend
    • Standardize the project's Makefile to make it more easily maintainable by our peers
    • Database ports are no longer exposed in the development environment


    • Alpine images are no longer maintained and have been removed from the project


    • Fix production image by removing dependency to factory in production code,
    • Fail and return a meaningful error when an invalid slug is submitted in page creation wizards,
    • Fix person placeholders mistakenly showing on the organization page,
    • Fix serializer that was failing for a course indexed with no organization,
    • The language filter, which is not a drilldown filter, no longer behaves like one. Ditto for any future similar filters,
    • All children are now shown when a parent filter value is "opened", instead of just the top 5 by facet count.

    1.0.0-beta.8 - 2019-04-24


    • Link persons to a random set of organizations in the demo site,
    • Add organizations to a person via plugins on the person detail page,
    • Show related persons on the organization detail page,
    • On a person detail page, show courses to which s.he participated and blogposts s.he authored,
    • Show results count in the course search results list.


    • Search as the user types in the course search field. This replaces autosuggest in course names with a full index search,
    • Prevent search filters from jumping around by displaying facets with zero results as disabled and always reserving the space for the "Clear filters" button,
    • Improve demo dataset by assigning each person to an organization,
    • Use checkboxes to enable/disable filters in search page,
    • Improve autosuggest tests to increase reliability.


    • Use proper HTML elements for accessibility of search filter groups.

    1.0.0-beta.7 - 2019-04-17


    • Update French and Canadian French .po files with the latest translations.


    • Fix broken hub job in CI publishing the Docker image,
    • Fix a display glitch with parent filters when active.

    1.0.0-beta.6 - 2019-04-17


    • Allow tagging persons with categories,
    • A "Clear x active filters" button in the search filters pane lets the user remove all active filters with one click
    • Add template and styling for persons list page,
    • Add template and styling for categories list page,
    • Add sub categories in category detail page.
    • Show CTAs to Enroll on course glimpses in Search.
    • Make the RICHIE_ES_HOST configurable in the sandbox


    • Harmonize how cards look on the site (grey border and white background),
    • Move all the code related to the demo site to its own application,
    • Activating a filter that is a parent or child of a current active filter removes this active relative. This makes the experience of adding those relative filters more intuitive,
    • Simplify Richie settings and provide defaults for those unlikely to be customized (search, languages, plugins, general),
    • Change layout global background to darker grey,
    • Improve 'categories' page layout,
    • Every organization in a list is now displayed with an organization glimpse.


    • Fix links between objects managed via plugins (e.g. categories on a course) that allowed draft links to display objects on public pages.
    • Show the highlighted organization on course glimpses in Search.
    • Show a placeholder image on course glimpses in Search when the cover for the course is missing.

    1.0.0-beta.5 - 2019-04-11


    • Enable parent/children filters in the filters pane in Search,
    • Add a template filter to check if a placeholder is empty,
    • Add a new "Assessment" section in the course page.


    • Hide empty placeholders from the course public page,
    • Simplify the page creation wizard by reducing possibilities and automating object relations based on the navigation context:
      • ensure we are not creating duplicate slugs when creating a page,
      • reduce number of fields on form to create a new course run (remove languages and resource_link) and add a checkbox to easily snapshot the course when creating the course run,
      • automatically link courses with an organization when created from this organization's page,
      • create nested categories automatically when visiting the parent category page,
      • show button to create course runs only when visiting a course page and automatically link the course run to the current course,
      • hide button to create normal pages/subpages from wizard in sections governed by Richie.
    • Translations are loaded dynamically in frontend application,
    • Optimized frontend build in our official Docker image.
    • Debounce search requests


    • Remove possibility to edit course title from the course run page as it breaks publishing.
    • Fix an issue that crashed the app when a category was selected in search autocomplete.
    • Committed CSS files are now included in the Docker image
    • The python package now includes statics build in production mode

    1.0.0-beta.4 - 2019-04-08


    • Add i18n tooling to export strings to Crowdin, retrieve and compile translations, for the frontend and the backend. All translations are committed inside the project,
    • Add links to switch language from the menu,
    • Add social network badges in the footer, on course pages and on blog posts,
    • Make categories configurable via the CMS, multi-dimensional and nested,
    • Add blog post pages in a section called News,
    • Update Elasticsearch indexes each time a page is modified and published,
    • Improve fulltext search to match partial words,
    • Add end-to-end tests for the search functionality to secure behavior.


    • Make site look generic and deploy it to,
    • Build frontend in production mode,
    • Upgrade to Python 3.7,
    • Switch to indexing courses instead of course runs,
    • Allow course run dates to be null. If a start date is null, the course run is to be programmed, if an end date is null, the course run (or its enrollment) is deemed to last forever,
    • Use our own Elasticsearch image to allow running it with a non-root user,
    • Move persons to the courses app,
    • Rename database tables to richie_* to regain control of their name,
    • Improve structure and packaging to allow using Richie as a third party application in another DjangoCMS project,
    • Many cosmetic and UI fixes and improvements following first user feedbacks.

    1.0.0-beta.3 - 2019-03-15


    • Improved Docker image: now it does not ship with the project sources but only with runtime-required requirements (i.e. the sandbox and richie's package installed globally).


    • Richie templates now live in core instead of sandbox.
    • Reorganize the search frontend to support nested filters.
    • The CI now effectively tests packaging issues.
    • The apps.core.fields module is no longer missing from Richie's package.
    • Fixed the bin/pylint script to work with the default database engine (PostgreSQL)
    • Fixed rebuild & bootstrap Makefile rules

    1.0.0-beta.2 - 2019-03-13


    • Users can create a custom taxonomy of categories in the CMS (eg. Subjects with Computer Science (incl. Algorithms & Data Structures), History, etc., and Levels with Beginner, Intermediate, etc.).
    • Filters are dynamically generated by the backend to support custom meta categories (level 1 nodes in the category taxonomy) and fix structual issues with dates.
    • Integrate the homepage and fill it with content in the demo-site.
    • Integrate a design for the list of organizations page.


    • Richie is compatible with MySQL, with database switching utilities and dedicated tests.
    • Full-text searches also search in linked object names, such as categories & organizations.
    • Make improvements to the demo site to make it more representative of real-world use.
    • Don't break course pages if there is no linked organization.
    • Fix i18n issues that broke the backend when using other languages than the default english.
    • Prevent display glitches during loading of the courses search page.

    1.0.0-beta.1 - 2019-02-06


    • Publish a master tagged docker image to DockerHub. It is supposed to reflect the master branch state.


    • The simple_text_ckeditor plugin was not discovered as a python module and thus not distributed with Richie's python package.
    • The organization logo maximal size is now restrained to its container size.
    • We no longer publish development images to DockerHub as they appear useless.

    1.0.0-beta.0 - 2019-02-04

    This release indicates our intention to release richie 1.0. It also marks the beginning of this changelog.

    Here are the core features that enabled us to reach this milestone:

    • index the courses, organizations & subjects (now categories) in ElasticSearch from the DjangoCMS models;
    • create course snapshots to keep a history of the versions of a course Page throughout its various course runs;
    • add full text search queries to the course Search;
    • handle facet counts for all our filters in course Search;
    • develop plugins for all essential parts: courses, organizations, categories, people, licences...

    As we prepare to release, here are some improvements and fixes still ahead of us:

    • allow nesting of categories, to let users customize "meta" categories and build their own subtrees;
    • finish integrating the missing pages and improve the sandbox environment;
    • test and polish the use of richie as a django app / node dependency.