You need to recreate the dproj file because it is in gitignore.
Do this for RG38 and other projects as needed.
Just open the project via the .dpr file.
Then you should restore the default output directories in the project options:
The output dir defaults are lost when the dproj is recreated, see RSP-18892.
- Create a new FMX project in the default new project area.
- Save the project as RG38.
- Copy the new dproj file to your RG38 working directory.
- Open the project in the IDE and run in the debugger with F9.
It may be necessary to use Shift-F9 to build successfully.
This is best done manually in the project options dialog.
But I have tried to automate it with a PowerShell script:
param ([string]$ProjectName = $(throw "ProjectName parameter is required."))
$dproj = $ProjectName + ".dproj"
$DprojPath = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot $dproj
$condi = "'$" + "(Base)'!=''"
$ns = @{x = ''}
$propGroupPath = @"
$exeOutputPath = @"
$dcuOutputPath = @"
$defaultValue = ".\$" + "(Platform)" + "\$" + "(Config)"
$xml = New-Object -TypeName XML
$propGroup = Select-XML -Xml $xml -XPath $propGroupPath -Namespace $ns
if ($propGroup) {
$needSave = $false;
$exeOutput = Select-XML -Xml $xml -XPath $exeOutputPath -Namespace $ns
if ($exeOutput) {
Write-Host 'DCC_ExeOutput exists.' -ForegroundColor Green
else {
Write-Host 'DCC_ExeOutput node not found.' -ForegroundColor Yellow
$newNode = $xml.CreateElement('DCC_ExeOutput', $propGroup.Node.NamespaceURI)
$newNode.InnerText = $defaultValue
$needSave = $true;
$dcuOutput = Select-XML -Xml $xml -XPath $dcuOutputPath -Namespace $ns
if ($dcuOutput) {
Write-Host 'DCC_DcuOutput exists.' -ForegroundColor Green
else {
Write-Host 'DCC_DcuOutput node not found.' -ForegroundColor Yellow
$newNode = $xml.CreateElement('DCC_DcuOutput', $propGroup.Node.NamespaceURI)
$newNode.InnerText = $defaultValue
$needSave = $true;
if ($needSave) {
Write-Host 'Saving xml.' -ForegroundColor Cyan
You could save the above PowerShell script as Edit-Dproj.ps1, open a PowerShell command prompt and run it with the project name as parameter.
PS D:\DelphiProjects\RG\RG38> .\Edit-Dproj.ps1 RG38
DCC_ExeOutput exists.
DCC_DcuOutput exists.
PS D:\DelphiProjects\RG\RG38>
This is an exercise. I don't know the best way but I have tried something. Note that bat and ps1 script files are in gitignore. Here I will document my attempt with the following snippets.
@Echo off
powershell .\Remove-BeforeBuild.ps1
powershell .\DoReleaseBuild.ps1 -ProjectName RG10
powershell .\DoReleaseBuild.ps1 -ProjectName RG69
powershell .\DoReleaseBuild.ps1 -ProjectName RG76
powershell .\DoReleaseBuild.ps1 -ProjectName RG38
Comment out what you do not need.
param (
[string]$ProjectName = $(throw "ProjectName parameter is required.")
$delphiBinDir = "c:\program files (x86)\embarcadero\studio\18.0\bin"
$delphiExePath = $delphiBinDir + "\bds.exe"
Write-Host "Release build for" $ProjectName -ForegroundColor Magenta
powershell -File .\Test-Dproj.ps1 -ProjectName $ProjectName -DelphiPath $delphiExePath
powershell -File .\Edit-Dproj.ps1 -ProjectName $ProjectName
$dproj = $ProjectName + ".dproj"
.\internal-build.bat $dproj "$delphiBinDir"
powershell .\Stop-Delphi.ps1
powershell .\Remove-AfterBuild.ps1
:: param 1 = ProjectName, without extension
:: param 2 = BinPath to Delphi, without TrailingPathDelimiter
@Echo off
Set pn=%~1
Set bp=%~2
call "%bp%\rsvars.bat"
msbuild %pn% /target:build /verbosity:m /p:DCC_BuildAllUnits=true /p:"Config=Release" /p:"Platform=Win32" /nologo
Batch files can have UTF8 encoding, but without BOM!
# remove entire sub-directories
Remove-Item -Recurse -Force $PSScriptRoot\Win32\Release -ErrorAction Ignore
Get-Childitem . -Include __history -Recurse -Force | Remove-Item -Recurse -Force
Get-Childitem . -Include __recovery -Recurse -Force | Remove-Item -Recurse -Force
# delete all dcu files
Get-ChildItem * -Include *.dcu -Recurse | Remove-Item
param (
[string]$ProjectName = $(throw "ProjectName parameter is required."),
[string]$DelphiPath = $(throw "DelphiPath parameter is required.")
$dproj = $ProjectName + ".dproj"
$dpr = $ProjectName + ".dpr"
Write-Host $ProjectName -ForegroundColor Cyan
Write-Host $DelphiPath -ForegroundColor Cyan
Write-Host $dproj -ForegroundColor Yellow
Write-Host $dpr -ForegroundColor Yellow
if (!(Test-Path $dproj)) {
Write-Host "Dproj does not exist."
if (Test-Path $dpr) {
Write-Host "Dpr exists."
$temp = Get-ChildItem -File $dpr
# count of files found is expected to be one
$c = ($temp | Measure-Object).Count
if ($c -eq 1) {
Write-Host "Dpr file is unique."
$fn = $temp.FullName
Write-Host "fn =" $fn
Write-Host "DelphiPath =" $DelphiPath
Write-Host "starting up Delphi IDE..."
Start-Process -FilePath $DelphiPath -ArgumentList $fn
Write-Host "waiting for dproj file to be written to disk..."
while (!(Test-Path $dproj)) { Start-Sleep 10 }
else {
Write-Host "Dpr does not exist."
If the dproj is missing this script will try to start up the Delphi IDE with the dpr as parameter so that a new dproj is created.
$DelphiProcessName = 'bds';
$proc = Get-Process $DelphiProcessName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ($proc) {
$procId = $proc | Select-Object -expand id
Write-Host "Process ID of Delphi IDE is " $procId
if ($procid -gt 0) {
$DelphiIDE = Get-Process -Id $procId
if ($DelphiIDE) {
Write-Host "Trying to close the IDE..."
[void] $DelphiIDE.CloseMainWindow()
if (!$DelphiIDE.HasExited) {
Write-Host "Waiting for exit of Delphi IDE..."
Write-Host "Waiting has finished."
Write-Host "Script has finished".
In case the Delphi IDE has been started it should be stopped (closed).