This is the react-img template that is part of Astro Templates.
Same as the react template, but with support for image processing.
- 🚀 Latest version of Astro
- ✅ ESLint and Prettier ready
- 🌐 Tunnels ready
- ⚡ Performance focus
- 🛡️ Security focus
- ⚙️ SEO focus
- 🖼️ Image processing
- ✨ SVG icons support
- 🪄 Cross-document view transitions (Reference)
- 💅 Tailwind support
- ⚛ Integration with React
Astro allows the use of official or customized starter templates. To use this template follow this command in the terminal:
With NPM:
npm create astro@latest -- --template felixicaza/astro-templates/react-img
With PNPM:
pnpm create astro@latest --template felixicaza/astro-templates/react-img
- base: Template with basic integrations, extra configurations for Astro, SEO schema powered by astro-seo-schema, SVG icons support powered by astro-iconify and Tunnels to improve development enviroment powered by astro-tunnel.
- base-img: Same as base template but with astro-imagetools integration for image processing.
- blog: Same as base template but with blog configured powered by Keystatic.
- i18n: Same as base template but with @astrolicious/i18n integration for internationalization support (i18n).
- i18n-img: Same as i18n template but with astro-imagetools integration for image processing.
- pwa: Same as base template but with the necessary configurations for Progressive Web Apps (PWA) support powered by @vite-pwa/astro.
- pwa-img: Same as pwa but with astro-imagetools integration for image processing.
- react: Template with the necessary configurations for island support with React.
- react-pwa: Support for islands with React and Progressive Web Apps (PWA).
- react-pwa-img: Same as the react-pwa template, but with support for image processing.
Made with ❤️ by Felix Icaza.