FCSAPI provides real time FX prices with socket and PHP connection, FCS use socket.io on the server-side and workerman framework for PHP client. These code files help you to get live feeds from servers. Prices update frequency are <1 second to 5 seconds or depends on the currency. Get live prices from fcsapi.com
On example page, click on "start button" to start socket connection. Working Example Here
- start.php stablish a connection between your and FCS server.
- receiver.php contain methods that received live prices and log messages.
- Install composer if not installed in your machine: https://getcomposer.org/
- Create your work directory.
- Install require workerman dependency in your directory
composer require workerman/phpsocket.io
- To Start connection between FCS server and your machine run command
php start.php start
use Workerman\Worker;
use Workerman\Connection\AsyncTcpConnection;
use Workerman\Timer;
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
global $api_key,$currencyList;
$api_key = 'API_KEY'; // Enter your API KEY here,
$currencyList = '1,1984,80,81,7774,7778'; // currency ids
$worker = new Worker();
$worker->onWorkerStart = function() use ($api_key)
$ws_connection = new AsyncTcpConnection("ws://fcsapi.com/v3/?EIO=3&transport=websocket");
$ws_connection->onConnect = function($connection) use ($api_key){
// Connect API KEY to verify subscription
$con->send('42["heartbeat","'.$api_key.'"]'); //send api_key
// connect your required Forex IDs with server
global $currencyList;
$con->send('42["real_time_join","'.$currencyList.'"]'); //currency list
// received all response from socket, then direct to it right function.
$ws_connection->onMessage = function($connection, $data){
// Response from server received here
// Start Connection
You can get your API Access Key here : https://fcsapi.com/dashboard
6 currency data is free even without signup. FCS Support 400 FX currency live feeds and 200 Crypto currency. List of Available currency ids : https://fcsapi.com/assets/socket/socket_support_list.xlsx
Recommend you to download files and use it, It contain full code also if server discounnet for any reason, it will reconnect you with Backup server.
FCS Socket documentation : fcsapi.com/document/socket-api
Wokerman Framework : WorkerMan Github
Contact us through email support@fcsapi.com or live chat at https://fcsapi.com