This repository contains the implementation of algorithm [1] that computes the document-array (DA) for a string collection in linear time using constant additional space.
Our algorithm receives the suffix array (SA) of the concatenated string [2] and reuses its space to store the LF-array. Then SA is reconstructed during the computation of DA.
An ANSI C Compiler (e.g. GNU GCC)
/** @brief computes the document array of string s[0, n-1] given its SA
* @param T input concatenated string, using separators s[i]=1 and with s[n-1]=0
* @param SA Suffix array
* @param DA Document array
* @param n string length
* @param d number of documents
* @return -1 if an error occured, otherwise returns 0
int document_array_9n(unsigned char* T, int_t* SA, int_da* DA, uint_t n, uint_t d);
Available options:
-d D use the first D documents of the INPUT
-v verbose output
-o output computed arrays to disk (INPUT.da and
-c check output (for debug)
-p P print the output arrays LA[1,P] and SA[1,P] (for debug)
-h this help message
- Supported extensions are .txt, .fasta and .fastq.
Run a test:
/main dataset/input.txt -p 10 -c
d = 3
N = 32 bytes
sizeof(int) = 4 bytes
CLOCK = 0.000059 TIME = 0.000000
SA: isSorted!!
DA: isDA!!
i) DA SA suffixes
0) 3 31 #
1) 0 6 $abacabad$...
2) 1 15 $banaanana...
3) 2 30 $#
4) 0 5 a$abacabad...
5) 2 29 a$#
6) 2 24 aanana$#
7) 2 19 aananaanan...
8) 1 7 abacabad$b...
9) 1 11 abad$banaa...
malloc_count ### exiting, total: 25,032, peak: 21,512, current: 1,024
[1] Louza, F. A., A Simple Algorithm for Computing the Document Array. CoRR abs/1812.09094 (2018)
[2] Louza, F. A., Gog, S., Telles, G. P., Inducing enhanced suffix arrays for string collections. Theor. Comput. Sci., vol. 678, pp. 22-39, 2017, Elsevier.
Thanks to Giovanni Manzini, Travis Gagie and Nicola Prezza for helpful discussions