A simple OS programmed in x86 Assembly real mode (16-bit) inspired by MikeOS.
- Netwide Assembler (NASM)
- ImDisk tools
- QEMU, Bochs or similar for emulation
- A 1.44MB floppy disk or USB key for real hardware
- A bootloader that can search for a kernel file on the root directory, load and execute it.
- A basic kernel with a command line (shell), some builtin commands and a "graphical" menu.
- Can execute external binary programs.
- Code is a complete rewrite and tries to keep compatibility with MikeOS system calls/interface.
- Runs most original binary programs for MikeOS. \o/
(Probably)Lots of bugs!
- Some random notes taken when studying the source for MikeOS.
Install requirements and execute:
Note: Edit executable paths if needed.
For use on real PC hardware, a floppy image can be written to a physical 1.44 MB floppy disk or directly to an USB drive (some BIOSes can emulate a floppy disk on boot).