Open Twitch streams as a floating, always on top, bezel less window screen.
- Clone to repository
git clone
- Open Chrome and navigate to
- In the top right corner enable "Developer mode"
- In the top left corner click "Load unpacked"
- Navigate to the Floating Twitch repository in your local filesystem
- Choose the "App" folder in the repository and click "OK"
- In Chrome navigate to
- Click the Floating Twitch icon
- Enter the name of the Twitch channel that you would like to watch and click "Go!"
Command | Key Binding |
Increase window size | '+' or '=' |
Decrease window size | '-' |
Move window | arrow keys |
Close window | 'x' |
All bugs can be found here. If you find a bug or think a new feature would be cool please feel free to open a new issue.